
Bekhauf (Fearless)

Asia is a beautiful and vast continent where countries in South East such as the Philippines, Japan, China, Taiwan, etc. reside. Many folks have registered stories of old which they called Urban Legends that dated back decades of centuries ago are noted to be scary, historic or heroic. But this legendary story I am about to tell you will make you think and realize about your existence. That reading this urban legend will make you rethink if you are part of their lineage or not? Keyoshi is tagged as the village’s finest, fear less girl alongside Yuna, the former’s challenger in the Hunt’s game. She is part of a clan in an ancient village called Mimiko. Mimiko Village has tradition that to be able to grow strong, and be part of a powerful hunting team, young girls at the age of 13 years will need to travel West and fight all goblins and dark spirits (dead monsters) that they will face in a land a hundred kilometers away from their village, called Yomi (land where a living could never go back alive). Yomi is an island where humans who lived an evil life will get trapped here. Yomi has a man-spirit king named King Aatma.

Vicky_Manalo_5384 · 都市
93 Chs

Hopefuls & Soldiers from Future

Fourteen hopeful warriors are chosen to travel and fight dark spirits in Yomi Island. The hunters include Emu, from the Russian Team alongside Yuna and Keyoshi. This fourteen hunters were brought down to ten to eight. Chana, Sarasti, Acamara, Nidar, Sindid (Gull), Keno, Yuna, Keyoshi and Emu but the Organizers and Elders chose wild cards that included, Tilly, Mera and Kish from Asia and Europe's Teams, Veluis with Kisha not joining her twin Kara on this. Then, Skull and Skipper. Eight of the warriors won their places and five of them were handpicked dependent on their abilities, skill and powers. Thirteen seems unlucky but for the Hunt, they are indeed unlucky for the games isn't for fun but death, since they will battle against the dark spirits and souls of Yomi.

Drunk already, Keyoshi, you're no fun, let's drink and be merry for tomorrow we will die in the hands of Kemolohlun, hiiik! Haha…..Yuna said laughing and giggling. Babe, you're drunk, let's go home, you need to rest for indeed tomorrow is THE day, Keyoshi cried smiling and reaching for Yuna's drink when she still continued to gallop one after the other until Shi stopped her from doing so. Hey!, come on, I'll carry you to our tent, Yuna!

Chana giggled and shrugged her shoulder while placing her arms on Tilly who laughed and a bit drunk too while Nidar is proudly telling scary stories from his and Sindid's adventure in the Badlands a couple of years ago before the Hunt games.

Stop it Keyoshi, you're not the boss of me!, Yuna pushing me and while swaying her way out of the bar, I helped her and placed my arms to her waist and walked her to out tent. Babe, ugh!!!

Yuna vomited while walking to the trees a couple of meters from the bar at Foresty to their tent.


Babe, come now and rest. No more drinking for you. You're not used to it. Sorry for letting Chana influence you, that woman is indeed a witch, blast her!, I added and carried drunk Yuna to our tent. I cleaned her face and chest, then searched for her sleep clothes and changed her. Though I have made love to her many times, I still respect her while her bosoms and body is all bare, I placed the blanket to hide her skin then changed her clothing. She smelled beer and I didn't want her to smell when we sleep together in the bed. Yuna is so beautiful and if I can protect her from risking her life to the games I wouldn't want her to come with me, ever. I kissed Yuna and let her sleep soundly while I grab my notebook and pen to write stuff about my dreams and the Hunt Game.

I have my fears and doubts about being the Chosen Warrior Hunter but I have an oath as a hunter to uphold. And all of us hunters have the duty to kill and save for the sake of our tribes and clans, countries and world. Haaa….!!!! I know I am someone else and don't really live in this world, realm or time! I feel inside my bones that I came from somewhere and based on our previous battle against the monsters in Yoshi, the trucks having a GPS which I don't know how I found out, is already a hint that I am from another time. The future maybe, but still I can't figure how I managed to come here and be the warrior, having superpowers and abilities that a normal person don't have. I need to sleep on this, haaa!!!! Keyoshi, just sleep and tomorrow is going to be a brutal but full of adventure journey for me and the rest of the warrior hunters. Let's go!!!!!

Ready, fire!, a loud banging sound was heard all throughout the island. A couple of miles from Mimiko there is a group of men and women on military suits and armors that are excavating the place. They are foreigners and seem to be so unfamiliar with the area that they are scouting every inch of the forest guarding each other like one depended on the other's breath and life.

Major Jonas, we seem to have travelled through time and we aren't in the year 5000, sir!

Hmm…Sergeant Mata, check on our grid please and tell me if we are near a city or a village maybe! Right away Sgt.!, Majoy Jonas added while standing in the center of his troop still on the look-out for wild animals or any dangers.

Sir, there is one near us in the middle of this forest, Sgt. Mata advised and felt relieved after saying that. Thank you Sgt., Troop, let's head out to the village and rest. We need to sort things out and observe this place. I don't know what happened and why we are here.

Banggg!, one military aid shot someone or something from afar, Sir, it was moving towards us and very fast why I shot it!, the man said.

Okay, Sgt. Mata and Phil, check it out and let's move on, Major Jonas said and walked along side his troop moving forward to the village.

The woman and another soldier nodded. Both ran to check the carcass but to their surprise it or he/she jumped at Phil. Sgt. Mata shot the creature again and another shot flew right to its head when it charged in front of the woman. Haa…huh, huh, huh! What the fuck? What is that, thing?

Ahhhh…..ahhhh…., Phil grunted. Phil, Jesus, what happened?, Sgt. Mata said seeing the man bleeding from stomach to his leg. That thing grabbed and literally ate me, ahhh….leave me here Sgt. I know I can't survive. Leave, now! Oh my God, there are still more of them, look!, Phil's eyes widened and held on to his armalite with a missile launcher, to shot each and every horrid creature that has fangs-like teeth and are breathing like they are hungry for human or human blood. Thanks, and God speed Private. Yeah, what the hell, fuck you all ugly creatures of …ahhhhhhh....Phil shouted and shot every inch of his gun towards a couple of monsters trying to reach him.

Sgt. Mata ran as fast as she could to catch up with the troop. When she reached them, Sir, Private Phil is down fighting the monsters. He was too bloody and broken from stomach down, poor buddy!

May God save is soul, now Sgt. let's proceed to plan. We need to ask the people in the village about this and what year we are in. If something happens, lead the team to the village and secure the perimeters for the people to be safe, Major Jonas (Mata) added and placed his arm on Sgt. Mata's shoulder. Yes Father! Then a wild and loud sound of explosion came from Private Phil's area. He made sure that he blew the monsters up along with him. Such a hero, goodbye, babe!, Sgt. Mata cried with tears welling up from her eyes. Move!

From this side of the forest we came out of…that shit!, aha! There you go!, Sir, Maam! Look at the GPS recorder, Sgt. Major and private Mina hurriedly ran to the officers to see where they left off. My God, dad, that is like a black hole, and we came out from there! It seems that there are many simulated holes from this part of the island and I wonder if there are people from the village that made it out and survived.