

  "Bethel, how you doing?" Harry asked,glad to hear her voice. He has been so busy and hasn't seen her face since yesterday. Even when his addiction triggered last night, he was so surprised he could hold it despite the pains he felt as his phallus stretched to several painful degrees.

  He had endured the pure undiluted pain because he can't imagine himself laying with another woman asides her, in fact he tried it but it wasn't working out. When he tried that, he ended up sending the lady away.

  He loves Bethel....he have to admit this fact which is not so good for a man like him.

  Does she loves him as he does?

  And ohh he had totally forgotten he helped him out of pity.

  "Great! I hope work's going smoothly?" Bethel replied. She wondered what was going on in Harry's mind. He had ask her a question then the next thing he did was to go silent while staring intently at her.