
Betraying The Mate Bond

Having a crush on your single best friend was one thing, but what if he already had a mate? Stella Anderson had always loved her best friend for as long as she could remember. He was a playboy who had girls flocking around him every second but still, she was content with loving him from afar. There was hope. But then he suddenly found his mate on the day she planned to confess. Her world shattered to pieces. Watching them make out in front of her was like a stab wound in the heart and every single day she walked around in school hearing of the new hottest couple was like a new death. But what if...just what if..all hope was not lost? A new opportunity showed itself again when the mate of her best friend suddenly disappeared... *** Jason Kennedy was in shambles when his mate disappeared after three months of discovering they were mates. He had no one to turn to but his best friend who was always there to comfort him. During one of the many nights she stayed with him and consoled him, she got ahead of her desires and placed a kiss on his lips. What was a simple kiss progressed into an intense make out session, and things only got more heated from there. Stolen kisses, quick make out sessions in the restroom, midnight rendezvous on the rooftop–Just friends, they like to term it. Whilst Jason felt guilty, he couldn't let go the thing he had with Stella and Stella on the other hand was not complaining. It was an opportunity she felt she had to seize. ‘’1 也就 But what happens when the runaway mate returns? Who will Jason pick? Love or his mate?

Iamjustjuliet · ファンタジー
6 Chs

Stella VS Kelly 2/2

For the first time ever, Stella saw another good reason for being the only girl to wear trousers as a uniform other than hiding her scars.

She didn't want to imagine what would have happened if it was a skirt that she wore and Kelly slipped ice right under her feet. She would have slipped and fell, her lower body will be completely exposed, her scars will be revealed— that's what would have happened.

Stella did a quick flip when Kelly made an ice erupt in front of her.

"Kelly has been sending attacks and Stella hasn't even see dropped one." Said Harold worriedly as he fidgeted with his hand.

"Don't worry, when she drops an attack, that will be the end of the game" Ezekiel assured but he was already sweating profusely. This was a friendly match but it seemed like the the FourShires annual gift competition. Maybe it was the infamous rivalry between the two competitors.

"Ah" Stella yelped when an ice like blade cut through her left thigh.

"She's bleeding!" A student shouted from the background and everyone immediately noticed the red stain that formed on her ash trousers.

The host immediately went to the podium to address the issue.

"The rule of the game insists that once any of the contestants faces a casualty, the game will be cancelled. Unfortunately, miss Stella from NorthShire has encountered an injury so the competition is hereby—"

"I want to continue!" Stella yelled so everyone could hear her, her gaze never leaving Kelly.

"Me as well." Kelly yelled. Both girls were involved in a staring battle, neither willing to back down.

Stella propped herself straight and walked to where close enough to see the veins in her eyes. "I've been too lenient" She smirked.

"I never asked you to." Kelly retorted st21111111epping closer to Kelly. She looked down on Stella since she was a head taller than her.but that did not deter Stella's morale.

"Are they going to kiss?" Harold whispered and Tiffany spanked his arm. "Do you think everyone is gay like you are?"

"I've told you Tiff, I'm not—"

"Shhh, the match is starting." Jack said and Tiffany gave him a quick peck on the lips. Harold could only glare.

"Since both parties decided to carry on, the match continues." The host announced.

Stella went back to her position and was filled with a while new kind of vigor. Actually, the game was boring to her, why not spice it up a bit.


"Oh my God, did you see that!" Ezekiel said excitedly.

"The icicles caged her leg perfectly, she was struggling to move" Harold followed.

"The way she fell in her butt made me almost laugh my lungs out. I'm so sure this would be her most embarrassing memory!" Jack said and everyone one laughed remembering the memory.

The six friends were at their secret hideout — the underground basement in the library, while celebrating Stella's victory away from the school's after party.

"Say Stella, what caused the rivalry between you too?" Tiffany asked Stella who was happily munching on a pack of chips. Victory was indeed sweet.

"You won't believe it if I tell you." Stella smiled sheepishly. She didn't know what was making her happy. The joy of winning or the way Kelly walked out of the hall with a limp because her butt hurt like hell.

"Just say it." Tiffany cajoled.

"I'm suddenly curious now, what happened?" Ezekiel brought his chair forward so he could engage more.

"Well....it was because her crush confessed to me." Stella chewed on her chips slowly as she waited for their reaction. Nothing, every where went placid. "I'm not lying!" She defended her self when she saw the dubious looks on their faces.

"Ok, I believe you." Jack said halfheartedly but Stella want buying that.

"I'm dead serious!"

"We believe you!" They said in unison.

"Not you too Jason" Stella said in disbelief.

"Why can't I?" Jason asked and Stella sat back in her seat.

"So tell me, did you like him too?" Tiffany said while trying to hide her snicker.

"Well...a little." Stella said with a little blush. She knew they didn't believe but she would answer as truthfully as possible.

"A-Are you blushing?" Ezekiel stuttered I'm disbelief. Jason stared hard at her waiting for her reply. It bothered him to think she was blushing at the memory of another guy. But why should it?.

"Why would I blush?" Stella said immediately while pressing both cheeks, "I'm just tired that's all."

"That's should be it, guys never blush." Ezekiel said and Stella threw the closest thing next to her at him when she understood the underlying meaning of his words.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry" Ezekiel surrendered with a loud guffaw. If there is anything he finds pleasure in doing, it's teasing Stella about her boyish dressing and behavior.

"I hate you" Stella gritted out.

"I love you, muah." Ezekiel joked as he blew her a flying kiss.

"Ewww" Stella grimaced.

"You know what I think, Ezekiel likes you." Harold said out of the blue.

"W-what do you mean? I don't remember being gay."

"You—" Stella chased Ezekiel round the room until he fell on the floor. She got on top of him and began playfully punching while cussing. Everyone was laughing when they saw it but one person hated the scene.

Jason stood up angrily and sauntered to where Stella and Ezekiel were.

"What's wrong?" Stella asked but got no reply. Instead, she found herself being dragged out of the basement to the rooftop.

"What the fucking hell is wrong with you, Why do you keep dragging me like some sort of toy?" Stella was really pissed. These days he just treats her almost like a sex doll who will be available for him anytime anywhere. Not like they've gone really far to the point of copulating, but still.

"It's not like that?" Jason said as he fisted on his hair.

"Then what is it?"

"Nothing." Jason said softly once he calmed down. He didn't know why he was getting so obsessive this days.

"Suit yourself" Stella shook her head disappointedly and was about to walk out when Jason spoke.

"Someone saw Katrina."