
Test Part 1

Katrina's point of view.

I was just peacefully meditating, when a slime appeared in front of me. I thought I told that crazy slime to come back when he was stronger. He didn't look much stronger.

[I thought I told you to come back when you are stronger... eh... it seems to be someone else. Who are you?]

Midway through the sentence I noticed that it was a different slime from before. His 'life force' was very different from the other slime that had come in. Looking at life force was a special ability that we ancient vampires had developed in order to look into how strong a creature was.

[Hello... my name is Amadeus Rye, Mr Ancient Entity Creature.]

Quite a peculiar name...

But, 'Ancient Entity Creature?' What the hell is that meant to mean. I mean, I get that he can't see me, but he should be able to infer that I am a woman at least right? You can't expect much from slimes, huh...

[Who's Mr Ancient Entity Creature, brat?] I asked

[Its you, Mr Ancient Entity Creature. That is your name right?]

He is definitely doing this on purpose...

[What? No! Its Katrina and I am a woman. Not a man! can't you tell from my voice.]

[Yeah... yeah... Miss Ancient Entity Creature.]

I want to kill this brat... I subtly let out a bit of killing intent. It is too bad that I am sealed...

[No need to get angry Mr Ancient Entity Creature. ]

Let me KILL him! I wanted to... but I couldn't...

I an ancient vampire noble was sealed and now even a mere slime can insult me...

[What are you here for, brat? Don't tell me you are like that other slime and you want to absorb me?]


A few seconds passed.

[Hahahahaha! First its that psycho slime that that wants to 'transcend' your species and now it is you, who who wants to absorb me?]

[What's so funny?]

[A mere slime wants to absorb me and get my power! Isn't that just hilarious?]

It truly was funny. I mean, a mere slime wanted to absorb me? Even in this era, where the strength of monsters has gone down, slimes are still at the bottom of the food chain!

[I don't get it.]

How stupid can he be. He doesn't even get that he is the weakest monster? I should educate this slime properly.

[Let me explain it to you then.What makes you think that a mere slime like you could absorb me, a noble ancient vampire? I am waiting for a powerful monster that is worthy of inheriting the power of the ancient vampires and you a mere slime the weakest monster even in the ancient times dares to insult me?]

[So then why did you tell that crazy slime that when he got stronger, you would let him absorb you.]

That crazy slime? I was just toying with him. After all, I am pretty bored these days. I wanted to see him try hard and then end up finding out that all of his efforts were for nothing! Wouldn't that be funny to watch?

[That... well... I was just messing with him! I mean do you think that I would really give away my powers to some slime?]

[I don't like you.]

His next words made me dumbfounded. You a mere slime doesn't like me?

[Well its the same for me! I don't like you slimes either!]

Of course I don't like slimes. I mean who would like those blobs of goo? They aren't even cute enough to keep as pets.

Truly a worthless race...

[So you think that slimes are useless and weak, huh?]

Yeah. Its the truth.

[Of course. Even you yourself know that right. I mean just one finger would have been able to take care of thousands of slimes at my peak.]

[Then, can I ask, are there anymore 'ancient vampire nobles' in this world anymore?]

I was sealed near the end of the ancient era, so I know for sure that we vampires were all sealed a long time ago.

[Well... no... we were all sealed a long time ago, during the great war.]


[Why are you laughing]

[I am laughing at your own arrogance. You said that slimes were still there when you were living right? Where are they now?]


While we vampires were sealed... slimes were...

[While you vampires were all sealed away and all those ancient creatures died out, only the slime race was able to survive to this very day! Even though we slimes may be weak we slimes will survive as long as this world is alive! This is our strength!]


I could not refute these words. It was true...

Slimes were still alive and roaming the world in great quantities, while ancient vampires had died out.

The very monsters that she had once looked down on were still living on, while she was sealed off.

Perhaps this is their strength...

But I still had my pride. How could I admit the mistake to another monster, especially considering that the monster in front of me was the weakest monster.

He will come crawling back to me once he realizes that he can't escape from this place.

The very thought excited me.

But he surprised me once again.

He didn't attack the walls like I thought he would. Instead he sat in a lotus position.

A few hours later he opened his eyes.

Perhaps this was his battle preparation.

But contrary to my expectations, he did not get back up. Instead, he closed his eyes again and meditated once more.

This time he meditated for much longer. He closed his eyes and meditated once more.

Soon 5 years had passed after he began his meditation. By the end of these 5 years he was able to stay in that meditative state for a year.


Even after practicing for thousands of years, I can barely meditate for 10 years straight. But this slime...

He once again entered a meditative state. This time, he was in this that for 8 years.

And it was during this time that I truly felt fear.

The walls of my domain began to crack. That's right...


White cracks appeared on the walls.

What was happenings. My domain was basically indestructible.

There was no way that it would begin to crack. Unless...

I looked at this slime before me as if he were a monster. Could it be that he has raised his magical power to a level that can contend with my domain?

I quickly calmed myself down.

So what if he cracks my domain? He will awaken soon. If I can crush his hopes then he will definitely stop and beg me to help!

So I used my power to cover the cracks. I didn't restore them as I couldn't, but instead applied a camouflage magic on the cracks, in order to make them appear black.

In the end, only a single white crack was left.

When he sees the limits of his over 10 years of hard work he will break!

He finally awoke. After blanking our for a minute, he got up and observed the situation.

He looked at the single white crack on the wall for a minute before entering a blank state.

Yes... he will break... then he will fall under me! I don't know why, but some explainable sadness welled up inside of me. I quickly brushed it aside.

After looking at the crack for a good 30 seconds he sighed, before sitting back on the floor and entering a meditative state.

What happened? Wasn't he meant to break at the sight of the limited progress that he made?

But he didn't break... He just sat there and went back into meditation.

What the hell is wrong with this guy?

I looked at his blue skin and humanoid body. The only facial features that he had were two eyes. And even these eyes were basic.

Such a weak creature was actually beating me?

He sat there in meditation for a whole 12 years. He broke the record that I had set. I could even feel that his skill had changed midway through the 12 years to something greater.

More and more cracks appeared. By now, nearly the whole domain was filled with cracks.

What is this magical power? Even though it was no where close to what I had when I was at my peak, it was still an impossible amount for a slime to have...

Of course I couldn't show him the progress that he made, so I made sure to camouflage the cracks.

He opened his eyes and was greeted by a few cracks. It was greater than the amount of cracks last time.

He sighed, before sitting back down, preparing to go back into meditation.

Something inside of me snapped.

This slime... he had potential.

For the first time in thousands of years, I abandoned my pride and made a decision.

He was worthy to attempt my test.

[I will give you a chance.]

For the first time in 24 years and 3 months, my voice resonated throughout the domain.

I hope you pass...