
Best Gentleman For You (Azur Lane x Male Reader)

You are a random guy playing Azur Lane every day without getting tired of it but one day something unexpected happens to you. You got Isekai'd into Azur Lane world(Classic Isekai plot but Imma disrespect Truck-kun by using a different Isekai method since I don't want my readers to get hit and die by a truck), Since Azur Lane has no trustworthy adult male commanders Enty who found you floating on the sea decided to hire a 17 years old guy like you who came out of nowhere and thus your adventure at Azur Lane world started! Wattpad Novel By XandyBoi123

Sokdavid · ゲーム
17 Chs

Chapter : 6 : The Azur Lane meeting

Right now Y/n can be seen in libary together with Hood and she is having a tea while reading a novel while Y/n also do the same.

Hood: The weather today is lovely isn't it Y/n?

Y/n: Yes indeed Hood!

Hood: Hm you seems quite energytic today. Did something great happens to you Y/n?

Y/n: Yes!

Hood: Oh I would love to hear that! Could you tell me about what happened?

Y/n: Wales said I'm getting to attend my first Meeting tommorow! Isn't that great Hood?

Hood suddenly frowns when she hear the word meeting was mentioned.

Hood: Y/n... I don't think it's good for you to be happy about that meeting...

Y/n: Why not Hood?

Hood: *sigh* It's that you would be meeting other factions rather than us Royal Navy and Eagle Union.

Y/n: Ohhhh... What's so bad about em tho?

Hood: The problem is... "Northern Parliement".

Y/n: Wait... They won't do anything to me right?

Hood: It's just that... I don't want them to take you away from here if they find out that you are unlike the other Commanders...

Y/n: Aww cmon Hood we can just get them over here!

Hood: It's a good idea but... Will they be able to adapt along with the weather here?

Y/n: I shall solve it for em!

Hood: Ahaha alright then Y/n, I guess I can trust you on solving them here...

Hood suddenly falls silence as she look at that one line on the book she's reading.

Hood: "Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate... So long as men can breathe, or eyes can see, so long lives this, and this gives life to thee..." Y/n can you read it out loud to me?


When Y/n was done reading the line to Hood, she was beaming with happiness for some reason. Hood suddenly gets up and draws her chair closer to where Y/n is sitting without saying a single thing, which makes him gets a little nervous. Y/n and Hood have always been spending their times reading novels and discussing about them and sharing their thoughts, spending their free times together in libary since Y/n's first day as a Commander, which somehow made Hood gets closer to him.

Y/n: H-Hood aren't you sitting a little too close to me?

Hood: Hmm? I'm too close? A lady like me must be elegant of course... But I must also seize the initiative towards the target of my own affection.

Those words embarrassed Y/n a lot and at the same time Hood started to draws her lips closer to his.

Hood: Y/n... I must say this now or never... I lo-

When Hood was about to make her first move on Y/n untill someone evasdropping them from outside of the libary slams the doors open which interupted both of them.


When they both looks at the direction of the voice, It was none other than Nelson herself.

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( Hi there British Admiral Hipper but with boobs and taller too. )


Hood got embaressed because of someone she know from Royal Navy is here and Hood gets up from her chair.

Hood: I... uh s-sorry Y/n I must a-attend Her Majesty tea party so e-excuse me a bit.

Hood suddenly left the libary leaving only Y/n and Nelson.

Nelson: You are goddamn bold to even made a move to one of round table member!

Y/n didn't say anything and just backflips out of Libary window which made Nelson angry.


After a while, Y/n goes back to his office and when he opens the door to his office he see...

Enterprise and Jean Bart fighting over his Commander outfit.

Jean Bart: GIVE IT BACK!


Y/n: Fancy seeing you girls here.

Jean Bart and Enterprise: KYAAAAAA!

Y/n: Mind explaining what's going on here?

Jean Bart: I-I was doing laundry and Enterprise tried to steal your outfit!

Y/n: Mhm.

Enterprise: No! I was t-trying to make sure your clothes are clean and tidy and Jean Bart tried to steal it from me first!

Y/n: Do you think I'm dense like those protagonists from Romance novels or somethin?

Jean Bart and Enterprise suddenly blush and run outta the room leaving him alone in there.

Y/n: Well... 3 ladies down. Hehe, aren't you proud Grandma?


Y/n: ( Why do I feels like she's saying she's proud of me right now? )

Y/n then spent the rest of his day doing paperworks in his office. And when he got back to his room he saw Jean Bart facing the opposite way from him, even tho it's clear that Y/n opening the door is quite loud, She just won't look at him directly. Jean Bart was actually having a lot of conflicted thoughs on her head.

Jean Bart: ( Waahhhhh what should I do!!? Y/n said he's not dense! Which means that he knew I was secretly loving him! I think I'm going crazy just by spending one month together with him at his room! GODDAMN IT JEAN! PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER! )

She though to herself as she slaps her own face too. Y/n suddenly stops her from slapping her own face by grabbing her hand which surprises her.

Y/n: What are you doing by hurting yourself?

Jean Bart: Y-Y/n? I was just f-feeling sleepy t-that's all!

Y/n: You looks cute when you are blushing like that Jean.


Jean Bart runs out of his room with a blushing face while Y/n just smirks at it and he goes to his bed to have full energy for the meeting tommorow.

On the next morning Y/n feels something heavy on him and when he opens his eyes it was... A HUGGING PILLOW!

( You thought it was a shipgirl but no! KONO HUGGING PILLOW DA! )

Y/n feels pretty dissapointed and then gets up and do his daily routine and then after he finished em all Wales called him to attend the meeting together and he saw 2 Northern Parliament ships at the port talking to Wales. When he tries to get a much more clear view at who they were and he recognizes both of em.

The two were Northern Parliament ships called Kronshtadt and Sovetskaya Rossiya were there.

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( HMMM... Can you arrest me.I've been breaking laws ya see;) )

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( Hi Rossiya! Nice suit! )

Rossiya: Miss Wales can we meet the Commander right after the Meeting has ended?

Wales: Yes you can meet him Miss Rossiya. I shall accompany you to him after the meeting has ended.

Rossiya: Thank you Miss Wales.

Krons: I wanted to meet him aswell! Just to make sure he won't assault any girls in here!

Wales: ( Why does every girl just says this the first time they heard of Y/n... ) I promise miss Kronshtadt, He's not like the last Commander and he would be just around here-

Y/n: Wassup.

Wales: AHHHHHH! Oh damnit Y/n don't scares me like that!

Y/n: Uhhh who are they Wales? ( Imma acts like I don't know em. )

Wales: Well Y/n meet Miss Rossiya and Kronshtadt.

Rossiya: Greetings Y/n. Are you perhaps the Commander?

Y/n: ( Dafuq does you think I am? A janitor? ) Yes I am a Commamder here!

Krons: Ehh a Comander? You don't even look like one!

Wales: May I ask why you say that Miss Kronshtadt? 

Krons: Cuz he's wearing a pajama!

Wales: HUH?

Wales look at him again and noticed that he's still on his pajama.


( Image )


And then Y/n runs back to his room to change the clothes.

Kronshtadt decided to whisper to Rossiya.

Krons: Comrade Rossiya, Do you think he's even a Commander?

Rossiya: Comrade Kronshtadt, This Commander seems like a interesting one. Looks how close he is even with Wales.

Krons: Alright I guess you're right Comrade.

Then Y/n came back after changing his clothes and then Wales told him to go to the meeting room and he did as she say.

At the meeting room.

After waiting for a few minutes, all the faction leaders enter one by one. First was Royal Navy with Queen Elizabeth and Hood. The second one was Eagle Union with Enterprise and Cleveland. The next one was Iris Orthodoxy with Jean Bart and Richelieu. The last one is the Northern Parliament with Kronshtadt and Sovetskaya Rossiya. While Wales is the host of the meeting.

When the meeting started. Wales started the speech on the current war they were having with other factions that were Sardegna Empire, Ironblood and Sakura Empire.

Wales: As we all know the IronBlood and Sakura Empire are much more active on the sea lately.

Everyone in the room nods in agreements at what Wales stated.

Wales: So we have decided that we should make a plan to respond to their attacks.

Richelieu: And what would that plan be Miss Wales.

Wales: It's to cut them out from supplying each other.

Y/n: Wales I think I just figured something out.

Everyone's attention including Wales fall on Y/n as Wales ask a question.

Wales: And what is it Y/n?

Y/n: Instead of continuing on fighting this war... I suggest that we should make negotiate with them.

Hood: Y/n... That's too impossible, especially with Ironblood and Sakura Empire. If we want to negotiate with them we need to make sure they are hurt badly first.

Richelieu: Miss Hood is right Y/n... Last time on the battlefield against their flagship Bismarck and Prinz Eugen... Hood almost got sunk.

Enterprise: And when Sakura Empire first attacked us they almost sink my sister too...

Y/n can't figures anything out as he knew that he couldn't end this war peacefully.

Y/n: Alright then... I have an idea...

Queen Elizabeth: Could you tell me what is it my loyal servent!

Y/n: Someone brings me the map and points me out the Crimsom Axis activity?

Cleveland: I will!

Cleveland suddenly stands up from her seat and takes out a War map which is used for strategy only and gestures Wales to points the Crimsom Axis's activity.

Wales: Their activities are here and here and there Y/n.

When Y/n looks at the map he realized that they are planning on something really big...

Y/n: Ladies... I think we have a big problem...

Everyone gulped at his statement as Kronshtadt asks him a question.

Krons: Could you mind telling us what problem is that Comrade Commander?

Y/n: It is an All-Out-Assault on our main base!

Everyone gasps at him.

Rossiya: A-Are you sure it is true Comrade Commander?

Y/n: Come and look at this map everyone.

Everyone stand up from their seats and look closely at the map Y/n is pointing.

Y/n: Look at the Ironblood base and Sakura Empire base convoys.

They all look at the convoys only going back and fourth from one base to another.

Y/n: They are definitely sending ammunitions and supplies towards each others. But one thing I noticed is that Ironblood is the one that keep sending convoys ships to supplys Sakura Empire and there's tons of those ships and what do you think would they be building on mainly?

Wales: A weapon of mass destruction?

Y/n: Exactly! They know that we are strong and they are planning to take us down to achieves their goal... Which means our plan is to attack THIS!

Y/n points on Sakura Empire on map.

Y/n: Instead of attacking them directly we shall "Reverse Pearl Harbor" them first.

Everyone got confused by "Reverse Pearl Harbor" and Cleveland asks him a question.

Cleveland: What does that mean Commander?

Y/n: What I mean is that we will destroy all of Sakura Empire supplies by bombing them repeatdly with artillery shells and air raids.

Hood: Y/n wouldn't that create first casualty between us?

Y/n: NOPE! We will only destroy their ammunitions and then boom! They won't be able to plan an All-Out-Assault on our base anymore!

Rossiya: That would be great idea Comrade! Tell me what do you need us Northern Parliament to takes part in this operation?

Y/n: Northern Parliament will be talking part on distracting the Ironblood along with Iris Orthodoxy so they won't be able to send reinforcements on Sakura Empire.

Rossiya: Alright Comrade Commander! We shall not let you down!

Richelieu: We shall also do our best Commander. You can counts on us.

Then everyone continue the discussion on the operation and they guessed that the All-Out-Assault is probably on next three months and then the Azur Lane meeting eventually ended.

At Y/n's Commander Office...

Y/n was doing his paperworks untill someone knock on the door and he let them comes inside and it was Rossiya and Krons accompanied by Wales herself.

Wales: Y/n, Miss Rossiya would like to talk with you.

Y/n: Ah Miss Rossiya! It's my pleasure to meets you here!

Rossiya: Comrade Commander! As I have thought! You deserved the respect from us Northern Parliement! So I have decided that it would be best to move our base here so we can assists you in further operation!

Y/n: Wait wha?

Rossiya: Feels free to visit our faction in peaceful times Y/n! We will always welcome you with open arms!

Y/n: I'm looking forward to it!

Rossiya: Now if you'll excuse me I'll take my leave! Comrade Kronshtadt will stays at here while I'll go back to let the others know that we'll be moving our base here and also don't worry Comrade Y/n! We will builds the dorm ourselves so you won't have to worry about us!

Y/n: Oh we will help you too but where will you sleep, Miss Rossiya?

Rossiya: We will sleep on our ships of course! You have no need to worry about us comrade! We can handle the heat here!

Y/n: Ah alright then!

Then Rossiya left and leave Kronshtadt at the base, Rossiya heads off to report about the meeting and the fact that they will move their base to Azur Lane main base to other Northern Parliament.

Y/n: Miss Kronshtadt, where are your personal belonging if you will stay back at our place?

Krons: Nah don't worry I have them all on my Large Cruiser.

Wales: Miss Kronshtadt will be staying at Y/n's room since there is no available rooms at the Azur Lane base yet because of the Iris Orthodoxy dorms still need to be furnished.

Y/n and Krons: WAIT WHAT!?


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