
Betrayed, I Met The Demon Lord

After my friend and I got Isekai'd while playing an MMORPG, he snagged all the OP skills and the Goddess's favor while I was left with nothing impressive. Then, he added my girlfriend to his harem behind my back. I saw it coming, so I did the next logical thing: I went to propose to the Demon Lord.

Hazy_0832 · ファンタジー
66 Chs

29 - Surrounded

Van sat in Max's grave, his back against the statue of the goddess. Curled up into a ball, he clutched his hair tightly. Memories surged through his mind: times with Max in their old world and this one, intertwined with the haunting recollection of Amoria gradually drifting away from him, culminating in her confession of love for Max.

Memories of joyful times in the demon realm, abruptly shattered when he saw Alicia in another's embrace.

Memories of countless deaths and tortures he endured before embarking on the journey with Max.

Memories of solitary nights spent alone, while around him others found comfort in each other's company.

Memories of the haunting descriptions of his passives, Dark Soul and Untrusted, echoed in his mind, fueling anxiety in his now fragile psyche—the dread of spending hundreds of thousands of years in solitude, with no one by his side and no one truly desiring his company like his party desired Max's.

And now, memories of the two familiar faces who had showered him with affection, only for it all to be revealed as a manipulation orchestrated by Salem Dyke.

His body shivered, the grip on his hair tightened, pulling his face deeper into his knees as he recalled Max's plea for occasional visits. That chance for camaraderie, missed by a mere two years, lost to his own insecurities and fears.

He pressed his head harder and harder, tightening every muscle in his body and face, as if trying to shield himself from the relentless barrage of painful memories.

Feelings of impotence overwhelmed him.

The harsh realization that no matter how much he tried or wished, he would forever be alone, now that his sole ally in this alien world was gone.

His body began to shake more violently, curling into an ever-smaller ball as despair overwhelmed even the pangs of hunger and thirst.

Blind to the world, deaf to all but the sound of his own shivering in the darkness... Destined to remain in this perpetual shadow, never to know true happ—

"Van...?" A soft voice pierced the enveloping gloom.

Van slowly raised his head, surrounded by an oppressive darkness.

"...Van...? I'm here..." The voice echoed once more. He scanned his surroundings, but no one appeared in his shadowy realm.

"Van... Please raise your head and look at me..." The voice continued, its plea soft and resonant amidst the silence.

Gradually, Van stood up.

His expression was blank and weary as he searched the darkness for the source of that compassionate call.

"...I am not leaving this place without you. So... Please, look at me..." The voice implored gently.

Amidst the shadows, Van noticed a tiny flicker of light. Persistent, it glowed defiantly against the overwhelming blackness.

Van stood still, observing it with curiosity, half-expecting it to extinguish.

But the light persisted, beckoning him repeatedly to raise his head and stand up, gently yet insistently, as if possessing more life than the immortal Van himself.

'Well...' Van mused in the darkness, his eyes fixed on the speck of light.

'I've got nothing else going on... Might as well see where it leads,' he casually said, his voice echoing in the dark realm as he began taking clumsy, weary steps towards the light.

Like a lost traveler drawn to a lighthouse, he moved through the darkness...

He then realized he was walking beside a small figure. His gaze dropped to his own hand, led by the figure's gentle grasp, guiding him out of the depths of Magus's grave...

...And into the light outside.

Blinded by the brilliance of the sun, Van's eyes instinctively twitched. He lowered his gaze to the person guiding him through the light.

He recognized her immediately, despite only looking at her from behind.

It was Amoria.

Her golden hair shimmered under the clear sky, her movements so graceful it seemed as though the world itself shifted to accommodate her steps.

Suddenly, Van became aware of the birds chirping.

The wind grazed the grass below and gently caressing his bare skin.

He could smell the earth, the grass, and the flowers as they basked under the sun's rays, with the breeze acting as a conduit, delivering the scents to him. The most dominant fragrance was the scent of chamomile emanating from Amoria's glistening, smooth hair, mingling with the gentle lavender from her clothes.

This time, Van was certain. Certain that he had woke up from a bad dream, rather than believing he was currently in a good one.

Without any particular questions coming up in his head, or ideas for chatter... He just remained silent and followed her gentle lead obediently and casually.

Before long, Van was enveloped by the sounds and smells of the city: the chatter of passersby, the clanging of metal, the gusts of wind from people bustling past, the aromas of bread baking and meats sizzling. Guided by Amoria, he looked around, realizing he was deep within the city as he observed the buildings surrounding him.

They entered a church. Inside, Amoria gestured for him to wait and approached the altar to speak with the grand priest. Van's gaze lingered elsewhere; he was too slow to meet her eyes. As Amoria conversed with the priest, Van, draped in a familiar black cloth, scanned his surroundings.

The grand priest, looking concerned, quickly approached Van after speaking with Amoria.

Both Amoria and the priest extended their hands towards the weary Van. He placed his palms in theirs without hesitation, led by Amoria on one side and by the priest on the other. They guided him to the altar, where the priest removed the cloth covering Van and began to pray alongside Amoria.

His body was momentarily bathed in a golden light, but as quickly as it came, it vanished—the seals on his body stubbornly remained.

Van, not fully grasping the situation, understood the basics: they had attempted to remove the seals that Salem had placed on his body. However, due to his passives, which barred divine intervention, their efforts were in vain.

The grand priest exchanged a remorseful look with Amoria, signaling that nothing more could be done. As a shadow fell over Amoria's features, the church doors burst open. Rika was seen escorting Lalyn from a distance.

Upon entering, Lalyn hesitated at the sight of Van, particularly the potent seals marking his body. Nevertheless, she continued forward, approaching the altar as Rika faded from view.

"...It seems like I made it just in time. Any longer, and they would've been permanently a part of him," Lalyn murmured, her gaze lingering on Van's weary expression.

She then shifted her attention to Amoria. "...He has no other curses bound to him?" she asked, her eyebrow raised in inquiry.

"No... None other than those runes," Amoria replied, her tone serious.

"Amoria, focus, please. The spell I'm casting is complex. It requires one to be at peak condition. Physically, mentally, and spiritually. If it wasn't our meatshield here, I wouldn't dare cast it. Understand?" Lalyn emphasized, her voice stern.

Amoria flinched under Lalyn's sharp gaze as she recalled Van at the cemetary, but before she could respond, Van cut in.

"...Whatever it is you're trying to do..." Van interjected, his voice raspy, drawing Lalyn's attention as she turned to face him.

"Just do it. I'll manage. Even if I starved for weeks, I'd make it," Van declared, his resolve clear despite the exhaustion shadowing his features.

Lalyn's eye twitched slightly as she re-examined his weary demeanor and empty gaze. Amoria anxiously fiddled with her fingers, her eyes filled with concern as she watched the exchange.

"There's no other curse on me besides those runes... And the passives I had when I came into this world. You need to do it fast too, don't you?" Van added.

Lalyn clicked her tongue, her expression mixing frustration and a hidden tinge of admiration. "Fine. You're one sturdy meatshield, after all. And, time is of the essence, so there's no time for preparation. Brace yourself," she instructed coolly, readying herself to cast the spell.

Lalyn then stood beside him and began to chant in the Dragon tongue. Suddenly, the head of Arlyn, her dragon, emerged from a portal, gently touching Van's forehead.

[Van... I really wanted to spend my energy asking how you've been and catch up. But it seems our reunion must be brief. I will use my strength, combined with the magical power of everyone here, to unseal you.]

Van weakly nodded, his forehead still pressed against Arlyn's. A circle of frost magic began to encircle them both.

[This method would have killed anyone else due to the extreme cold... And overwhelm their minds, driving them to insanity solely due to the intensity of this magic. Thank goodness for your resilience,] Arlyn communicated as the frost sealed the runes on his skin, causing them to gradually flake away into nonexistence.

Van looked around as the ritual continued, his expression tinged with confusion.

[Van,] Arlyn's voice came through as the portal's strength waned. He turned his attention back to her.

[...I sense great turmoil within you.] Arlyn commented as the Ritual neared its peak, [Dark thoughts and urges have shadowed you for a long while... I have also felt this since our days as Party members... Frankly, I do not blame you for having those thoughts and feelings, considering the situation you were put in, throughout your time in this world. Even if you were to surrender yourself to the darkness, I... I would be the last to judge you for it.] she began, her tone softening.

[...But I am proud of you for nurturing the light in your heart, allowing it to prevail even in your darkest hours. This confirms what I've learned to recognize about you all those years ago... That at your core, you are a good man. One worthy to be happy.] Her voice carried warmth.

[...Even if the source of your light is... eh... slightly questionable... Haha,] she added with slight humor, picking up on the Demon Lord's influence in his heart.

Van let out a faint chuckle as he was surrounded by a whirlwind of ice that still chipped away at the runes on his skin.

'...These girls..;


'These girls didn't do this... Because they care.'

[Van, of course they—]

'They don't. They never did... It's either guilt or pity, even now. Now that Max passed away... There's no passive affecting their emotions anymore.'

[...Van... Isn't that a good thing?]

'... I just...'

'...Suppose I... Wished for more than that. To be cherished for who I am... Not to be pitied for who I am. Look at them, Arlyn. Being a near pure-blooded dragon, you should understand, even a little bit.'

Van said, as he looked at Lalyn and Amoria via the whirlwind, time seemed to slow down.

'Where was this care beforehand...? Where was it the past 23 years...!? Only now that my best friend fucking killed himself, they care!!?! I bet if I came here 3 years beforehand with these runes carved on me, they'd JUST SEND ME TO THE FUCKING MOUNTAINS to a random dragon priest to get me all cleansed while they drool for that guy!!'

Van could feel the anger within him resurge. The pent up frustration of his time in the world once more resurfacing.

[Van...!! Please, do not let those emotions get the—]

'SHUT UP...!!!'

He internally bellowed.

"There's... Some kind of disturbance..!!" Lalyn alarmed as she felt resistance from Van's behalf.

"Lalyn...!! Hold on..!! We must... Remove those seals..!!" Amoria cried, determined as they all struggled.

'Meatshield...!' She thought as her face got tinged with anxiety.

Ah, shit. Here we go again

Hazy_0832creators' thoughts