
Leaving Orphanage,Making Money

As he remembered it is his last day inside the orphanage and he was being thrown out

As he remembered he made his way towards a machine...a very familiar one

(Does anyone know what the jack pot machine name is?)

As he made his way he first looked around to see no body there as he smacked a piece of the machine and wiring came as he did something and put it on

He then put his 100 bucks inside as it started spinning...

As a mechanical voice came "COngrATUlAtiOns, You've Gotten 777 Jack pot!"

As it said it gaved 10 times the amount put in

'wow 1000 dollars' as he was looking he put the thousand inside

"Congratulations You've Gotten A Jackpot!"

As it said the money became 5 thousand as he did it again

As the end the went to the school

"I have a total of...50 thousand dollar ...I don't think I need more money" as he said he made him way towards the school

As he found Ben waking he joined him"hey Ben!" As he heard a familiar voice Ben turned around to see Sam running towards him

"Huff...I'm tired!" As Sam complained Ben laughed

"Well! Your stamina is gonna need an update"

"Ohh yeah..." As Sam said he challenged Ben to a run towards the school

As we see two dweebs running around at fast speed they reached the school at 3 minutes as they felt like dying

As they got into they're classroom they looked at each other breathing heavily

"That's one heck of a fun!" As Ben said Sam nodded still gasping for breath

"Haha! But you lose!" As Ben said a tick mark appeared in sam's head

"Ohh yeah! I won first loser!" As Sam said still panting the rest of the classmates started arriving

As the teacher arrived she glared at Ben first as she said "class period one Maths,Take out your books!" As she said

She started to tell"I'm gonna teach you all Multiplication!" As she said she started teaching

(I hate maths!)

As she was explaining she said"okay I've explained you all well! Ben Tell me what's 7 multiply 8"

"Uhmm...27?" As Ben said she yelled"WRONG!!, You! On the other side Sam tell me!"

As she said Sam stood up as he said"miss it's 56" as he said the teacher looked at her book as the students started laughing

"Haha he can't even get that simple question!" As he said the other boy said

"Yeah it's so easy I can even awnser it without even hearing" as they said the teacher said

"Well done Sam!, I thought You weren't paying attention in class,Good Job!" As she said Ben looked at his friend in annoyance"why didn't you tell me!"

"It was a guess" Sam shrugged as the day went by

As they parted ways from school

Sam started searching for a place to rent as he got a place with 2 bedrooms with a medium sized kitchen as he had furnished his place as he again made his way towards the orphanage to retrieve his stuffs

As he was now 10 in his body but mentally he was above 20

As he came to the orphanage without even seeing him the nanny threw his clothes outside with a suitcase as she said

"The suit case is from your dad bye!" As she closed the orphanage door Sam left

Bewildered from her attitude as he tried to remember "what 'Did' go wrong?"

As he contemplates he arrives at his new house

He entered as he was looking around even in his past world he couldn't afford to buy a house but...this one was cheaper...too cheap and a good vibe to It

"Well, thank God I studied engineering" as he said he sat on his sofa

As he was looking at his father's suitcase

Some menacing roar came! As he looked around for the source "shit...I'm hungry!" As he yelled he now knew...he didn't buy grocery to cook anyway so "Takeaway it is!"

As he took out an Android phone as he calls a local pizza restaurant

"Yes Hello...I want aee...pepperoni Double Cheese Pizza please" as he begin to order some 'extras'

After an half an hour a box of pizza came as he payed him and left

Sam directly went to his couch and open to watch the tv as he eats

'now....I have a total of 12,578 dollars...I should do something about money...' as he was rubbing his temple about money he got an idea

'bit coins!' as he said he opened his newly aqquired Low quality laptop

'its used but...it's worth it' as he thought he begin to go to buy bit coins

After a while

"Okay it was 1 dollar 55 cents for now...but after a month!" As we see Sam happy for a second and almost instantly, instantly he shows a devil smile

As he looked at his laptops top corner he found how much bit coins he has

"7,000...about 10,500 so I have the rest to spent wisely till...march 12...so I have a total of..." As Sam looked towards the calendar he continued "20 days till millionaire!!"

As he yelled in happyness his pizza left his hand







Sam woke up and started getting ready

"Okay first I'm gonna take a shower"

As he entered the bath tub

"Ahhh~~~...that's the spot!"

As he said after a while

A long while

Loong Loong whilee

As we see Sam was wearing his new shoes as he left to go to school


As he took a yawn he started to leave as he saw some familiar face

"Hey! Sam!" As Sam heard it he said

"Ben?" As he said Ben told him to get here as Sam quickly leaves to find his friend Infront of his mom and dad

"Mom! He's the friend I mentioned he's really good in math!"

"Hello, mr and Mrs Tennyson" as Sam bowed a little to show his respect

As bens mother Sandra Tennyson said"well hello there,how are you?"

As Sam replied in the affirmative as she said

"What's your name? my name's Sandra Tennyson and his name is Carl Tennyson"

As she said sam genuinely didn't know their name so he said

"Hello, aunt Sandra and uncle Carl My name is Sam Brandon" as he said Sandra spoke

"Well Sam,Could you look after Ben?"