
new life? how?

My name is Sam, Sam Brandon I am currently in college

My family condition...is quite poor, as we hardly receive food, when I was 15 we were millionaires

Because my dad had bought bitcoins and boom, the market exploded making bitcoins price as high as heaven

Then I put Amy finger on anything by tomorrow I had it in my room,quite a dream life right...but...

After a single mistake, my father gaved his bit coins to a wrong account...till this time...my father died trying to find the person he sent the bit coin to

As my mother was traumatized I had quit college and started attending a pizza workplace called pizza 911

Yeah you won't believe me, after a year of working there my mother died because of a diesease she habitate due to my father's death

As I was remembering my time with her and father my co worker slapped my back

"Hey! Sam! You good my bro?" As he asked concern I just nodded and wiped my tears

"Hey the clients waiting Sam! Quickly get the pizza here"my manager yelled so I could hear

"On it!" I yelled back as I thought'maybe if father didn't do this stupid thing...mom wouldn't have died...'

As I weren't paying attention I heard a gun shot as I was startled and as I woke to the source and saw...

A bloody scene! "Wha-what.." I was shocked to the core as I saw my manger got shot as his blood sprayed the wall behind him as I saw him thump down

I lost it as I dashed towards the robber and hit him with the pizza peel(the shovel thingy if you don't know)

As I hit him, he shot me in the abdomen

As I was bleeding he ran away

"Sam! You okay! Let's get you to the hospital!" As my co worker yelled I just pushed him away

"Dying...cough...is sometime better...cough My freind" as he said the friend part although a bit wrong but it made sense in his situation

As sam's hand fell down...the co worker put him down gently

As he closed his eyes gently while he was looking at sam's corpse





"Sam...Sam...SAM!" as a shout woke him up Sam startled was looking at his surroundings

"Where is this place?" As he contemplates

As someone says"Bro this is school! Did you make your way here while your sleeping!" As the class burst to laughter

The teacher furious sents Sam outside

As he obediently left and wait at the hallway outside the door of his classroom

As he was watching the trees waving in front and while thinking' did some reincarnated or regressed bullshit happened...' as he thought he looked at his hands

'my father had money when I was 10 and bank rupted to 15 ....I think..I didn't regress judging by the clothes..'as he thought he heard a voice

"Yo...you good?" As the voice asked he looked towards him as he was shocked

"...Ben?..." As Sam said the person Infront nodded

A brunet with Green eyes was looking at him curiously as he said"well...you know my name...well what's yours.."

As he said he replied"Sam my name is Sam"

As he said Ben contemplates"ohhh! Your the orphanage kid right!" As he said Sam nodded

While he was clutching his head"what...head problems?" Ben asked as Sam nodded

"Well you know your no fun if you don't talk right!" As Ben said Sam was about to speak but pressed his lips and nodded


As Ben said he continued "what reason was for teacher Linda to get you outside?"

Ben asked curious as Sam said"sleeping"

"Ohh that's the reason your not talkative your tired huh!" As he said Sam nodded his head as Ben said

"Don't worry I won't make it bore for yah!"

As he said,Ben points to the exit of the school

"Let's dump this class for now" as he said Sam shakes his head as he said

"You know that the bell is about to ring right" as he said the bell ringed as Ben looked at Sam and said"impressive!"

As Sam nodded and entered class

As teacher scolded them they started leaving

"Well nice to met ya Sam!" As Ben said Sam replied"you too Ben ..your quite fun!" As Ben grin as he left waving

As I made my way to the orphanage they said"hey it's that kid again..."

"Yeah I heard he was about to be kicked out"

"Yeah...apparently he angered the nanny"


"Yah I'm not joking" as the kid whisper

(I'm gonna change something here so most people know bit coin was invented in 2009,but I made it invented in 2004 in this novel and it started rising in 2005 not November but in March)

'currently it's February so almost about...how much ...1 month and 2 days of rising in the stocks...'

As he thought an idea popped up

'i was learning about technology and stuff ,right....I'm thinking of making phones..'

As he said he entered the hallway of the orphanage

"For that ..I need money...but where can I get..." As he spoke he got an idea


As he said he needed a total of 100 dollars

'i remember there was a jackpot machine I can hack it inside and put 3 jackpots and one lose'

As he said he went to the kitchen to grab his food

As he was met with a hard bread with beans can

'ugh...I hated this even in my previous life' as he thought about the beans, he made his way towards the siting area

'okay so where can I find 100 dollars?' as he thought his eyes went up to the orphanage's nanny's door

'jackpot...I'll put it back there...I promise' as he thought

Time skip mid night

As a door opened we see jack came out of the room as he was making his way towards the kitchen

As he silently opened the kitchen door he saw big rats running around the kitchen

He was terrified to the core but made his way towards the nanny's room

As he silently opened the door he saw that the nanny was sleeping

He quietly opened the wardrobe and get her purse and took out 100 bucks as he put it back like it was as he made his way out...

Time skip

As they were having breakfast the nanny burst in

"Who took my 100 dollars!" As she yelled Sam as terrified of having a name of thief

As she was inspecting everyone's room and they're body after a while it wasn't found

'huff...thank God I put it up in the cellings' as Sam thought they all started to whisper about to 100 dollars as Sam went to take a bath

As he was now...naked in front of many other kids as he was taking a shower

After that he went and grabbed the 100 he put and left the orphanage for school

As he remembered it is his last day