
Ben 10: The Morningstar

Michael Morningstar, also known as Darkstar, was a powerful and extremely talented young man with a prestigious background who was also a fervent nemesis of the legendary Benjamin Tennyson, the wielder of the Omnitrix and savior of the universe. He was a young man who had unlimited potential but failed each time in his endeavours, just because he didn't have the wisdom and the cunning to use what he inherited due to his heritage. A young man who became blindsided by his crippling need for vengeance and his lust for power, sending him tunneling down an endless pit of failure and disappointment. A young man who despite his best efforts, failed to leave any significant mark in the universe or even his own small world for that matter while his rivals and enemies left their indelible vestiges across the universe. A young man destined to be forgotten... ...But what if, there was a change? Something different. What if, there was a new Michael Morningstar? A person worthy of such a heritage and power with what it takes to achieve his fullest potential. Someone who would defy the fates and overwrite his fortune, creating and treading a new path, one that would lead him to astounding greatness and untold fortune. An individual who would stretch out his hand to grab the very fabric of the Cosmos, reshaping and molding it in his image... An anomaly whose boundless ambition would make even the Omnipotent Beings who presided over the entire Cosmos tremble in fear. ...The Morningstar who would transcend everything with no one to stop him... ●Disclaimer● I do not own any of the Ben 10 characters or original stories, only the plot of this fanfic and the characters of my creation. All characters and original storyline belong to original creators.

Reyes_II · テレビ
18 Chs

The Hunt Begins

I wore the sleek black belt around my waist with a click and started moving from shelf to shelf, my footsteps sounding all over the place as I filled the pouches on it with the gadgets and tools I needed.

I was in my control room's storage facility, the place I kept my father's Plumber's gear and equipment.

The room was small and lit with rows of sleek shelves, racks, and cabinets along the walls, filled with an assortment of alien weaponry and tech.

These included laser pistols, sonic grenades, disruptor bombs, energy blades and swords, etc.

My father didn't like relying on external tools or weapons in his work because of his power and natural strength, so the gear here wasn't a lot. Most of the stuff here were just supporting gear.

But they were more than enough for him and adequate enough for what I was going to do.

I finished gearing up and stopped in the middle of the room, checking out my body and gear to make sure I didn't forget anything and adjusted the bodysuit to make myself more comfortable.

Nodding, I walked out of the room and stepped to the other door on the right side of the control room. The metallic door beeped and slid apart, revealing a concrete staircase that led upwards.

Climbing it, I came out of a wide square hole that was in the grassy ground into the backyard or swimming pool area of my mansion that was covered in darkness.

The cold air immediately rushed over and washed over me, sweeping up my hair that was tied into a ponytail, as I looked up to see the dark sky with a bright crescent moon hanging on it.

Behind me, the hole I came out of disappeared as the grassy ground next to it slid over to cover it, making it seem like nothing was ever there.

Gazing at the dark starless sky, I took a deep breath of the cold air, and released it out of my mouth, clearing up and relaxing my nerves.

I stretched the tensile black fabric from the neck portion of the bodysuit and to the lower half of my face, hugging it like a balaclava mask, and pressed the red button on my chest.

The air and light began to shimmer around me, as if they were being bent or distorted, which they actually were.

It was the effect of the inbuilt camouflage mechanism of the SL class B-suit I was wearing. A bodysuit designed and used by the Plumbers for stealth-related operations.

With it activated, I was practically invisible to the naked eye. The inbuilt energy module had a small amount of energy left but even that was enough to sustain it for at most twenty minutes.

It was enough time for me to get to the warehouse and infiltrate it without attracting unnecessary attention. With this, the night was very ripe for taking.

A smile drew on my face behind the mask, and focusing on the energy within me, I made it surge outwards, hugging my figure tightly as the light it radiated got bent around me by the field and took a gentle leap into the air.

I hovered in the air and willed myself to ascend, reaching a height above both mansions in the estate, and turned my body to face the direction of the city.

With a thought, my body instantly propelled forward, and I started flying towards the city, completely invisible.

The wind rushed violently against my skin as my speed increased, but my aura dispersed it, shielding and keeping me safe, and in no time, I reached the downtown District of Bellwood.

My body looped and twirled in the air as I flew swiftly across the city, navigating past the towering skyscrapers and tall buildings that littered the expanse of the district.

Eventually, I reached the outskirts of the district, close to the docks, where the warehouse was situated and isolated and paused in the air above it.

Unlike before, where numerous guards were scattered all over the place, patrolling the surroundings vigilantly, there were only two armed guards standing watch on the two tall watchtowers near the metal gate.

There were an additional two armed men standing tall on the sides of the entrance of the warehouse building, their eyes scanning the place vigilantly.

I couldn't see any more men around the place but I could hear a lot of faint voices coming out from the building. It seemed they were all gathered inside.

Were they having a meeting? I didn't know and frankly didn't care. All that mattered was that they had made my work easier by gathering almost all their forces in one place.

I'd have to thank them for that.

Chuckling lowly, I moved forward slowly and carefully slipped past the guards near the entrance, gliding into the warehouse.

I had to squint my eyes a little upon entering due to the bright light that hit my face from the tall ceiling, but I adjusted to it in a few seconds and hovered to observe the place.

The interior of the warehouse was wide and large with plenty of wooden crates packed and piled up all over the place, almost filling up the warehouse's space, with forklifts parked in front of them.

Twenty men decked in dark outfits and armed with futuristic plasma rifles stood in rows at the center of the warehouse, their murderous eyes fixed on the entrance with expectation.

It was like they were waiting for the arrival of someone. Their leader, no doubt. My eyes left them and scanned the number of crates in the room. They widened in surprise.

There were more than one hundred crates here. If each and every single one of them contained Plasma rifles, then there were enough weapons here to arm a whole battalion of soldiers.

Put them in the hands of gangsters, and they would be enough to control a small city like Bellwood. Interesting, their endgame was evident now. They wanted to control Bellwood.

...These people had guts, I'd give them that.

The sound of an engine resounded as a car drove up to the entrance of the warehouse. Turning to face the entrance, I watched as three men got out of the car and entered into the warehouse.

Two of them looked like the rest of the men here, tall and muscular with weathered faces and hard eyes, wearing tight-fitting black suits. They were both flanking a man who looked entirely different from the rest.

The man was very tall, most likely seven feet, and extremely muscular with hulking muscles all over his body that looked like they wanted to pop out of his black and white ironed suit.

He had tanned skin and a buzz cut that brought out the sharp features of his scarred face that made him look menacing with eyes as cold as ice.

His every step echoed everywhere as he and the two men walked to the center of the room. The ten armed men immediately stood at attention when he reached them, all of them staring at him with both fear and respect.

"Boss!" All of them greeted simultaneously, and the man nodded casually in response as his cold blue eyes scoured the place.

"Nice work, boys," He said, his voice booming and heavy with a mechanical edge around it. "Andreas, any troubles so far?" He asked a Latino middle-aged man with a scarred lip who stood at the front of the men.

"None, boss. Just as you anticipated." He shook his head and answered calmly as he stepped forward. "For a city that has the most alien activity, it's very peaceful." He smiled menacingly.

"Yes, it is

," The leader nodded with a small smile and then said to the rest of the men. "That's why it is going to be our base of operations. The moment we get this place in our hands, we control the entire alien weaponry trade operation in this country."

"Our benefactors are very eager for this to happen and in the next day or two, more men will be coming over from overseas to help us."

"We'll be the Kings of this place, boys. With more money than you can ever dream of. This city won't know what hit it until it's too late."

"No one or thing would be able to stop us from making it happen. Not even Captain Nemesis." He finished enthusiastically with a broad dark smile, clenching his right hand into a tight fist as he stared at them.


"Haha! This city is ours!"

"We are going to be rich!"

"Let's loo–"

The men raised their rifles and howled loudly in excitement, their eyes gleaming with greed and lust for danger and power, their faces plastered with murderous and dangerous smiles.

The two men next to the leader shared the same passion, but their leader was staring at all of this with a cold smile, his hard blue eyes calculating.

I watched all of this with narrowed eyes and a deep frown, but then I sighed and looked at them with pity.

There was a reason why this city had been peaceful for almost five years now with little to no incidents. There were very powerful forces in this city that were keeping it so.

The investors of this gang who were rich and powerful enough to supply this gang with weapons of this kind surely knew that.

Meaning, these guys were just test subjects. They were meatbags sent here to test the waters to see if the forces were still in their top shape or were weaker than before.

If it was the former, they'd step away and continue their business elsewhere but if it was the latter, then they'd come here and use this city as a springboard to further their ambitions.

...Sadly for them, I was here.

Smiling, I moved my right hand to my back and took out a palm-sized circular device from one of the pouches on my belt, pressed the button at its center to activate it, and threw it to the left wall of the room, sticking on it.

"And the hunt begins." I muttered coldly as my camouflage mechanism deactivated.

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