
Benevolent King and His Tyrant Queen

I'm not Grace Finley. I can't remember my actual name anymore. I'm afraid I might forget what my family looks like, I miss them. I need to go back to my life. I want to go back to my life. Forget my overnight Cinderella status, I'm a wife?! Who married me without my knowledge?! My husband, The Grand Prince, happens to be the richest, most feared and most admired man in all of Valoria. His harsh words don't match his kind gestures. And he has got quite a handsome face. Also, did I mention that he is popular despite being the husband of someone? I won't surprised if he happens to have a secret cult of followers/admirers. Anyway, He is a kind man, that's all you have to know. As of now, my only way back seems to be the god of this world. So I first asked him politely, I truly was polite, I'm not lying! But with no reply to my polite inquires, I proceeded to commit blasphemy on my first public outing, and threatened to commit genocide but to no avail. At least tell me the reason for bringing me here, You damn god! I spoke in a 'very flowery' language that was not meant for children and always cursed him to my heart's content but I wasn't struck by lightning. I seriously don't want this privilege okay? Finally, The story of the body I possessed... I don't know. The only onslaught I felt was the severe head and body aches after opening my eyes in this body. I didn't mind until I learned that I woke up from an incident that was an attempt to take my life but covered up as an accident. If only I could find the perpetrator, I would like to encourage them to make another attempt and cooperate as long as it is painless. No memories, People after my life, a family to look after and a kingdom to rule, I have never been this responsible in my entire life! Is this a punishment for living the privileged life of the youngest child in the family? I'm only nineteen for god sake! Let me live!

alwys_fictional · ファンタジー
30 Chs


It was almost noon by the time I was standing in front of Ivy's house in the commoners' district. Myrtle ended up coming with us and it was her choice. It looked like she wanted to see what blasphemy I was up to this time.

"This way, Your Highness." Ivy nervously led me into the house. Was she worried that I might be repulsed by my surroundings? I'm not though. It was a cosy-looking house. There was Ivy's mother and little sister who came to greet us. I nodded at them and followed Ivy into the room where her eleven-year-old brother was lying.

"Could you treat him while I go visit the commercial district?" I said to Myrtle.

"You can't, Your Highness!" Both Ivy and Myrtle shouted immediately, startling the sick boy awake.

"Do not shout. There is a patient in the room. I will go in disguise." We came in the least conspicuous carriage but it still grabbed some attention from the neighbours. I know it was dangerous for me to go alone but I know how to blend in and I'm not a noble lady inside. I might have an arrogant aura at times but not a noble one, that was for sure. I can't exactly tell them that I grew up as any normal girl.

"Miss Smyth, Can you lend me some of your clothes?" I asked Ivy's mother and despite the objections of people around me, I managed to turn into a fairly pretty, non conspicuous looking commoner girl.

"See? I'm really good at this." I turned around showing off my appearance. "Besides, His Highness had appointed a secret knight to look after me." I lied.

"Myrtle, Treat the boy and make a list of medicine and potions that aids his full recovery. I will pay the money, I do not care how much it costs." I said and left the house after assuring them.

The commercial district was a lot busier than the streets I looked at on my way to the temple. There were all sorts of businesses booming at this time of the day. I had money in my pocket and I'm free to spend it however I want. Shopping time! I went from one food stall to another and ate to my heart's content, tasting all kinds of food. There were some restaurants that belonged to foreigners and there were all sorts of cuisines for me to try but my stomach wouldn't last if I went on an eating spree so I settled with food stalls for now. I could always come back to those restaurants after today.

After my stomach was full, I visited antique shops, magical artefacts shops and a weapons store filled with all kinds of weapons from the finest sword to a simple slingshot.

After window shopping for a while, I caught sight of a building that attracted a lot of attention with its bright colours of reds, yellows and oranges. And there were pretty looking ladies wearing blues and greens calling for passing gentlemen. It was a beautiful sight. Like a rare coloured bird sitting on a tree and chirping for attention.

"A brothel." I gasped in realisation and I made a beeline to the entrance of the building.

"Wait." The Madame of the brothel house stopped me. "Just taking a look around here." I dropped a few gold coins in her hand. I didn't know how much a night in this brothel costs but the building looked expensive so I offered Ivy's two months of salary, six gold coins in the old lady's hand. The old but energetic lady took it in stride and welcomed me with a warm smile.

"How long would that money get me?" I asked the Madame.

"You could get tea with one of our high ranked courtesans." The Madame said, eyeing the gold coins closely turning them this way and that in her hands.

"Sweet!" I smiled in satisfaction and played board games and had good tea with one of the pretty courtesans.

"How do I address you, Miss?" One of the courtesans poured tea in my empty glass. It wasn't her job but she was just trying to earn some money.

"Call me Lilac." I made up a name on top of my head. "You make good tea." I said as I took out a gold coin and kissed it before offering it to her. She kissed the coin as well as her soft hand caressed mine before tucking the coin away in her bosom.

This is so fun! I couldn't help but sigh internally. Brothels were ancient history and became a concept of fiction back in my world. There were some countries where prostitution was legal but that was so far from me in my life that they may as well be a fantasy. So I got excited to see something so novel right in front of me. The women here were a great company. Of course it was their job but it was still a fun thing to spend time with them.

Good tea and snacks as long as you paid. Good gossip. Fun stories. Fine matches in a board game and I don't have to mind my actions. I have been told that sometimes I could be really flirty by my friends. While I don't completely agree, I'm someone who could get used to any kind of atmosphere if I want to.

 So as soon as I stepped into this building I couldn't help but flirt with the pretty ladies who wanted to be flirted with. I'm doing my job and they were doing theirs, nothing wrong.

"Oh, I need to leave. It was time." I said standing up. And the two ladies looked at me with puppy eyes, they are really good at their job.

"Don't be so upset. I will come visit you when I can. I had so much fun in your company. Here, This is for you both." I said taking out pastries I bought to give to Ivy's sister. The two courtesans' eyes lit up at the desserts. "Have fun and take care. I will visit you again some time." I said winking at them before leaving.

"You need to pay more. That was to courtesans and you stayed longer." The Madame stopped again at the entrance.

"You sure are good at your job." I offered one more gold coin and the old lady happily took it.

"How long do you think I have been doing this, Stupid child?" The Madame scoffed. "Longer than I think." I said as I kissed the Madame's wrinkled hand and waved her goodbye.

Ah, What a fun day. I hummed on my way back to Ivy's house and made sure to take some necessary detours on my way. By the time I returned, Myrtle was already done with her job.

"How did it go? Was the boy fine?" I asked and dumped the bags I was carrying on the small dining table. "The boy has mana deficiency and aversion." Myrtle informed and the mood in the house turned sombre.

"Don't I have mana deficiency too?" I pointed at myself. I have no mana reserves at all and Grace Finley has no talent in Runes so she was practically useless when It came to magic. People like her were very rare and considered a failure. Even Ivy should be able to do some kind of small magic, like lighting up a stove though I had never seen her casting magic.

"Mana deficiency, yes but not mana aversion. Your Highness doesn't have mana reserves but your body has mana affinity. Which means you can use magic through runes. But the boy's body rejects mana itself, which is almost everywhere around us." Myrtle explained.

"Hm, so this wasn't an ideal environment for him to live in." I muttered to myself. "Then is it okay for you to use your magic on him even if it was for treatment?" I asked.

"Normal magic is the power of the great sage's children. The healing magic however is the divine magic that belonged to the great sage himself. Of course it does not harm anybody." Myrtle said immediately. These priests sound like they belong to a cult.

"Anyways, Can it be treated?" I asked as I took out things out of the bags.

"Of course. There are potions that could aid the boy's body to slowly adapt to the mana. Though he won't be able to use mana, he could live a normal life." Myrtle replied.

"So he can become like me." I said.

"No, Your Highness. You could use Runes if you study them but the boy won't be able to."

"If I don't study then we are both the same then. So how much does it cost?" I asked.

"One million gold for the entire treatment." Myrtle said and Ivy's mother broke into silent sobs. "That was cheaper than I thought." I muttered and Myrtle got angry again. "How could you say such things in front of them, Your Highness!? Do you know how much a commoner should work to earn one gold?" She shouted.

"I know and do you know how much one of my finest dresses cost? More than a hundred gold at least. I'm a noble, a highest ranking one and royalty by marriage, I can't change anything about it. I could pay for the treatment with a flick of my hand and I want to. Why should I be considerate about what I say and do?" Besides, does she know there are medicines that cost more than five hundred gold for just one dose back in my world? Of course she doesn't. But I'm rich as hell now and I want to splurge my money and spoil my little maid for a bit.

"I only meant it is cheaper for me. As a noble, it was a given. Besides, I'm not running a charity. I'm only paying back someone because I can. Miss Smyth, do not feel burdened. I am happy to help Ivy. She served me when no one wanted to and she took great care nursing me back to health after my accident. Consider this as my gratitude." I smiled at Ivy's mother who cried more. This family was fast on water works.

"Enough crying now. I brought some gifts. You haven't had lunch yet I believe." I said as I took out all sorts of grilled meat, sandwiches, some fresh vegetables and desserts and snacks that the children could eat for a few months.

"Come here, What's your name?" I asked Ivy's little sister.

"Lilac." The little girl replied and I broke into merry laughter. I used this little girl's name just a while ago. What a funny coincidence.

"I like your name." I said, patting the girl's head. "You look too small for a nine-year-old." I muttered.

"May I use your kitchen, Miss Smyth?" I asked Ivy's mother. And a few minutes later, I arranged the table with deliciously cooked meat (I just served the ones bought in plates) and salad I made from some of the vegetables I bought. Ivy made a fuss when I held a kitchen knife but in the end she couldn't stop me.

"This assortment of dishes is for our Priestess, who worked very hard today chastising me and treating the little boy. This one is for the most adorable girl in the house and this one's for the mother of the house. This is for my little maid and this is for me." I said placing a plate piled with meat in front of each of them.

"Lilac, Eat a lot and grow big and strong enough to beat up your father if he ever made a mistake." I said and Myrtle said in exasperation. "What are you teaching the little girl, Your Highness?" She sighed and I grinned.

"What was the boy's name?" I asked Ivy. "Fern." The girl answered, still only looking at the food in front of her.

"Myrtle, Does Fern need to have any dietary restrictions while in treatment? Or is it fine for the boy to eat anything?" I asked and took a bite of the food on my plate.

"He is free to eat anything." Came the reply.

"Thank goodness. Miss Smyth, I brought some vitamin candies for the children so have them eat one a day. Just one, do not give them too many. There are also medicines for common cold and fever, just in case of emergencies. There are other things but you can use them however you see them fit. There's desserts, Fern can eat them after he wakes up." I said.

"Thank you so much, Your Highness! Thank you! How could we ever pay you back?" Miss Smyth cried again.

"Come now, I already saw enough crying from Ivy before coming here. As I said, It is me paying you back. The score is settled. You do not have to worry about it anymore." I said and urged them to eat first. "You are such a good girl, Lilac. You eat so well." I said and a picture of two boys looking gaunt and pale came to my mind. Maybe I should take a look at them once. I don't want to get attached to them or them to me, so from a distance it should be fine.

"Also, Make sure to keep the treatment cost a secret. I don't want people knowing that I spent so much money for my maid. I do not extend favours to just anyone. I was just visiting the city and I helped with Ivy's brother's severe fever on a whim. Because It annoyed me." I said and Myrtle seemed like she had another rebuke for me.

"Do you understand?" I looked at them and everyone nodded in unison.

"Good. We need to get our stories straight." I said.