
Being Beyond The Absolute Of Infinite Fortune

Lost in the absolute void where souls reincarnate was a body floating in the infinite void. a passing God saw him and helped him, so he reincarnates him because the boy was very special, so he fulfills some wishes which, however, were tampered with for the better without anyone noticing the fall, even the God himself knew nothing about it. Follow the story of a boy who was reincarnated and watch his long but also interesting journey to discover his origins that go against everything that can be understood. (Tags: Lucky Protagonist - Invincible Protagonist - Kind and Ruthless Protagonist - Travels Between Worlds - Magic - Gods and Demons - Secret Organizations - Rare Bloodline - Rare Divine Body - Movement of Life - Mysterious Past - Very Mysterious Relatives - Divine Abilities - Immortal Techniques - Fanfiction - Adventure - Fantasy - Martial Arts - Cultivation - Supernatural - Many Friends - System - System Admin - War of the Worlds - Souls - Reincarnation - Level Up - Summon - Beast Contract - Other) ------- [[Open the gift box, you found the following things] [DIVINE KNOWLEDGE OF ALCHEMY] [DIVINE DOOR OF BABYLON] [PRIMORDIAL OVEN] [FLAME OF FIRMAMENT]] ------- (this is a long story so the part where he will recover his memories will be much later) I will post new episodes following the timing of my inspiration, it will take me so long to proofread my proofs, so I'm sorry I can't post frequently. [The characters of the anime, belong to their respective authors] it can be said that this story is my second job, so there will be errors of various kinds but I will try to improve myself if possible. [First World: Mutant World (it's a world of my imagination, but there will be some anime and manga characters you may know about] And translated with the translator

Shen_Lon · ファンタジー
124 Chs

Curse (Last Part) - Awakening

As I persisted I could see that the crystal had started to repair itself, this meant that now the crystal could handle the curse and I would have less of a burden.

But even so the remaining 20% ​​of curse were the toughest, taking a breath after hours of absorption I felt that my curse element had reached 99%.

There was only 1% left before I got to 100% and could fully control all the curses that weren't made of Laws.

Seeing that I could rest for a while, Delta and the others took a breath of relief.

But it was still too early to be happy because the curse was still there.

Seeing that Delta cared about me made me grateful towards her and so I tried even harder.

After a few minutes I finally reached 100%.

[Congratulations on being able to reach 100% in the element: curse]

[You have gained full control over the curses, do you want to turn them into Laws?]

[Yes No]

Surprised by this unexpected event, it was discovered that if you reached 100% of an element you were able to transform it into Read.

Since I was still tired and didn't know if 100% laws were enough to counteract the remaining 9% curse, and I knew that 100% didn't necessarily mean I was able to suppress the curse.

And the Laws are an example, even if you have 100% control of some element, you cannot counteract the Laws, it would just be wishful thinking.

So I clicked yes.

The sky left and from it you could see an avenue where there were so many other avenues that you couldn't see the end of it, from there a black thread detached itself from the avenue and came in my direction.

Then the tear in space disappeared and in its place was a black thread.

Seeing this thread all earthly beings felt a deep terror that was rooted in their soul, even Delta felt fear upon discovering that this was a Thread of Law of Curses.

The thread spun casually around me and then as if it enjoyed being with me, it fused seamlessly.

Seeing this scene, Delta and white grandma opened their mouths in shock, both of them knew that to merge with the Law, one must have some requirements.

The first was that you must be compatible with the Law you want to possess, you must have 100% control over the element and you must not have any type of conflict with the element you want to transform into a Law.

The second is that the law must either ascertain you or absorb a bogus law that almost everyone has made.

The third is that you have to be lucky to find such an opportunity, especially for those strange and rare laws like the curse.

The fourth is that your body can live with this authentic and non-false law, the false one only has 0.9% of the true law, this is to demonstrate that whoever has managed to obtain the true one will be able to become one of the most strong.

The fifth is last, the avenue must make sure that you do not have a negative Karma of Black Del color, even a little bit is not good, the avenue considers the Laws even if they are small and weak like its daughters and sons.

So almost no one ever achieved the qualifications to get a real law except the empress.

This is why the curse was so strong that it affected other continents as well, but today there will be a second one who will be able to complete this feat.

After the thread merged with my body, you felt the thread also merged with my sea of ​​Soul and then with a Poff, you felt a new aura emanating from my body.

[Ding, You have absorbed and thus making the curse element 100%, then obtaining a wisp of Law from the avenue itself, Congratulations you have obtained the title: Favored by the Avenue]


[Title: Favorite From the Avenue]

[Title Rank: Divine]

[Effect: Whenever you reach 100% of an item,  the avenue will give you permission to understand the Law - in the future this title will be very useful]

[Info: Obtained thanks to your Karma which is purer than anyone and which brings with it actions that no one has ever done in all ways]


Kamisora ​​Reo "Nothing... Disappear" I said these two words with the power of the Law of Curses

And as if everything I said was immediately carried out, the curse disappeared in an instant without leaving even a small trace.

Kamisora ​​Reo "how powerful!! It was worth it to persist!" I said satisfied with the result of obtaining the Law

Delta "R-Reo are you okay? How did it go?" she said worried but in her heart she knew that with the Laws on her side, nothing could go wrong

With admiration and even invitation all six approached and examined the crystal which had been completely repaired and was now no longer sealed.

Dead tired, I suddenly fainted and fell flat on the floor.


Delta "Reo!!!" approached worriedly, when he checked he immediately knew that he had only fainted from too much use of power, and therefore it was nothing serious but still he worries because without him, today he would not have been able to save and remove the curse from the continent

Acqua "how is Reo?" he asked carefully

Delta "is fine, he just needs to rest and recover physically and mentally for a few hours, then he will wake up" he said carrying him in his arms

White Grandma "this child surprises me more and more, maybe he was of the Dragon race, so we could have a genius" she said

Aquarius "it's a shame he's one of our race, anyway when does the empress wake up?" he asked knowing that Reo wasn't taking any risks.

Water "in a while. It has been stuck in this crystal for more than 10 years and it is normal for it to take a while to wake up," he said as he saw the empress' heart begin to beat normally.

When you are asleep your heart beats slowly, especially if you use a sleep aid.

After a few minutes, the empress's eyelashes were seen to move as her body began to heat up and move.

Suddenly a dark aura came out of his body, but then he calmed down.

Empress " ..........d-where........ ....are they?...." his words were clear but distant because he couldn't speak quickly due to his body which was still stiff

Delta "s-sister!!!!!!" she said as she threw herself into his arms as she crushed Reo in their embrace

Water "Hey Delta!! So you crush Reo!!!" he said trying to detach Delta, but there was no way to detach her because his grip on the empress was too strong

Empress "...... D-Delta?? ...... What.... .... Is this..... Happening? " he asked noticing that there was a child between the two of them

When the empress saw a child, she looked at him with love and then tried to move for fear that Reo might get hurt.

Delta "S-sorry Sister, I was just too happy to see you awake again" he said as he wiped away the tears that fell.

From the side, Aquata who saw the empress awake began to cry as she tried to get tired from Aquari who remained happy but then sad that Aquata wanted to leave the empress.

But even so I let her go freely.

Aquata " S-big sister!!!! " she said as she jumped onto the empress without hesitation

Empress "?....Aquata?" she said uncertainly

Aquata "y-yes t-I'm I-ooo" couldn't speak well that he bit his tongue again and started crying as he hugged her

Empress " ... No... There is Doubt, it's You Aquata" she said as the words she said were fluid

Asaka "I-i-i-empress" said as he didn't know whether to go to her or not

On the other hand, she doesn't know her as well as the four mermaids.

Empress "are you?" she asked as she looked Asaka up and down a couple of times

Asaka "im-empress I-I am the ba-little girl you saved back then" she said as she tried to hold back her years-suppressed emotions of gratitude and repayment for not being able to help her

Empress "..!!! So it's you, I'm glad you grew up healthy and happily with my sisters" she said lovingly

But thinking about the prince, the empress could not hold Laura so she frightened the people around her.

Empress "sorry, I couldn't control myself" she said as her eyes looked at the girls with concern and Reo who was in the embrace, no crushed

Then he saw Grandma White.

Empress "you? What are you doing here?" she asked calmly without being influenced too much by his appearance

Grandma Bianca "now the valley could no longer satisfy and so I came here to conquer the empire" she said with a smile

Empress "Do you know that you're not very good at lying Bianca?" she said knowing she was joking

Grandma Bianca "it's a shame, when I heard about your situation I wanted to visit you, but I couldn't come and visit you until today. Thanks to this little boy who woke me up from my dream" she said looking at Reo

Empress "I see, so have you reached your last days?" she asked

Grandma Bianca "you! I really can't stand it when you always make fun of me just because we're old company friends" she said as she approached

Hearing this all the girls were crushed by the news.

Empress "so what happened?" she asked looking at everyone and noticing that her curse had vanished

Delta "the child named Reo helped a lot, if it hadn't been for him perhaps in the future no male would have been able to survive in the whole world" he said as he realized that he was still holding Reo, so he broke away from the empress

End of Episode 76