
Being The Villian So No One Else Has To

Every world that has superpowers has superheroes and supervillains. At least, that's what Ryan thinks. The only problem is that there are plenty of heroes. but no villains. The last "big bad villain" was defeated and subsequently killed over 20 years ago. Ever since then, no villain's stepped up. usually, Sarah would be more than happy with that, but in the stead of villain's, all the heroes have become lazy celebrities, complacent and weak. They still save people, but damn are they incompetent at it. They never had a real challenge in 20 years, so why would they need to care? So, Ryan, in a fit of drunken inspiration, decides to use his superpower to BE the next "Big Bad". Inspire the Heroes to actually try again. Plus, which comic nerd hasn't thought that being the bad guy would be pretty fun?

E_Oyasumi · アクション
4 Chs

Chapter 1

Ryan looked at the T.V in the comic store, wondering what to buy. While he was doing so, he saw that the New's was reporting a new incident involving one of Japan's heroes and one of America's heroes. Apparently, The American Hero insulted the Japan hero about something or other, and now they were about to break out in a brawl. Ryan sighed, thinking about how pathetic heroes had gotten.

He shook himself out of his depressed stupor and grabbed the new AlanticMan Comic. One of the few comics that still did the old pop art style, even if heavily outdated. He spent a couple bucks on it, before walking out the Comix and Co store. He looked up and saw a hero or two flying through the sky, leaving literal could trails in their wake. An impressive sight to be sure, but to Ryan, nothing more than a few celebrities trying to show off some more. Shaking his head once again, he walked over to his small house, ready to read his new purchase and maybe watch the news some more, mostly so he could wallow in even more pity.

While walking back to his room, something caught his eye. He looked over and saw another T.V playing another New's site, but this time they were showing the defeat of Deathstream and the hero group who beat him, The World Society. That was strange to Ryan, because while today was the anniversary of Deathstream's defeat, they don't like showcasing he ever existed, mostly because he was such an insane menace that the world just wants to forget he was ever a problem. Ryan stared at the picture of The World Society in its prime, while thinking back to the video's he watched as a kid about them.

Back then, the idea of being a "hero" meant something. The World Society fought and defended from all kinds of threats, from natural disasters to cats in trees. But nothing was ever as dangerous as fighting a Supervillain, someone who could actually hurt you, when otherwise you may well be nigh invincible. The fake heroes never fought a villain, while the real ones might well have sacrificed their lives to defend the world or something they loved. The World Society were made up of real heroes, and Ryan knew that, because the leader sacrificed themselves to defeat Deathstream. Ryan also knew that any of the Society members would have done so in the leader's place, if he didn't insist and lock the rest of the group down. The mourning lasted for weeks, while the celebration of Deathstream's defeat barely lasted a day. That was a true hero, someone you looked up to and easily cried for over the celebrations over a maniac that he stopped.

Ryan sighed. Nowadays, no one would cry for any of the superheroes who died now. In fact, they would hardly break the news for that week. Only the old members of The World Society would get that treatment, and they usually died of old age. A month or so after the leader's death, The World Society disbanded, promises to get back together if there was ever another threat like Deathstream, but otherwise the nation's own heroes could handle it. 20 years later, and that threat never appeared. Hell, 20 years later and there wasn't so much as a supervillain bank heist. Oh, crimes didn't stop or anything, there was plenty of bad stuff going on in the world still, but supervillains never reemerged. Fear of heroes is probably what caused it, but the main factor was that these 20 years was an age of "peace". Well, that isn't really true, but why be a villain when you can be a hero and gain all the fame? Wanna be rich? Pose for the camera. Wanna be famous? Just shoot some flames in the air and smile confidently.

The only villains who could still emerge would be idealists, or crazies. But contrary to comic book popular belief, modern idealists were too lazy to do anything and are too scared to be arrested for it, so they post their rants on Gitter, sorry, ECS, and don't do anything about it, like the cowards they were. The Crazies were personally given reform by several supers, including one who had the power to set people's mental state back to salvable, no matter how bad it got. No more villains, no more true heroes. Modern day heroes never had to fight for their life once, hell, half of them probably were never hurt in their entire lives either. So, they became lazy. Sure, they'll stop crimes and stuff, but these day's they were more like public celebrities then people who would gladly give their lives for the world or anything. The only hero Ryan still respects would be Captain Confidence, a very old school style hero who never ages or gets ill as long as he is confident in his abilities. He's perhaps the only mainstream hero left who has ever had to fight a supervillain in his life. The rest, while not evil, are pretty cocky bastards.

Ryan was shaken from his daily bout of hero depression spiral when his sister Sarah called his phone.

"Hello Sarah. What do you want?" Ryan asked tiredly. It was doubtlessly clear to his sister that he wasn't in the mood, but she ignored him.

"Look, how about we go out for some drinks at the Canune Bar? I know you love your alcohol, and frankly your sis could use some of her own. so what do you say bro? wanna drink our problems way tonight?" Ryan's sister asks sweetly.

Ryan thinks for a moment, before conceding that he really needs a drink anyway. He tells his sister that he'll be there, and that they both will pay their own tab. She agrees, and Ryan hangs up. He looks at the comic in his hand, before making it disappear through a portal. Ryan smiles, seeing his ability in action, but quickly shakes his head again and starts walking to the bar.