Nico made his ice hammer come back to him, before he charged towards Iggy, while swinging the hammer towards one of the wings that The Fool currently had.
"Let's test those reflexes!"
In response The Fool was made to fly to the side to dodge Nico's strike, though, Iggy almost fell off as the dog wasn't used to being on top of a flying object. The hybrid, seeing this, decided to keep up on the offense to see what the Stand using canine before him would do.
"Oh! What are you going to do now!? How are you going to deal with your weakness in this moment!?"
Using the force of the air generated by his ice covered wings, Nico decided to use this to make it more difficult for Iggy to stay on The Fool. And, Iggy, not wanting to fall off of his Stand from their current height, even if he was confident that his Stand would catch him, morphed The Fool again to hold his paws in place on the Stand.
Nico seeing this, decided that he would make this spar more difficult for Iggy, since he wanted to see how well the canine could control the movements of The Fool in a different form.
"Now, let's test out your speed and control!"
Waving his hand through the air, Nico made multiple shards of ice that floated around him, before he began to launch them at Iggy by using his ice hammer like a bat. Though, Nico didn't intend for them to actually hit Iggy, as he was aiming to graze the dog at most, since he didn't want to seriously hurt his possible ally.
Iggy, luckily, managed to dodge the majority of the shards that were suddenly launched at him by flying similarly to how some bird would in tough environments, though, some did hit his Stand. But this didn't do much to hurt him as The Fool was made of sand, and stabbing sand is like trying to collect water with a bucket that has a massive hole in it, pointless.
"Hm, we'll need to work on your reaction speed. But, I'll leave that for later. Let's continue our game, but a bit more seriously now."
While the two were 'playing' above everyone, the others decided that they might as well get the supplies that the Speedwagon Foundation had brought. However, the blind man that Nico had noticed earlier was stewing in his frustration and confusion at not knowing anything about his future opponent.
"Who the hell is this guy!? None of our informants know about him, anyone who faced him is either dead, or traumatized beyond communication!! So, nobody knows what his Stand is, or what it can do!! It's like he just came out of nowhere one day to try and ruin Lord Dio's plans!!!"
The blind man said in frustration as he held the sides of his head. Sadly, since he was blind, he wasn't able to see Nico's Stand, but he could hear whatever Nico did, even from his large distance from the hybrid's prior position. But, just hearing alone wasn't enough to figure out what the Stand could do, the best he gathered was that it allowed him to fly, and create large objects from seemingly nothing.
"I doubt this brat could beat Lord Dio, but he could still be a problem. I'll need to get something to record what his Stand could do, so I can get it to the other's just in case. Especially since he can fly, so Pet Shop may be the only one of us that can fight him while he's in the air."
Just as he was about to stand up and walk away from the scene, he heard something heading towards him fast. The next second he felt something sharp cut his cheek, before the sound of something crashing into the ground behind him was heard.
"W-what was that?..... D-did he see me? ....How?!"
The blind man said as he touched his cheek, only to feel the blood flowing from his new wound. Though, while he was questioning how someone could see a single person several miles away, Nico was looking over at him with Iggy.
"Some people really have the nerve to try and leave while the show was at its peak. Granted, he's blind, but still, it's the principle!"
Nico said as he looked over to Iggy, who was still flying next to him, and was looking curiously at the mountain that Nico had shot a projectile at. You see, what Nico had shot was a feather that was covered in ice to make it as sharp as a razor, and currently, Iggy was trying to figure out how to replicate what Nico did.
"Now, where were we again?"
He asked as he watched Iggy try and turn part of its Stand into a feather-like spear to use as a projectile. Which seemed to actually be harder to do, than just changing the form of Iggy's Stand, probably because the dog is separating part of itself to do this.
"I don't think it's wise to try doing what I did, since your Stand seems to not be able to produce more sand. So, you shouldn't try making any projectiles, especially since you'd just be tossing yourself at enemies."
Nico said as he flew next to Iggy, before petting the dog on the head, much to the shock and confusion of said dog. Iggy was going to move away and possibly bite Nico, but stopped as he smelled something familiar on Nico's hand, causing him to sniff it and try and figure out what the smell was.
"Hm? What is it, Iggy?"
The hybrid asked as he didn't expect the dog to be this curious about his scent, especially since he remembered that Iggy is supposed to be aggressive as hell. So, why was the dog not attacking him, but instead sniffing him?
'Wait, didn't Eve say something about a coffee addicted dog? Is Iggy smelling the coffee that I usually have on me?'
To test out this thought, Nico made one of the feathers from his ice wings go grab his messenger bag, all while still petting Iggy as he didn't know if he would get another chance later. As soon as the bag was near them, Iggy immediately sniffed the air and looked at the bag as if it was the holy grail itself. This sight made Nico break out in a fit of laughter.
"So, it was the coffee you smelled! You might be more addicted to the stuff than I am. Here, have some coffee gummies."
Nico pulled out a bag of gummies, which Iggy looked at curiously as the dog was more familiar with coffee gum. But, when Nico opened the bag and placed a gummy in front of the dog, the smell alone made Iggy go to town on the poor gummy that was shaped like a coffee bean.
"Good, right?"
The hybrid said as he popped a gummy into his own mouth. The only response from Iggy was a happy bark, and the rapid wagging of his tail, while looking at the bag of gummies expectantly.
"I'll take that as a yes. So, let's put a pause on our little spar for the time being. Now, how about we head back down, and I'll give you some more, okay?"
Iggy quickly flew down to the other's, excited for more of what has become his new favorite snack, much to the confusion of the other's, and the amusement of Nico. The demigod looked over to the mountain that he shot a feather at prior, before following Iggy, so he could give the dog more of the promised gummies.
"Eh? Nico what did you do? I've never seen Iggy act this excited about anything."
Joseph asked as Iggy landed on the desert sands, tail still wagging like crazy, while looking at the said red eyed teenager. Instead of Nico immediately responding like the old man expected, he ended up throwing a couple more coffee gummies to Iggy, which were caught and eaten without hesitation.
"All I did was bond with him over our shared coffee addiction. Oh, and I might have made him a little more dangerous by giving him ideas on how to use his Stand."
Nico said as he ate some of the gummies himself, before throwing a couple more to Iggy. The others were amazed that he could get along with this dog that looked like it was ready to kill anyone that tried its limited patience earlier, well, all except Polnareff, who was still pissed at said dog.
"Of course you and the damn mutt have something in common, you two even look alike!"
The hybrid didn't know if that was supposed to be an insult towards him, or Iggy, because he thought Iggy looked like a cool dog, so he didn't mind being compared to him. But, Iggy didn't really take kind to Polnareff's words, and temporarily stopped eating his gummies to scare the Frenchman by turning The Fool into a lion that roared in the man's face. This caused Polnareff to yell in fear, before falling on his ass for the second time today.
"Nice one, Iggy!"
Nico said as he gave Iggy another gummy coffee bean, while petting said dog to praise it. In response Iggy happily ate the sweet, while actually enjoying the pets, mainly because Nico did smell like coffee.
"Interesting, I didn't expect that you two would actually get along this fast. Mostly because you two were fighting mere moments ago."
Avdol said as he watched the red eyed teenager pet Iggy, who he thought could barely stand anyone. After all, his first interaction with the dog was him seeing Iggy trying to literally rip a man's balls off with its teeth, which was kind of funny looking back on it, but it still showed how little fucks the dog gave for humans.
"That was just a spar, Avdol, I didn't actually try to hurt Iggy, and he could tell that if I wanted to, I could've killed him faster than he could even blink. After all, I could've just frozen all the moisture in his body in an instant."
At his words Iggy's body couldn't help but react by shaking in fear, because if he actually tried to fight back against Nico in that 'spar' his life may have been considered forfeit. But, he quickly stopped thinking about that as Nico tore up the bag of gummies and placed the rest of them in front of him.
"Now, before I head back to my bag to continue my reading, I'm gonna go check something out."
Nico wanted to interrogate the blind man that he shot a frozen feather at before, so, spreading his ice covered wings, he flew off to the mountain that he saw beforehand. Though, the flapping of his wings caused a lot of sand to be kicked up into the faces of everyone, except Iggy, who used The Fool to block the sand from him and his snack.
As the demigod flew over to the mountain, he saw where his ice feather was embedded into mountain, but he didn't see the blind man anywhere. So, he looked around to see where the man had went, only to find the man walking down the side of the mountain while holding the side of his face, where the ice feather had cut him earlier.
Seeing him, Nico quickly made chains out of ice, and made them wrap around the man like a serpent wrapping around its prey. This caused the blind man to yell out in shock as he fell to the ground, due to the sudden constraining of his limbs.
"What the hell!?!"
"Hello down there! I take it your supposed to be my next opponent?"
Nico said as he made the chains tighten around the man, causing the man to groan in pain as it felt like he would lose feeling in his limbs soon if this continued on.
"Who are you!? Why are you doing this?!"
The man said as he wore an expression of pure fear, while acting as if he really didn't know why Nico would attack him.
"You should know damn well why I'm doing this, after all, you were spying on me and the others earlier. Do you really think I'll let you leave without taking some payment for the info you're going to give Dio, especially since some of that info involves me?"
But, the hybrid wasn't buying this act, as all of his instincts were telling him that this man intended to do him harm, and that this blind man is better off dead. It seems that its a good thing that he does have these instincts, even if he still feels it odd to have these instincts that are just screaming at him to end this threat immediately.
"Payment? You want money? Well, I don't have any money on me currently, but I do have... this!"
The blind man suddenly turned over and summoned his Stand, which looked like a hand made out of water, and launched it out at Nico's face. The man thinking he was going to easily kill Nico smiled in a way that would easily scare children, but that smiled dropped as heard these words.
"You know, this Stand of yours really has potential, but against someone like me, its like you merely tossed a piece of paper at me."
Before the man could even question what Nico had meant, he felt as if he was being constrained even further in an impenetrable box. The reason why is because Nico had just sealed the man's Stand inside of a box made pure ice, which he purposefully made much thicker than steel.
"Now, don't think I give a damn about money, because that shit doesn't even make the top thousand on my priority list. No, when I say I want payment, I mean I want something that will make me stronger, so I can more easily kick the shit out of your boss."
The man asked, not understanding what Nico could possibly take from him that could make it easier to fight Dio. That was until Nico had grabbed him by the throat, raised his chained body up, and began to absorb his life force/energy as if it were second nature.
"W-what are you doing to me!?"
He said as tried to get out of Nico's grasp, but it was useless, with each passing second he could feel his body aging and growing weaker as Nico took more from him.
"Oh, I'm just taking a few decades off your life span, and making sure you won't even have enough strength to use your Stand for a while. After all, I don't plan on killing you, since I'm trying to hold back on that stuff, but I also don't plan on letting you try and sneak attack me later."
This would also serve to help Nico gain potential in Hamon, even though he still doesn't know what it is, but if its tied to a world that has vampires, it should make killing Dio easier. But, with this he was making it more likely for the blind man to succumb to diseases, or possibly die from organ failure, so either way he was still sending this man off to his death. It may not be his hands that will deal the final blow, but he will still be a large contributor to this man's death.
"Now, be a good little energy supplement, and give me the rest of what I want, so I can get back to hanging out with my coffee addicted dog, and read some more!"
Nico said as he started to absorb the rest of the life force/energy that he desired, as he did it seemed like the man had aged thirty years in the span of mere seconds. This sight brought a smile to Nico's face without him even realizing it, whether it be because of his new instincts, or his nature as an Osmosian, he truly was shaping up to be a sadist down to his bones.
As soon as he was finished absorbing the last of what he wanted, he tossed the blind man off to the side, and melted the chains of ice as the man was no longer a threat, the man's Stand was even desummoned as soon as he started absorbing the life energy from him.
"Well, that was a good meal, make sure not to die too soon, after all, you should make use of the info you just paid for. See ya!~"
The hybrid said before he flew off from the man that he had just turned into a shriveled up old man. It didn't surprise him much that he actually did feel full from absorbing so much of that man's energy, after all, Osmosian's were made to absorb any type of energy to use as their own, so this was natural. Though, it did slightly surprise him when he saw the Challenge Card come out of his bag with a new update for him.
[Challenger: Nicholas Levi Kieran/Tennyson
Race: Demigod/Osmosian/Necrofriggian
Number of Challenge's Started: 1/3
Number of Challenge's Completed: 0/3
Enemies Faced: 5
Abilities Gained From Most Recent Enemy: N/A
NOTICE: Hamon potential 5% --> 25%]
"Hm? I guess this thing considered my spar with Iggy as a fight with an enemy? I don't really know why it shows me that, but okay. Though, it is nice to know that my potential for Hamon increased by 20%, I should probably figure out what it can do sooner rather than later."
He thought to himself as he continued to fly back to the others, wondering what would be the next Stand he would face, and what he'll get from them if he chooses to absorb them. Not caring about the bodies he would eventually leave in his path, because that was inevitable, as he desired to become full fledged god so he can protect everyone he loves.