
Being So Close To U Is My PARADISE

A very famous singer involved in a forced marriage which affects his life and others' life around him.

Hye_jin · 都市
13 Chs

how do u know my son?

Yao's mother was looking at jaira ,smiling,after she asked her to sit...

The mother:what's your name ,baby?

Jaira*still looking at the vase in front of her*:Jaira.

The mother*smiling*:nice name,I am xiao yo ...

Jaira shaked her head smiling a nervous smile...Yao's mother noticed how much she is worried and nervous"how do you know my son?"

Jaira*more worried*:eh?

The mother:how do you know yao?

Jaira:I...I....*she is going to die now*I....


It was yao,thank God he is here,sure he will say something and save the day.


He smiled in her face"Mama,jaira is my girlfriend"

jaira*shocked and standed up looking at him*:ehh?.

Xiao*smiling*:this girl is your girlfriend?

Yao:yes, mama.

Xiao*smiling again*:come and sit,let's have a conversation.

he went next to jaira and sat ,he held her hand and rised his head up looking at her"sit,please"

she looked at him"is this man who is holding my hand asking me to sit yao?..."

she sat and his mother is smiling "you mean this cute girl?"


xiao:I'm happy.

jaira"what am I doing here?"

she standed up ready to leave when he held her hand again"where?"

Jaira:I'm ,I am sorry,I ..I...