
Bekhauf (Fearless)

Asia is a beautiful and vast continent where countries in South East such as the Philippines, Japan, China, Taiwan, etc. reside. Many folks have registered stories of old which they called Urban Legends that dated back decades of centuries ago are noted to be scary, historic or heroic. But this legendary story I am about to tell you will make you think and realize about your existence. That reading this urban legend will make you rethink if you are part of their lineage or not? Keyoshi is tagged as the village’s finest, fear less girl alongside Yuna, the former’s challenger in the Hunt’s game. She is part of a clan in an ancient village called Mimiko. Mimiko Village has tradition that to be able to grow strong, and be part of a powerful hunting team, young girls at the age of 13 years will need to travel West and fight all goblins and dark spirits (dead monsters) that they will face in a land a hundred kilometers away from their village, called Yomi (land where a living could never go back alive). Yomi is an island where humans who lived an evil life will get trapped here. Yomi has a man-spirit king named King Aatma.

Vicky_Manalo_5384 · 都市
93 Chs

Fire & Dragons

I ran to try to make peace with her by putting my sword away and raising my arms up in surrender. Then, got my dried fish and other meats to help the poor mommy dragon out to feed her kids. She took the sack and gave some meat to her babies who chewed the food right away in hunger.

Chibby! That will be your name from now on. My mommy dragon, Chibby with cute little chibbies of her own!, Hahaha! Cuties, how are you?, I said to the little dragons and cuddled them.

Yuna saw it all and seemed uncaring. She just smirked off and was tapping her feet waiting for me to finish my stupid antics, maybe.

Hehe! what?

We need to get back on track! We still have a competition to finish, remember?, Yuna said angrily.

Have you had your period yet? You have been so moody lately, but more snobbish and irritable! What's wrong?, I said while kissing the little chibbies and saying my goodbyes to mommy dragon. Bye Chibby and little babies, I'll see you when we get back from the games!

Chibby sort of smiled and touched my cheek with her snout with her eyes closed. Then, she looked at Yuna and snorted like she wanted to burn my partner with fire. So I caressed my dragon's snout 

to keep her calm and she breathed then left.

Bye!!! Yuna….let's go and fight!

Aha…., Yuna added and kept her annoyance to herself.

After a couple of kilometers walk which I thought would be just 500 feet long, it is hopeless. Yuna and I have been walking for days and we seem to have lost our way. So I looked outside the stony cave and saw water everywhere. I think we need to dive back up to see the island. Yuna and I decided to wear our dive suits back and readied to swim up. I carried the hackmanites and first swam up. It's not a hard swim because we were able to conserve energy since the walk inside the cave was light and untroubled.

We swam at about thirtyish feet long and when we arrived the Yoshi, it's calm but animal sounds and hums are heard from everywhere. Aha! It's dawn now and the wild island is just about to wake up! Wow! Yuna, let's check on the sunrise. Here it comes!, I helped Yuna to climb a huge tree and sit with her seeing the sun rose the sky.

Haaa….., Yuna and my eyes saw the beauty of the sun. It is indeed gods beautiful creation and I love looking at it, wishing that I would be able to see it always. But thinking about my fate and since it was foretold that I will save Mimiko and the world for destruction, my lit up face changed to sadness.

What are you thinking about?, Yuna said touching my hand while we sat up a branch of the tree.

Nothing! I just thought of the things we need to face after this beautiful sight!

I think that is the true meaning of love. We care so much about others and our loves that we are willing to fight for them! I am here Keyoshi, though I don't approve of everything you do I still believe in you! I know you will protect us and save us from all this, from Kemolohlun and his dark spirits!

Thanks! I know!

Aha…yeah, the arrogance that repeatedly annoys me, every time!, Yuna whispered to herself.

What did you say?

Ah, that you are so cute…., Yuna being sarcastic.

Thanks, I know that too. And you are so pretty. Yuna!


Can you take off mine, I think you want something more. I am ready!, I added and closed my eyes for her to kiss me.

Yuna smiled and thought that Keyoshi can me irritating sometimes but she is indeed pretty and irresistably adorable. Not to mention her bod….haaa…Yuna, not again, not this time!

Yuna kissed Keyoshi but placed her hand on the girl's mouth. Keyoshi opened her eyes and took Yuna's hand away and their lips met.

I like you Yuna, so please don't run away when I do this!, Keyoshi said and kissed Yuna on the mouth again, now, with great desire, wanting, needing.

Shi…please, we are in the middle of war. The games….

I know, but this is important to me too! Don't avoid what you feel about me! I like you and I want us to help each other and fight this evil Lord.

I know but I don't want our emotions get the best of us! We can't fight and have attachments that can ruin our goal to win the games for the Hunt, Yuna added but Keyoshi shut her lips with fingers.