
There's No Way That This Is Love

No, it was just ridiculous. Gustav couldn't even imagine that David wanted him after the way Meiden had behaved towards him.

"But he never... And I..." Gustav entered into a process of denial.

"Try it. Just like that. If you are afraid that he will give you a slap in the face, it means that you are afraid to hurt him and that you really love him. Just try to go a step further with him, not with someone random, and you'll see if I'm right."

Gustav was completely in shock. He didn't even notice that Julius had left the small room. Was Julius really right? No, it was impossible. Gustav didn't love David, he couldn't....

And yet he trembled when he thought of him. He trembled with excitement and longing. He trembled with uncertainty and fear of being rejected. But David accepted his hand, his touch, and lavished his white, sticky cum on him. He ran away afterwards, ashamed, but returned each time and lately he was even actually eager....