
Betrayed By The Church, I Allied With The Evil God And Killed The Hero

After serving the church in another world for 2 years, Edith is deemed 'too dangerous to be left alive' because of something called a Contract Spirit he has living inside of him. He is betrayed and left for dead in the deepest depths of the Dungeon ruled over by said church. Then not long after his Contract Spirit awakens inside him and promises to help him get stronger so he can enact his revenge.

ChristianWrites · ファンタジー
6 Chs



A chunky, gooey pool of red flowed from beneath his gaze, a dripping bloodied hammer in his right hand. He finally killed them. The people who had been tormenting him and his sister for five full years.

"Gr….GRAAAAAAH!" He threw the hammer down upon one of their heads and broke into it even more. The brain was already obliterated and even more red splashed onto his face. He did it again, and soon the head was nowhere to be found.

"Haah…haaah…" He raised the hammer for a third time…but was stopped by a weak grabbing of his arm.

"No more…please…they're already dead…" The sweet voice of his little sister by one year rang out from behind him. She was dripping with both tears of relief and horror.

"..." He obeyed her and dropped the hammer onto the ground with a loud metallic clang. After, all he did was stare at the corpses of his foster parents without saying a word.

The siblings' names were Edith and Elzia. Their real parents died when they were only nine years of age, Elzia eight. From then they were taken into foster care, where they were adopted by the two monsters who Edith had just killed.

Edith didn't feel sadness or joy from their murders, he felt numb. He'd been tormented for so long that he had forgotten what joy or sadness even felt like. He only knew rage.

Elzia shakily held onto the back of his shirt and pressed her face into his shoulder from behind. She was in tears, too frightened to even look up.

"At least…at least we won't be hurt anymore…right…Edith?" She murmured into his ear. He continually stared down, unsure of what to say.

"I don't know." He replied, "I'll take care of the bodies. Don't say a word about this to anyone."

"I-I know…we'll be taken away again if that happens…And I don't want to be hurt anymore!" She clung herself to her elder brother.

"You won't be…I will make sure of it."

"Th-thank you…" Edith stood to his feet. Elzia released him. The cleanup was big…but he thought he could manage.