
A Kieran's Challenge: Death 13 Part 2

"Ni...wake...Ni...co....wake...up....Nico wake up!"

"Shut the fuck up, Kakyoin... Lemme sleep!..."

The hybrid said as he slapped the hands of the red head who was trying to get his attention, before quickly realizing that he had fallen asleep in his bag prior, so why would Kakyoin be in his bag now?

"Kakyoin! I swear if you don't leave my bag I'm gonna- wait... where are we?"

But, when he opened his eyes he saw the unfamiliar scenery of a place that was similar to a carnival with a green sky, with Kakyoin, Polnareff, who was eating ice cream for some reason, and himself riding a Ferris Wheel. And on top of the strangeness, there seemed to be the corpse of a dog sitting right next to the hybrid, who was sitting on a bit of the snow he had made prior.

"Kakyoin, why'd you have to wake him up? I was enjoying not having to listen to him yap in my dream."

"First off, fuck off Polnareff. Second, what dream?"

Nico was confused as he was still half asleep, so he didn't know why the Frenchmen said the word 'dream' as if they were awake in a shared one.

"Nico, listen! That dog sitting next to you had the same dream as me, it was killed by the enemy Stand, Death 13, in this dream, and died in real life, its corpse was even outside the hotel we all slept in. Now, please tell me that you understand, because Polnareff doesn't, and I really need help understanding this situation, because I forgot it all before when I woke up!"

Kakyoin was obviously stressed out because of the situation, it seems he had been trying and failing to tell Polnareff about an enemy that could kill them in their sleep before Nico had arrived. Honestly, any normal person would think that the red head had finally gone insane beyond repair.

"Damn... welp! Where's this bitch? I want to get back to some real sleep as soon as possible."

But, as someone who is a demigod alien hybrid, has a wendigo sister that eats eyeball cakes, and is in love with three girls that all have alien heritage, Nico was the farthest thing from normal in any sense of the word.

"Seriously, Nico, Kakyoin just had a dream about Stands, and it's making him paranoid, nothing more, nothing less."

Polnareff said as he continued to eat his ice cream, much to Kakyoin's frustration.

"Lali-ho! Tell me, does it hurt being that stupid!"

Said a strange younger sounding voice, which sounded like it was coming from right beside where Nico was sitting. The three looked in the direction of the voice, and when they did, they saw the carcass of the bloody dog begin to shake and spray blood. Which made Nico quickly move away from it.

"Oh for the love of! Lemme spell it out for you! I'm saying that you're slow on the uptake Polnareff!"

Said the voice from the twitching carcass, before what looked like a megaphone began to poke out of the wound on the dog's body.

"It's coming from the dog's wound!"

"Oh! I would've never guessed that Sherlock! Got any more bits of bright insight?!"

Nico said sarcastically to Polnareff, clearly weirded out by the turn of events, and frustrated that he isn't being allowed to sleep properly to go through this shit.

"Lali-ho! Allow me to welcome you to my humble abode! This is a dream, and I'm the grim reaper! Now be some good idiots, and die for me, okay?"

Said the megaphone, before being ejected from the dog's wound, which was quickly followed by the appearance of a large eye popping out of the wound in its place, staring directly at the three.

"That is some Elm Street type shit if I've ever seen any. Wonder if I could top it?"

Nico questioned himself before Kakyoin quickly wounded the two about what was happening.

"Both of you! Stay on guard and watch closely, that fiend is Death 13!"

As he said those words, Polnareff noticed something had changed with his ice cream. Looking at it the Frenchmen had noticed that his ice cream was replaced by a bunch of worms piled onto his cone, causing him to gag and toss it off the Ferris Wheel.

Then, almost like clockwork, the eyeball in the wound of the dog had popped, and out came the enemy Stand from it. The thing looked like someone tried to mix a clown, the pope, the grim reaper, and then decided to give it the powers of Freddy 'Motherfucking' Krueger!


Was Nico's only response to the scene, before deciding to raise his hand in a finger gun motion, and shot the Stand with Sunshine, directly through its giant hat.


Death 13 yelled out in confusion as a smoking hole was now present in its hat, it didn't even have time to process what Nico had done as it seemed an attack with Sunshine was almost as fast as light itself.


The Stand yelled out it's questions as it backed up from Nico, in case the hybrid was going to attack again.

"Shut the fuck up! Your voice is so annoying that it sounds like something a child would come up with!"

"A child? That's it! Your user is that baby!"

Kakyoin yelled, figuring out who the mysterious user of this Stand was. Though, that didn't matter much, what mattered was taking down this Stand so they could get out of this dream world.

"Kakyoin, I don't think the user matter's right now. We can't fight the user, we forget whatever happens here when we wake up, as you said earlier.... we forget what happens here when we wake up?...."

Nico's face morphed into a dark smile as he started to walk towards Death 13, with an aura of death seemingly irradiating from his body. It didn't matter if he killed the user by completely destroying their Stand, because Polnareff and Kakyoin would forget that he basically killed a baby, and it didn't matter if he used all his abilities to their full extent here, because this is a dream world, it won't negatively affect the real world. This all combined to spell out one thing in the hybrid's mind.

"Experiment time...."

The hybrid quickly turned his hand into that of Lenopan's, grabbed Death 13, and threw it as far as he possibly could, which was actually a good several miles/kilometers, before jumping off of Ferris Wheel and sprouting the mutant parrot wings to fly after the Stand.

"Nico! What are you doing?!"

Kakyoin yelled out as he saw our protagonist fly after the Stand that had previously scared the absolute shit out of him, much to his confusion.

"This is going to be so fun!"

Was the only thing Nico yelled out that could be considered a response. This was the first time he would get to experiment with all of his abilities, and possibly try an experiment that he's been wanting to do ever since he got more DNA samples.


Death 13 yelled out as it started to warp the surroundings of the dream world to try and stop Nico, or at least try to slow him down. Buildings, carnival rides, large chunks of the ground, even turning the clouds into arms to try and hold him in place, Death 13 used all of these, but not a single one stopped the hybrid.

"Useless! Useless!! Useless!!!"

He yelled as he dodged, shot down with Sunshine, and used Lenopan DNA to squeeze through the cracks of anything thrown at him. All of this was done with a smile on his face, as this was basically a test to see how good his current reaction speed is without using XLR8 DNA. The conclusion for this test, whether by his Osmosian heritage, or the effects of absorbing the entirety of several creatures actually enhancing his body all around, his reaction speed was well well past the peak of a humans reaction speed.

"I hope you can heal yourself! Because you're gonna need it!!"

Next up would be a test of his various abilities, and strength, by unloading all of it onto Death 13.


The Stand questioned as Nico suddenly appeared right in front of it, and morphed his head into that of the zombie T-Rex that he absorbed a week prior.

"An analyst."

Was all that Nico said, before attempting to bite the lower half of Death 13, only to find out that the Stand was only made of its head, shoulders, arms, hat, and scythe, after tearing off the robe that hid its lack of a torso or legs.

"Interesting. Though this could greatly skew my findings, so we'll go to my experiment that I've been dying to go through."

With that, Nico turned his hands into a Lenopan's, grew them to the size of boulders, and performed a double axe handle on Death 13, making it hurtle to the ground at extreme speeds.


But, back in the waking world the two Joestar's, Kakyoin, and Polnareff, who had both been woken up by Joseph after Nico threw Death 13, were freaking out as the baby had been screaming in fear, and has most recently spat up a lot of blood. It seems that Nico's actions had affected the enemy Stand user a lot more than he would have expected, only showing the need for these types of experiments.



After Polnareff said that, the baby suddenly stop screaming all together, instead it now had a look of pure fear, as if it were staring its own death in the face. The only thing it could do at this moment was cry and say something that sounded a lot like the words 'please help'. Almost immediately after, its arms began to be crushed by an unseen force, the audible sickening sound of breaking bones was clearly heard, which was then followed by the babies cries of pain. Nico may not have killed it, but it would never be able to use its arms ever again.


Previously, back in the dream world, Nico was flying over the form of Death 13 who he had just knocked into the ground. Where he was getting what he needed for his final experiment for today.

"Let's see, I'll use the DNA from Upgrade as the base, the DNA from XLR8 to act as a quick bonding agent, the DNA from the Nosedeenian to act as the backbone, then the Limax and Lenopan DNA will help with adaptation and give it immunity to heat."

He was actively attempting to completely combine the DNA samples he has gotten so far, to create an entirely new type of DNA. Nico remembered how Kevin's mutated forms did mix and match different alien DNA's from the Omnitrix, but to this he had a single question in mind, 'What if I go one step further, and actually combine the DNA?'.

In theory, this should increase the individual abilities of the aliens, and should give him a form of an entirely new species all together. Or, it'll make him go on an unstoppable rampage and cause him to destroy everything in sight, which is why the dream world was the best place to conduct this expirement.

"Now, let's see if this actually- Who said you could move?..."

He said as he shot a beam of light that hit the ground right next to Death 13's head, who had tried to flee from whatever Nico was going to do to it next. The area around where the light hit had become molten rock, while the light itself had dug over a meter into the ground before disappating.

"Lali-ho! Please let me go!"

Nico looked at the stand with a blank look as it unintentionally rhymed while shaking in fear.

"Just for that rhyme, I'll make sure not to kill you, so you can fully realize how dumb that shit was, though I can't promise that I won't cripple or traumitize you."

His disappoint was immeasurable with this Stand, and his day would've been ruined too if he didn't have this. But, now it was time to see if this expirement will actually bear fruit, and if it will be the next step to becoming the strongest.

"Let's get this part started!"

Right after that Nico started the process of combining the DNA, which was mainly him turning into each form, and making the previous form assimilate it while focusing on the main purpose of the form. Which may sound strange, or dumb on paper, but when you have the DNA of a type of alien that is specifically designed to absorb all types of energy and discharge said energy, this is actually one of the best ways to go about this. Its also the only option he has as he doesn't have any tech to analyze the DNA, or the needed equipment to make a program that could find the best combinations for said DNA. So he was making the best with what he had, which was practically nothing.

"This feels so weird... it's like I'm quickly putting on and taking off jackets made of wildly different material- FUCK!! FUCK FUCK FUCK!!! OH SHIT THIS HURTS!!!"

He yelled in pain as he shifted between each of the forms, and made one absorb another, his body had begun to actively sweat a black and red sludge-like material that felt as if it were made out of needles. Even though he was in pain across his entire body, he continued to go through with the expirement, after all, nothing worthwhile is gained without sacrifice.


His bones then started to crack as his limbs were forcefully extended and his bones were changed from their original structure, making his hands look like large claws, which was proceeded by what seemed like a tail tearing through the skin of his lower back, four horns breaking the skin and cracking his skull as they formed, and other objects piercing through his shoulders and elbows.


The sludge-like material then began to expand and cover the entirety of his body, blocking his eyes so he could no longer see properly, blocking his ears so he couldn't hear his surroundings, and then blocking his nose and mouth so he couldn't properly breath. This was when the fight or flight instincts kicked in for Nico, making him try to claw at the sludge that covered his face, but, it was useless as the bones in his arms were still cracked from his limbs being forcefully changed, so he was only able to shake them frantically.

While Nico felt like he was fighting for his life, what Death 13 saw was a monster being created right before its eyes. It knew that if the man before it lost control of himself, it would surely die today, there would be nothing that it could do, and that feeling of not having any control, the feeling of being completely and utterly helpless, that terrified it more than anything else.

The last thing that was heard from Nico before he stopped completely, was a yell of pain as the sludge material seemed to pierce his heart in star diamond shape.

It seemed like several minutes had passed, until Nico finally began to move again, by slowly floating down to where Death 13 lay in fear. As he did float done, the black sludge took on a more black matte color, and seemed to become smoother, while the bits of red seemed to move to certain parts of his body, giving him the appearance of them being similar to circuitry or tattoos. Though, most of the red went to his new tail, which was longer than his new taller body.

The changes in his body made him look like he was designed to be used as a living weapon for some scientist. Though, final two changes that occured with his new body, was the addition of what looked like a single diamond shaped eye made from the red sludge, and the glowing that originated from the star diamond hole that was left after the sludge had pierced his heart.


Death 13 said in an attempt to get a response from Nico, as it was more afraid of him being this quiet. But, it didn't get a verbal response, what it got instead was the hybrid pouncing on it like a feral creature, gripped its arms with his large clawed hands, and began to crush its arms under his grip. The entire time he was completely silent, not even seeming to breath. During this the only thing that could be heard in the dream world was Death 13's screams of pain as its arms were crushed beyond repair. It didn't help that Nico's new 'eye' seemed to be staring unblinking at its pained face throughout the experience, practically burning the image of this strange silent monster staring at it while the monster broke it like it was nothing.

It was until Death 13, and its user, finally passed out from pain, bloodloss from its bone fragments piercing multiple veins across the arms, and fear, that Nico finally let go of his grasp on the Stand's arms. He then seemed to stumble, and place his hands on his head, before he finally started to make a sound again, which was the frantic breathes that he let out, even without a mouth or nose to breath out of.


He questioned as he looked at his newest form, while also looking at the broken form of Death 13. Nico had expected pain, he did expect that he would go on a rampage due to pain or sudden rage, but what he didn't expect at all, was that he would lose control of his own body like that. It felt like his body had reverted to the most basic instincts of a creature that he has no knowledge on, hell, it was probably better that this form didn't have a mouth, or he might have even tried to eat the Stand like a feral beast.

"Fucking hell! I need to figure out what that was when I get back home! Gods dammit!"

Nico continued to curse at his lack of knowledge at the situation, while the dream world around him seemed to fracture and break down around him.

"Good. Looks like without its user conscious, this place collapses. Meaning I can get back to sleep, wake up properly, and try to figure out what happened with a clear mind."

As the world broke down, he finally turned back into his base form, as he wanted to avoid using his new form until he learned more about what he had just created.

After the events, that Nico has labeled as 'the dream turned nightmare incedent', the group had quickly taken the baby to the nearest hospital, forgetting that Nico was still asleep in the bag that Jotaro was still holding. They only remembered he was in the bag when he woke up and exited it, long after they left the baby in the hospital. Speaking of, thankfully the baby didn't suffer any life threatening injuries, but the damage to its arms were so severe that they needed to be amputated. It was also later discovered that the baby now had a fear of diamond-like shapes, the mix of colors of red and black, and even of silence itself, making it cry and scream everytime its environment was deathly quiet, which made it have flashbacks to what happened with Nico's newest form.

What Nico had done, even if unintentional, had broken that baby so badly that it would even make Dio himself do a double take. All around, this was an experience that would make Nico take more precautions, not because he didn't want to break the minds of anyone again, but because he didn't like that feeling of not knowing what was happening at all, or the feeling of unknown instincts controlling him like that. As far as he was concerned, those that choose to make themselves his enemy, or try to harm those he loves, deserve whatever happens to them.