

Adam Coakley an normal teen to people standards, he drinks,party's,hangs with friends all normal teen stuff but hes an other side and that is he's scared,has anxiety and he likes anime/manga, star wars etc. but what will happen to him when dies meets god gets wishes and a universe of his choosing will he become an emperor and conquer worlds or will live he the free life adventuring the universe (disclaimer) i don't own star wars obviously this is just my fantasy and dream also there might be sexual scenes depends how well i write them.

outerself19 · アニメ·コミックス
37 Chs

CHAPTER 5: Clone Army/Space Ships

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Please select a Battalion Armor -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

104th Battalion Phase I/Phase II 13th Battalion Phase I/Phase II 18th Attack Battalion Phase I/Phase II 212th Attack Battalion Phase I/Phase II 442nd Siege Battalion Phase I/Phase II 43rd Batttalion Phase I/Phase II 612th Attack Battalion Phase I/Phase II Custom --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Adam:" Atlas i'm guessing custom means a Battlion of my desighn"

Atlas:" Correct host "

Adam:" Ok good Atlas can you summon every clone unit there is and can you look through my memories to see what armor i like on each unit and equipment/vehicles please also find the best place to put the barracks".

Atlas:"Understood host that will 2 hours" suddenly bright light is seen in the distance where empty fields lay.

Adam:" Good also bring up the starforge and make some Republic navy ships filled with everything they need also show me some Dreadnought blueprints i'll be interested in and Atlas i have question, where is the starforge? " Adam is thinking of building his fleet.

Atlas:" The Starforge is currently placed at a nearby moon being powered by the moons core" Said as screen appeared in front of adam showing different ships.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dreadnoughts -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Executor Class Dreadnought - Free

Mandator IV Class Siege Dreadnought - Free

Eclipse Class Dreadnought - Free -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Adam knew exactly what these dreadnought and loved them, he was thinking of making the executor class his personal warship with his royal crest on it which he will decide later. he asked Atlas to make the executor class after republic ships he also asked Atlas .

Adam: "Atlas what year is it "

Atlas:" its one year before the naboo blockade host"

Adam was over the moon that means palpatine hasn't destroyed the jedi

Adam:" perfect that means i have something to look forward to" thought Adam looking forward to ruining palpatines life.

Adam decided to go to bed since it was late he was looking forward to seeing his grand army he also has an idea for his personal flag.

(The next day)

Adam wakes up in his beautiful king size bed, sitting up he looks out towards his landing pad where the sun shining thinking how beautiful the sight is, standing up he walks to his bathroom to take a shower after 10 minutes or so he comes out of his room he was looking good (thexan cloths from swtor). walking down the hallway toward the elevator, waiting at the elevator was his four beauties when they saw him coming they bowed and greeted him, he greeted them back and went into the elevator his plan for today was to go to the barracks to look at the troops and visit the venators that are orbiting the planet the system has infored adam that they come with their own crew.

Finally Adam reached the barracks and what he saw made him excited millions of soldiers standing at attention with their DC-15 lying on their shoulder while saluting, there was some groups he recognized like the wolf pack in there grey phase 1 armor while wolffe was in his phase 2 armor, gree was in his phase 1 as well as his 41st elite corps, captain rex in his phase 2 while the 501st looked like waxers phase 1 armor but blue and without the kill counts on the side,doom and his troops look the same, bacara and his nava corps looked the same badass, cody cody was in his phase 2 same with his troops, Neyo and the 91st recon were in phase 2, fox and stone and thire were phase 1 while thorn was phase 2 looking badass the coruscant gaurd were in phase 1 some looked like the armor rys and jek wear while the others were in the standerd coruscant trooper armor and riot trooper, their were others like horn company in phase 1 armor, trauma arf troopers, etc. Along with multiple vehicles like barc bikes, atte,atat,laat,a6 juggernaught etc.

while Adam was admiring his troops a gunship decended and landed behind him, when the side doors opened 5 troopers came out they were 5th fleet security troopers( look it up to see armor) the one trooper that looked like a commander came up to Adam and saluted and" we are here to escort his highness to the fleet" Adam just nodded and turned to the troops and said " your dismissed " after which he walked towards the gunship with the troopers and 4 beauties in tow, when the doors closed he couldn't help feel excited he loved these bits in the anime when they close the doors and light turns red it just hit Adam the right way.

The gunship took off towards the fleet, when it left the planets atmosphere what awaited it was beautiful sight of hundred or so ventator and acclamator class ships in a formation with small vessels like the Arquintis class.