
Benevolent King and His Tyrant Queen

I'm not Grace Finley. I can't remember my actual name anymore. I'm afraid I might forget what my family looks like, I miss them. I need to go back to my life. I want to go back to my life. Forget my overnight Cinderella status, I'm a wife?! Who married me without my knowledge?! My husband, The Grand Prince, happens to be the richest, most feared and most admired man in all of Valoria. His harsh words don't match his kind gestures. And he has got quite a handsome face. Also, did I mention that he is popular despite being the husband of someone? I won't surprised if he happens to have a secret cult of followers/admirers. Anyway, He is a kind man, that's all you have to know. As of now, my only way back seems to be the god of this world. So I first asked him politely, I truly was polite, I'm not lying! But with no reply to my polite inquires, I proceeded to commit blasphemy on my first public outing, and threatened to commit genocide but to no avail. At least tell me the reason for bringing me here, You damn god! I spoke in a 'very flowery' language that was not meant for children and always cursed him to my heart's content but I wasn't struck by lightning. I seriously don't want this privilege okay? Finally, The story of the body I possessed... I don't know. The only onslaught I felt was the severe head and body aches after opening my eyes in this body. I didn't mind until I learned that I woke up from an incident that was an attempt to take my life but covered up as an accident. If only I could find the perpetrator, I would like to encourage them to make another attempt and cooperate as long as it is painless. No memories, People after my life, a family to look after and a kingdom to rule, I have never been this responsible in my entire life! Is this a punishment for living the privileged life of the youngest child in the family? I'm only nineteen for god sake! Let me live!

alwys_fictional · ファンタジー
30 Chs

CH. 14 Family and Fun

"What are you two up to?" A shadow loomed behind the two boys who were leaning over the edge of a large lake that appeared overnight after their palace disappeared. The two boys oddly found everything they wanted in their new room. Their study was filled with books that interested them most, their favourite subjects, It was like their little library. Their room had a basket attached to the wall and their mother told them how they could play by trying to put the ball through that basket from a distance when they were bored. Their beds were stuffed with strange but cute animal dolls and some shelves were filled with Mana toys designed for children.

And when Noah and Cleo came to look at their old rooms, they were shell-shocked to find a huge lake in place of their palace. Another fascinating thing was that the lake was filled with rarely-seen water monsters that could be found only in dungeons. They were harmless fish and very colourful.

The twins had never been out of the Grand Palace so they couldn't hide their curiosity and would come here every day to watch them.

"Father!" Noah stood up straight and Cleo immediately followed. Even more fascinating was His Highness, the Grand Prince, their father, has apologised to them and since then he would talk to them and ask after them. He was still intimidating but it wasn't as hard as before for the twins to talk to their father.

"What are you two looking at?" Seth asked and crouched down to lean over the edge of the lake to take a look.

"Aren't they dungeon monsters?" He frowned. The twins cautiously came to sit beside him and look over as well.

"Do they attack when they become big, father?" Noah gathered the courage to ask that question.

"No, they could only grow this large outside of the dungeon." Seth answered by showing him with his hands.

"What kind of dungeon do they live in?" Cleo asked excitedly.

"The dungeon was a lake similar to this but the mana was very thick so they can grow up to as large as my leg." Seth answered and began to explain how they were very quick and hard to catch. To clear that dungeon, one had to slay a bird-fish which could cause large waves that could sweep a palace away to defend itself from any attacks. The twins were enraptured, paying attention to every word he uttered and Seth was so enthusiastic in explaining the dungeon that the three didn't notice the Grand Princess walking towards them. Ellie Hazel was naturally with her but Jasper Fox joined them halfway on his way to find the Grand Prince who disappeared in the middle of work.

"Be careful now, what would you do if they asked you to take them into a dungeon?" Her voice pulled the three out of their little serious discussion.

"I could take them to a low-class dungeon once they master basic defence." Seth answered, still sitting on the ground with his legs folded.

"Mother!" Cleo ran to hug her legs and she patted his little head gently. Noah ran to her as well and she let him hold on to her gloved hand.

"Is that safe?" She asked, smiling at the adorable little boys clinging to her.

"Noah already has a good understanding of his magic and Cleo could learn basic runes along with his swordsmanship classes." Seth replied.

"Then I will come too." She happily announced but Seth rejected the idea.

"Unlike Cleo, you have no talent in Rune Magic." Seth was offering his sincere opinion and he had no intention to make fun of her but it still seemed to anger Her Highness. So she grabbed her skirt, raised her leg and kicked him into the lake.

"Your Highness!" Jasper Fox ran to his rescue even though Seth didn't need it. Lady Ellie gasped in horror but when Seth gently floated out of the water like some summoned angel and without a single drop of water on his person, the twins looked at their father in awe.

"Thanks to me, You get to look good in front of the kids." She stated like she expected him to say thank you and bow in gratitude.

"Is that all you have to say?" Seth asked in disbelief.

"Serves you right." She added after his question.

"I'm never taking you to a dungeon." He declared. "I will take you two to a low-class one soon. Just the three of us." He smiled at the twins. Enraged, Her Highness attempted to push him into the lake again but he held both of her hands with ease and lifted her into his arms.

"Let go of me! You brute!" She struggled but he walked with ease with twins and the aides in tow.

* * *

A few days later, Her Highness caught the twins trying to catch the Dungeon fish in the lake with nets and the help of the other servants in the palace. They were all having fun under the summer sun until Her Highness caught them skipping work and the twins, their self-study.

"Not only you two do not know how to swim but you were also not letting the staff do their work." Her Highness chastised.

"We are learning to swim, Mother." Noah mumbled. It was their father who had them learn to swim. Since Noah had an aversion to contact he was making slow progress but he had magic to aid him as for Cleo…

"We made great progress." Cleo added enthusiastically.

"We also have Sir Finn and Sir Nash." Cleo pointed with both hands towards the waiting knights proudly. Their mother fell silent for a minute and then sighed giving up.

"So, What are you going to do after catching those water monsters?" She asked the two boys.

"Can we raise them in the glass bowl and keep them in our room? They look so pretty!" Cleo jumped up and down pleading.

"But they can't grow properly if they are kept in such small spaces. So let's just come here and watch them to your heart's content whenever you like. Hm?" Her Highness reasoned.

"Alright." Noah replied in a small voice.

"As long as you understand and do not repeat your mistakes. Now, Let's take a close look at them. You are already having fun and it doesn't feel good to stop midway. If you are playing then you might as well play to your heart's content." Her Highness said before tying the skirt of her dress to the side of her legs before walking into the lake.

"Mother!" Noah ran after her and into the water but she waved him away.

"Stay in the shallow part boys." She called behind her before Noah could take another step. "Sir Finn, Sir Nash keep an eye on them." She ordered a second later.

"Got you!" She dived into the water only to come up a moment later empty-handed. "They are super fast!" She exclaimed like a little child who discovered a pretty butterfly in the garden.

"Father said that they are even quicker in the dungeon because the mana was thicker there." Noah informed.

"I want to go to a Dungeon too." Her Highness said dejectedly as she continued to watch the passing fish.

"Once I learn the basic runes I will quickly form a sword aura, and then I will take you there, Mother!" Cleo promised.

"That's my sweetheart for you." Her Highness turned to wink at the little boy who giggled happily.

"I will study hard too!" Noah added immediately.

"Then we will keep this a secret from your father. Let's see his face when we three clear a dungeon, all by ourselves." She punched the lake's surface with determination.

"Your Highness! You will catch a cold!" Reese called in worry as she held Ivy's collar before the little maid could go join her master.

"It's summer!" Came the stubborn reply from her master.

"Mother, We can play again tomorrow. We can come with some equipment. So let's just leave for now." Noah called after looking at the worried maids.

"But I feel like I can catch them." Her Highness mumbled a little upset. Lady Ellie Hazel, who was watching this whole thing happen in silence, couldn't help but think that the Grand Princess was a difficult person in many ways.

"A few more minutes, alright." Her Highness stalled and kept looking around. She came to discipline the children but she ended up playing and needed someone to discipline her instead. Everyone present there was of low station, all they could make were requests but they weren't enough for Her Highness to stop playing before she caught a cold.

But a moment later, they caught sight of the Grand Princess falling silent and standing still in the lake. The Lake was constructed in a way that it wasn't too deep until someone made it to the middle of it. Her Highness walked into the lake until the water reached just below her chest.

"Mother?" Cleo called a little afraid.

"Shh." Her Highness silenced them with a finger on her lips. Everyone including the twins slowed their breathing trying not to make any sound.

Her Highness stayed still for a while and then slowly bent to lift her skirt into a makeshift basket. Once she held it so it was just below the water's surface, She slowly walked towards the twins.

"Look, I caught one." She whispered and the twins leaned in to see one of the dungeon fish they were trying to catch earlier playing around their mother's fingers in her makeshift skirt basket. It was a white fish but changed colours depending upon the light and its surroundings.

"Father also explained how these fish have camouflage abilities." Noah commented in a whisper with his eyes glued to the fish playing around.

"It was so pretty!" Cleo whispered. He slowly extended his hand to touch the fish and giggled merrily when its fins tickled his fingers. Noah too wanted to do that but when he extended his hand, the fish startled and escaped the make-shift skirt basket underwater with lightning speed. It was so quick that it made their mother lose her balance and fall on her butt in the water.

"Mother!" Noah and Cleo extended their little hands as if to catch her but it was too late. The maids rushed to help her up but she swatted their hands away laughing.

"You seem to be having fun." It was His Highness who came out after hearing that his little family was causing a ruckus at the lake. The servants and the knights immediately bowed to him and the twins bowed as well. Seth smiled at the two little heads and gave them a gentle pat before turning to his wife. Noah didn't hate the contact, instead, he loved it and felt like he would love to be patted like that again by his father.

"I am." Her Highness replied, still smiling like a silly girl.

"Your Aide sent for me because you aren't listening to anyone." Seth said and his wife glared at her aide. Lady Ellie avoided eye contact and covered it with a cough.

"If you are done, then get out. You will catch a cold." He sighed, extending his hand out for her to take.

"Carry me, Like you did before. I want to rest my legs." She said, opening her arms. Seth stared at her for a moment longer before walking into the water and lifting her into his arms. He didn't mind how her clothes were dripping wet and her wet hair sticking to the sides of her face.

"You know, I managed to catch one of the fish." She bragged wrapping her arms around his neck.

"Oh, You did?" His reaction was perfunctory.

"You do not believe me." She narrowed her eyes at him and the corner of his lips lifted slightly as if he was trying to conceal his smile.

"Noah dearest! Tell your father how skilful I was." She said to the twins who were following behind them.

"Yes! Mother was brilliant as she lured the fish towards her naturally." Noah praised immediately.

"I was even able to touch it!" Cleo jumped in eager to offer his comment.

"But I couldn't." Noah pouted. "It ran away as soon as I came near."

"That was because of your Mana. Those fish are very sensitive, especially to other's Mana. Once you master the control over your mana, you can conceal it from those fish and lure them near you like your mother." Seth explained to the child.

"It was easier for your Mother and Cleo because they are Mana Deficient." He added and suffered a smack on his chest from the woman he was carrying.

"What was that for?" He asked and she nodded her head towards a downcast Cleo. Seth winced at his mistake.

"Cleo sweetheart, You and Noah haven't been out of the Grand Palace, right? How about we go out and walk the streets of Eonon." Her Highness asked and Cleo lit up immediately.

"I want to!" He jumped again happily. Seth sighed in relief at that sight.

"When?! When will we go?" He asked running in front of Seth and Noah kept stealing glances at their mother in anticipation.

"We need to plan carefully so we can have fun efficiently." Her Highness declared and had the aides, maids and the twins' knights offer their suggestions on places to visit.

Seth didn't mind the chatter around him and silently listened to his wife and kids plan for their upcoming outing. His twins' laughter, the weight of his otherworlder wife in his arms and her warm embrace. He thought he would never get tired of this.