
Bekhauf (Fearless)

Asia is a beautiful and vast continent where countries in South East such as the Philippines, Japan, China, Taiwan, etc. reside. Many folks have registered stories of old which they called Urban Legends that dated back decades of centuries ago are noted to be scary, historic or heroic. But this legendary story I am about to tell you will make you think and realize about your existence. That reading this urban legend will make you rethink if you are part of their lineage or not? Keyoshi is tagged as the village’s finest, fear less girl alongside Yuna, the former’s challenger in the Hunt’s game. She is part of a clan in an ancient village called Mimiko. Mimiko Village has tradition that to be able to grow strong, and be part of a powerful hunting team, young girls at the age of 13 years will need to travel West and fight all goblins and dark spirits (dead monsters) that they will face in a land a hundred kilometers away from their village, called Yomi (land where a living could never go back alive). Yomi is an island where humans who lived an evil life will get trapped here. Yomi has a man-spirit king named King Aatma.

Vicky_Manalo_5384 · 都市
93 Chs

Hot & Cold

Wow! This cave is beautiful! No wonder hunters love scouting this area to Yoshi!, Keyoshi said. Yes, and look at this planktons, I'm hungry, let's eat first!, Yuna said picking sticky jelly like plants and putting them inside her pockets. Okay, let's eat and rest for a while! We're almost there but it's been a tiring day, we can….ahhhh, there!, Keyoshi said while thinking where they can eat and sleep for a bit before venturing the wild and dangerous Yoshi Island. It is a small opening in the cave where there are shiny minerals that flicker once in a while. Keyoshi used her bolo to cut a portion of the mineral to look like a bed. Yuna is so hungry that she tasted the plankton and swallowed it even though uncooked. It doesn't taste bad but it is very slimy and fishy. Ekkkk…..ah can we eat first, I'm really hungry!

Yeas, ma'am! I'll make a hot pot for you! Here let's use this!, Keyoshi said while pulling a big shell, taking out the meat from it and made fire. She took the vegetables she brought from her bag and cut them into two pieces without peeling their covers yet just washed them thoroughly to be edible to eat.

Yuna looked at how Keyoshi is happy cooking the meal and wondered how sweet can she be feeding her. Yuna….Yuna? what are you thinking? It's done! Let's eat!

Oh okay!, wow, you cook?

Yes, well not really, I just saw how mother cooks and thought of it now. So I tried to make hotpot! I hope it tastes good. Wait, where is the plankton you got from the sea?


Okay, let's add it since I'm sure it's salty it'll add to the flavor. Let's cross our fingers and ….

Yuna tasted the soup. Yum….hmmmm! It tastes good! Let's eat now!

Okay, thank you! I'm glad that you liked it! We can try steaming crabs or shrimps next time once we get to see some on our travel to Yoshi. I bet they have lots of sea animals that we can eat there!

Hmmm….Yuna nodding but still munching the food on her mouth. She couldn't get enough of Keyoshi's cooking that she kissed her cheek to thank her. It's delicious, thank you!

Keyoshi smiled and blushed as she ate her portion of the hot pot.

Ever since I can remember, father always tell me that I am special and that I am key to a new world. I have dreamed of myself coming from a royal family, from some magical universe that all is gold and powerful. Until I was sent on earth to do something, maybe save it from destruction or I don't know. It's just weird and scary that I needed to a warrior hunter to be known and be accepted in the world. But I was a nobody until I won hunting games for five years. Who am I really? A savior, and is it like that of a story mother always tell Kera and I about this God called Jesus. Mother has this book entitled Pharaohs by a new author named MVManalo. Hmm….has she lived then or from the future? I don't know and whatever it is or whoever she is, I believe that there is a purpose why I read the book. It opened my eyes to being a good and responsible leader. It is not the position or the power but the commitment and the responsibility the pharaohs, kings and queens carried and held up to build their cities, and develop their nations to where they are now, rich, successful and well developed. Other cities and islands are more advanced than Mimiko but we have our own technicalities and superficialities.

I am the key? To what? I always wanted to ask father about it but Uncle Taiyo seem to avoid the topic but the sorcery lessons and trainings we have been doing for the past five years had a toll on me. That I don't want to deal with scepters, sticks or brooms like I was a witch or something. Haha! But I learned from all of it. Now I can say magic words and don't mumble them and can order the tree to move from this direction to the other. Or advice the owl to sleep at night and not in the mornings, or order the flower to bloom from a seed to grow roots in a couple of days and develop rapidly, and they did. But what type of magic is that? It is just a natural or common response to what it actually is, growth and development of living things and the act of trying to defy gravity. But my power doesn't stop with that.

I can control the weather, a person and nature. But I can't let human's fall for me or to someone else. I am a work in progress and I know being tagged as a savior, I need to live up to the expectation. Yet, as crazy as it sounds, I'm funny, insane and talkative. So I think being someone believed to be the superhero can have a disadvantage. I know I can fight the monsters and kill the dark spirits but I'm weak with girls, particularly with Yuna.