
Berserk of the Gluttonous system

Devour,r4ped,slaughter,stole everything . . rei non is a friendly loyal and a soft hearted but every thing change when he got set up by the lady mu fei

venerable_system · ファンタジー
33 Chs

ch// 29 truth

Patriarch tong is startled when he hear those words. "YOU!!WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY WIFE!! TELL ME HOW DID YOU KNOW THAT!!"patriarch tong said while laying on the floor waiting for his death "hmm should i tell you or not? Well dead man can't talk so what's the different telling you about it "rei non said with mocking tone"well the truth is me and your beloved wife you know play a little and I think we got carry away you should think me for making you wife happy once in a while"rei non said while shrugging his shoulder "she look likes you didn't satisfy her enough such a rare beauty wasting her whole life on you.Well the bad thing is look like your wife get addicted while we're playing"rei non said while stomping the patriarch's head "YOU FUCKER!! I SWEAR TO THE HEAVEN AND ALL GODS THAT OUR 7 BRANCH FAMILY AND OUR FEI MAIN FAMILY'S FORCES COMBINE THEY WILL PURSUE YOU UNTIL DEATH!! YOU UNGRATEFUL MONSTER" patriarch tong swear "What? 7 branch family? It's only six wait it's just 5 after this your family will accompany you don't worry"rei non correcting the patriarch"And also did I hear you say I'm ungrateful?TELL ME WHAT DID YOUR FAMILY THAT WILL MADE ME GRATEFUL TOWARDS YOUR FAMILY!!!TELL ME!! ALL YOU DO IS JUST PUT FUEL IN THE FIRE NOW IM PURGING YOU ALL IM MAKING YOU FEEL THE PAIN I FEEL"rei non said while releasing his spine shivering killing intent

"Wait the blazing arrow in the size a house descending at the blue sky, a young man I his 18's that laughing while killing a mother and daughter in Wei family are you the one that slaughter the whole Wei family and kill my brother wei"patriarch tong said while his whole body is drenched in cold sweat "oh looks like you use your head sometimes atleast yes I am the one who kill the Wei family rape his daughter in law in front of his son and also responsible for killing his beloved concubines of course In front of him opss your time is up bye bye don't worry I will take a good care of your daughter and wife.Do you think your daughter is good at bed? Oh silly me I forgot your going to die now so bye bye"rei non then use his sword to behead the patriarch tong

After he kill the whole alliance he activate his berserk mode and gluttony to absorb the corpse as exp he accumulate atleast hundred thousand exp but still not enough he needs another hundred thousand exp to break through after he absorb the corpses of the alliance he prepere the chase the leviathan after he prepered his sword of darkness and the berserk mode he's battle power rose up to 200,000 at once he's power is on par on ordinary 5th layer of limbo realm he now start to chase the leviathan he easily killed it and obtain the rewards afterwards he...to be continued