
Being overpowered is boring in another world

After crossing 4 words, original, naruto, bleach and dbz, our MC is finally in final world dxd. Since his V card intact all along, he will live a life of his own... But the problem is there is no problem and what is better then messing with story. Warning: Extremely boring MC as he will follow story with little changes. Also it is pure wish fulfillment story and boring one on that. Also I will only follow story till 4th season of dxd and then he will go back to previous worlds for sometime. I write all this nonsense I dont know why. Story will be slow till like 30 Chapters so you can skip it. if you have time then read. Who am i kidding, of course your are bunch of free lads. And i dont owe anything blah blah English is not my first language blah Also, this is for pure entertainment purpose. I mean little comedy like. For most of fics, MCs were like, oh I get system, I will become stronger and do whatever I want or I will protect my family or other chiche bs. I hate that now that's why I made MC Op. Btw no nerfing. All he will do is to play. Please support me here https://www.patreon.com/J_Titan

J_Titan · アニメ·コミックス
131 Chs

Chapter 83 Imouto's confession

I am walking with four beautiful girls now. Two of them are my girlfriends, one is crimson hair princess along with Akeno and Koneko and the other is-

"Hey Tosca, I didn't mind a beautiful girl clinging to me but aren't we supposed to be siblings?" I asked this white-haired girl.

This girl's name is Tosca Shinkai, my supposed to be imouto. Today she is going to transfer to my school. She is the same year as me and probably the youngest among the teens that I saved. She was living in main Tokyo along with Masaomi and Cleria. I used to meet her once in a while. After taking their revenge, she decided to move to the same school as me. Other teens are older than us and are living on their own.

"Claire is also your sibling but why is she your wife but I am not. She is not even middle school." Tosca said with a bright smile.

When three other girls hear that, they glared daggers at me.

"You know that it's not what it looks like." I said then whispered, "Aren't you interested in Isaiah?"

"What are you saying, Nii-sama? He is a good friend. I have always loved you but I wanted to clear an obstacle in my heart before confessing to you. Hehe, you should pay more attention to maiden's heart." Tosca boldly confessed to me. Oh dear God, give me the power to deal with women.

"Haha, I may have many abilities but I never found any to understand a woman's heart. I think this will be a challenge for me. Anyway, I will be in your care, Tosca, my sweet imouto." I said looking at her golden shiny eyes.

"Nii-sama…" She also looked at my eyes slowly closing the distance between ourselves.

"Cough* Hai, love birds. You guys should continue somewhere more private." We are snapped out by a cough from Akeno and saw many students glaring at us with envy. There are also Issei, Asia, and Kiba looking at us. Issei was jealous but Asia being an angel held his hand and he smiled. Tosca decided to greet them. I can also see Sona and Tsubaki looking at me with deathly glare along with another red hair.

I also greeted them and they did the same.

"So how are you feeling, dear Issei-kun~?" I asked with a teasing smile.

"Stop it, it feels creepy," Issei said with disgust then looked at smiling Asia. "I am good now."

"Your hand is releasing draconic energy. Did you masturbate using boosted gear?" I asked with a little shock.

"What the hell is wrong with your brain? Ah, I exchanged my hand with dragon hand but I can't control this power." Issei said. Hearing this all of his friends become worried about him.

"Oh it's no big deal~," I said and hold his head. Suddenly, he felt a surge of magical energy and he started to sweat.

"What happened to him?" Rias asked.

"Ohh, it's nothing. I just reinforced his body. It's called 'Hidden potential awakening'. Since he has weak magic so he didn't lose control or you would feel a massive burst of mana if it is used someone like you." I explained. It is Namekian Guru's ability and it has many benefits. For example, it will help him achieve balance breaker more easily. Those who have good combat experience don't need this kind of boost. Only those who have less combat experience.

When I said that, everyone looked at me with shock then looked with pleading like also wanting the same. "Issei, here." I threw a senzu bean at him.

"Senzu bean?" He looked at me then nodded and eat the bean. He knew those because Shuri gave them a full jar. "Wow, I am feeling refresh and 10 times stronger!" Issei said with excitement.

"You are a big cheat." Koneko said with a frown.

"Hehe, Kuroka also knows this technique but it will have little effect on you since you are strong," I said and she showed a rare smile.

[Sup Ddraig! How is your partner doing?] I asked the poor dragon inside the gauntlet.

[how did you… fine. He is doing a good job. Now I won't have to feel ashamed since now his desire is replaced from lust to love and care for his friends.] Ddraig said.

[Not a single 'Thank you' for me? Just how big your dragon pride is?]

[humph. Dragons are a proud race standing above any other race.] Ddraig said. This tsundere…

[I see. Looks like you need another simulation with your beloved.] I said with smirk. I think his moments with Albion needed to be increased.

[Thank you Yukio-sama! Now please anything but that!] Ddraig pleaded. Damn, I enjoyed shattering pride. Now I know how Freeza must have felt when beating Vegeta. Speaking of Vegeta, last time I gave him a curse of 'Ghost Nappa'. I hope he is doing okay.

"Why are you so quiet all of sudden?" Akeno asked.

"Oh, it's nothing. Hey, Rias?"


"How does dragon meat taste like?" I asked red hair girl.

"Hah!?" Rias widened her eyes. All of them are also shocked except Tosca, Akeno, and Koneko.

"Yeah. Just thinking of hunting a few dragons. I have eaten some dragons before and believe me, their tail tastes delicious." I said and all of them drool just thinking how would it taste like if I said it was delicious. They even forget that I am talking about dragons here.

[Partner, run away from him. I am not feeling good.] Ddraig cried shocking everyone. A dragon is pleading!

I just chuckled.


"Oh yeah. Let's have a date someday. It's been a long time since I went out with you." I said and she smiled holding my hand.

"Hai! I am so excited. I have also made a list of things with Kuroka Nee-sama." Tosca said and take out 2 meters long note. "She also told me that you like role play in sex," Tosca said with an innocent smile. Everyone is shocked including me. How come this pure innocent girl could say something so perverted? That damn cat and I am also sure about Shuri. She is basically a matchmaker between me and potential girls.

"Haha… Tosca-chan, please see time and place before saying such things." I said with a wryly smile.

"Hai! Nii-sama!" She said in excitement. This girl… she hid her feelings well enough all this time.

"And stop sniffing me. Seriously, what's with you girls?" I shook my head and the said girl ignored me doing her own thing.

I looked at my other girlfriends and said, "Hehe, I will also take both of you on a date too. It's a long time we went together." I said to Koneko and Akeno. Both of them nodded with a beaming smile. I patted Koneko and hugged her with my other hand. "Now I have two girls with white hair." I chuckled while Koneko and Tosca blushed with a smile. Damn, I feel so good making some people jealous.


Rias can't help but felt pain in her chest. She then felt someone holding her hand and saw Akeno with her usual smile.

Rias also nodded then smiled helplessly and hoped for this tingling feeling to go away. She then looked at another bespectacled girl with the same pain as her. Both of them looked at each other in shock then hurriedly composed themselves and decided to ignore each other since they are kind of rivals now as to who will confess to Yukio first.


First I wanted to make Kiba and Tosca match for each other but I cant just see that happening. Another sister for harem.

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All of above is a lie.

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