
From A House to a Home

I made my way to my father's room; my footsteps were muffled by the grey carpeting beneath me. The large brown door to his room was slightly open, and as I got closer, I could hear his snores. I slowly pushed the door open, just enough so I could slip into the darkened room. A single candle beside his bed illuminated my surroundings. I clutched the gun in my trembling hands, and I saw my father right where I'd expected. My eyes narrowed as I went deeper into the room, my feet came to a sudden halt as I saw him move in his sleep. His back was now faced towards me, it was my chance. I had a perfect shot. I held the gun up to his back, and my finger wrapped around the trigger. My father's eyes flickered open, and the gunshot off soon after.His body was laid out on the floor in a pool of his own blood. He moaned in pain, and his eyes rolled back. I let out a sharp breath and made my way to the front steps and took out my phone. It ringed a few times until someone answered

"I did it, I killed him," I said.

"I'm on my way" with that, I hung up.A few moments later, a black range rover pulled up, and a man stepped out."Well, a promise is a promise" he tilted his head towards the car, motioning for me to get in. "We'll come back for your stuff later." I made my way to the passenger side and buckled myself in. He made his way in the car and drove us off. "How you holding up, kid," I was silent, but he continued, "You got the gun?" I dug into my pocket and unveiled the gun and rested it on the dashboard. "Kid..." I looked in his direction "I promise you it's gonna be okay, trust me" I nodded in belief.I turned on the radio after a little while of driving. The news was on."Police are now investigating an area where gunfire was reported if you know anything in regards to this you are asked to contact authorities immediately." I turned the radio off."We're here kid" We were at a place much more homely than my old home. It was a large suburban house, it was in what seemed to be a nice neighborhood. I stared in awe. "Glad you seem to like it, cause this is where you'll be staying moving forward.