
Ben 10: My sign in system

I'm translating this fanfic.Please give it a try, you will not regret it. 100 power stone = 1extra Chapter. " Ding, the Four Arms gains extra strength and ancient martial arts. " ............. Vilgax “Why did you Heatblast knock me out with one punch?!” Azmat: “You’re the best candidate for omnitrix!” Ben : “Mark, when will the Anti-Magic suit will be built ” Gwen: “You are my hero!”

Sumit_Bhamer · アニメ·コミックス
7 Chs

Chapter 3 who told you that

Mark was the first to react, and he hurriedly shouted at the two beside him.

Far away....

The huge robot with four legs like a spider on its lower body and a body of more than ten meters in length was crushing the trees in front of it and walking towards the few people, apparently finding them.

"Ya!Let's go"

Although Ben's reaction was slow, he was a boy and fled to the campsite first.

But Gwen's little pretty face was full of fear, stunned in place.

Before she could think about it, Mark reached out without hesitation, grabbed Gwen's wrist with one hand, and before she could react, he took her out and ran out.


Only then did Gwen react, her face flushed, and she said in a low voice.

Grandpa Max looks old, but his limbs are very strong, he quickly came out of the big hole, and ran to the front with the three people in an instant!

It's not bad...

Mark regularly exercises properly, and his physical strength is very sufficient. Even if he is pulling Gwen, he can follow Max and Ben closely.

Bang bang bang!

It's just that the speed of the large robot is really fast. It stretched four legs and broke through countless trees along the way. The red mechanical eyes stared at the direction of the four people's escape, constantly narrowing the gap!

"I remember it was supposed to be a small robot in the original book?! Sure enough, because of my arrival, have some small details been slightly changed?"

Mark was running and thinking, he still caused the butterfly effect, although the effect was not very big...

The large robot behind it slowly raised the palm of its right hand. There was a large circular mouth in the palm, and a faint red light flickered.

Next moment!

A scorching red light cut through the silent night, and instantly fell in front of Mark, Max and the others.


After the red light fell on the jungle, it instantly caused a huge explosion. The firelight devoured most of the forest immediately. The huge impact made Mark's footsteps a little unsteady!

The four of them were all shocked and looked at the bombed forest in front of them in disbelief!

The palm of the large robot was still smoking and its expression was still so cold and ruthless. With the help of the robot's perspective, Vilgax gave him an order: "Kill those four Earthlings and take back the omnitrix!!"

"Come on, don't stand still!"

Max was the first to react, and hurriedly reminded Mark and the others who were still in a daze.

"No, I'm going to transform right away, or we'll all be screwed."

Mark's eyes became firm, he instantly let go of Gwen's hand and ran in the direction of the large robot!

"Mark?! What are you doing!"

Seeing this scene, Max was anxious and shouted Mark's name loudly.

Mark Didn't turn his head back, his tone was firm and firm: "Grandpa, Ben, and Gwen, this robot must have come for the watch in my hand, I'll lure him away, you guys, go!"

This moment.

Max's eyes were a little wet, and for the first time he felt that he was not as good as a child.

As for Gwen and Ben , the two were even more moved, and tears were about to fall. This distant relative who only met once left an indelible impression on their hearts.


The sad scene ended when Mark "accidentally" fell to the ground.

His omnitrix, by coincidence, just hit the ground, and the screen bounced straight away!

At the same time.

The large robot recognized the omnitrix in Mark's hand, and without hesitation, aimed the palm cannon at Mark, and it began to flash red light!

" Mark!!"

Max and Gwen shouted in unison, and Ben wanted to rush over to help Mark , but was stopped by Max.

"What is this pop-up screen?"

Mark was so nervous in his heart that he could even feel the heat behind him getting heavier and heavier. His palm slapped heavily on the screen that popped up!

Just as his palm fell on the watch, the robot's palm fired. The terrifying fire completely covered Mark's body, as if it was going to burn him.

"Mark... I'm sorry I was not able to save you."

Marx's Moode fell to the bottom in an instant, and he wanted to die. If it wasn't for his suggestion to come to the summer camp, Mark wouldn't die at all...

"Why this happened."

Gwen also looked unacceptable. She was quite fond of this boy who had helped her.

"The target has been eliminated."

The large robot didn't think Mark could survive either, so it stepped up and walked towards the explosion area, completely ignoring Max and the others.

The three were immersed in sadness and fear, their bodies completely froze, and they could only watch the large robot getting closer and closer.

"who told you that."

"I'm dead?!"


A calm voice came from the explosion area, which was completely different from Mark's voice, but the tone was quite similar!

"what happened?!"

Max, Gwen and Ben were startled with shocked expressions on their faces, and they all looked at the explosion area.


A fiery red figure broke through the smoke and landed next to grandpa Max.

He has the height of an adult, his body is burning with a raging fire, his skin is fiery red, like pieces of fiery red rocks, and he is watching the large robot with vigilance.


Yo guys , you know I hate Ai correction as it chances the flow of the story. It becomes like you are reading a robot manual. So, I have to correct everything by hand. So if you find any mistakes please tell me.I will correct them.