
chapter five

I tried not to cry, but the tears kept coming, I was broken beyond repair. But I know that this is just a test all will come to pass.

I got up on my feet again, my new mantra was where there is life there is hope.

I got a house girl job working for one those businesswoman, she took me in and I do her daily chores, her husband was not usually around so I had no problem.

Until two months later I did not see my period, that was when I found out I was pregnant with my little girl. When the woman found out she told me how it happened and she listened to my story, she said what do I want to do now I told her then I want to abort it.

 She tried to talk me out of it but my mind was made up, the woman never mistreated me and acted like a mother figure. She escorted me to the hospital. But when the result was out I have no choice more than to keep the baby because I was told that if I abort the child there is great possibility that I won't be able to conceive again, it was like a bomb that exploded in my head.

So I had no choice but to keep the child when my pregnancy was four months old the woman I worked for called me and said the work am doing at her place is too stressful and that I don't need to continue working for her that its not good for my baby

 I told her that am okay with it that I can manage, that day she gave me a cheque of 500,000naira to start my life I thanked her a lot because at that time she has done me a great favour.

With the money she gave me I rented a one room apartment, and opened a provision shop. Everything was going smoothly again. My baby girl was born and I became a mother at seventeen, but I know I still have dreams I want to achieve things in  my life I want to fulfill I wanted to further my studies so I applied for a pharmacy technician in school of health, and another journey began there I was studying, monitoring my business and also a mother. I never regretted not aborting my child because every time I see her she gives me some kind of joy that I myself don't understand. Maybe its the feeling of being a mother.

So I want to become the best mom she can be proud of. I finished my national exams which is the last exam last month expecting my results it all that remains, my daughter now is enrolled in a good school she is in primary one.

And when I look at my past I know that all my pain are worth it because in the end I realised a different me I never knew. And I hope that the storm in my life are forever gone and never returned.

And she smiled with tears rolling down her face.