
Bit coins Increase,time skip

"ah...Aunt Sandra Ben can come in my home anytime!" As Sam said with a smile as Ben patted his friends back as she said

"Ohh...where are your parents?"j

As she asked with a smile Sam "well....I live alone so...right..." As he said the smile dropped as Sandra and Carl understood

'sam is an orphan?' as they said Ben and Sam already left

At school

Sam and Ben was sitting together and we see miss Linda teaching something as Sam was trying hard to let Ben understood

He finally understood what it meaned when it was already 2nd period mid

As Sam asked again and Ben said"ohhh...I forgot..."

As the rage building up inside Sam was no ordinary that he wanted to smack him but was restraining himself

As the class ended

The duo started to make their way home as Ben said"it's really good that my best friend lives closer to me!"

Sam smiles as they almost reached they're home town

"Home sweet home!" As Ben said they shared a high 5 as Ben knocked at his door as Sam opened his door

And took off to the bath room to take a bath

After an hour

We see that Sam is in a mart buying meat vegetables and...Cokes

As the total came about 1,500 dollars he payed and left..

"With this much...I can last a month without worry" as Sam said he look towards his house to see bn outside as he said"Heyy! Sam! Mom told me to tell you to have dinner tomorrow with us" as Ben said

"Ohh! Are you staying over?" As Sam asked Ben as he shakes his head and said"mom might kick my ass if I took a sleep over"

As Ben said shaking his head Sam replied "well...after the dinner?" As he said with a thoughtful look Ben nodded

As he started to leave

Ben entered his house

As he started making something he could eat...as he remembered grandpa max...

"If I ever gonna go on a trip with them...I need to have a food source and to stop at a burger place to eat something..."

As he said he remembered his boiled worm meals

'ugh' as he gaved a disgusted expression he started eating

As hours went by we see Sam wearing...

(Wait...I haven't told you how he looked huh? Well here's the image)

As he was wearing a black coloured shirt as they're were a red line in between with a blue coloured jeans

As he started leaving for his friends house

He locked his house's door and looked towards his friends house as he started making his way

As he reached the door he pressed the bell as he heard"coming!"

'that isn't miss Sandra's voice' as Sam thought a red haired girl opened the door

She had green eyes with red hair that gives off a charm

As the door fully opened to see Ben as he said"hey! He's my guest!"

"Ohh! A doofus can have a friend?" As she said Ben grinned as Carl came and with a friendly smile towards Sam he said"come on in!"

As he looked furious as he said "Gwendolyn and Benjamin Kirby Tennyson"

'ohh! Full names was used! Your Cooked!"

As Sam thought he discovers a grandpa with a well old but even for old as he wored a red coloured hawai shirt as he gaze at Sam with a friendly gaze

"Hello there, you must be Sam Brandon right?" As the man of the show said he looked at max as he was stuttering

"Y...yes...I...am" as he said Carl came up and said "his name is Max, he's Ben and The girl Gwen's grandpa"

As he said Sam nodded as he said"hello grandpa" with a cute grin as Sandra looked at his smile while cooking

"Ohh what a cute boy!" As she said she started to serve as we see Gwen and Ben has set a grudge now

After the dinner , Ben and Sam was playing sumo wrestler as Gwen was watching

"Hey! Dweeb, how are you gonna win if sam's gonna kick your ass with a controller that is every older than yours"

As Gwen said I defeated Ben as he with gritting his teeth looked towards Gwen as Sam said" okay I'm leaving..."

As he said"Ben!...let's go to my house I have pizza too!"

As he said Gwen looked interested as she said"can I come too?"

"Noo! Duh!" As Ben said as he showed his tongue to Gwen as she was about to start a cat fight I said

"Be quick or your mom will never let you go!"

As Sam said they all rushes downstairs

As Sam asked permission looking at the boys face Carl granted it

As the trio made they're way to sam's house he ordered 3 large pizzas As he had cokes in his fridge

They started eating pizza when it arrived and having fun as Ben was tired and slept on the sofa

As Gwen tried to wake them up Sam shakes is head

"No need I'm gonna carry him to the bed" as Sam said Gwen said"well..where do you have money from...I'm curious"

"Well...I'll tell you later" as Sam dodged the question as he put Ben in the bed as she said

"I'm going too yawn good night" as they left for they're respective room Sam slept on he couch

Time skip

It is March and the sales of the bit coins started rising

As we see Sam grinning at his laptop to see how bit coins were increasing every second it has reached 43,673 dollar per bit coin and it stopped

"Hehehe!" As he grinned

"Ahhh~~~ now I'm a millionaire!...yeah! I have to give uncle Carl that 12,000 dollars he gaved me"

Yes I asked uncle Carl to gave me money as he said"why you want that much money?"

"House re- maintenance!"

As he said Carl nodded and after a day he gaved him the money

As Sam goes to a bank and withdraw one bit coin money he was rich now as he first made his way towards the Tennyson house and knocked on the door

"Who is it!"

"Aunt Sandra it's me Sam!" As Sam said the door opened as we see a woman smiling kindly at him as she said "com'on in"

As she said he made him way to uncle Carl as he was contemplating the bit coins

"Sigh....I shouldve buyed them..." As he said Sam came and asked"buy what uncle?"

"Bit coins... nevermind you won't understand anyways"

As he said Sam gaves a letter that contained 12,000 dollars as he said "well..thanks" as Carl said and continued"how did you get this much money anyways?"

"Bit coins!" As Sam said depression hit Carl

'even a kid made millions...' as he thought with a bright smile Sam started cheering for him so his depression went away