
Chapter 1: The awakening.

Where am I?

Yeah I remember I was walking in the street and I was hit by a truck...

So truck kun hit me huh?..

That's funny cause isekai genre novels I often read it in my spare time but.

I didn't expect it was also gonna happen to me huh?..

So back to the question where am I?.

Well I think I was inside of a box cause i can feel it's interior it was a box...

Or better yet it's a coffin I think..

And how am I not panicking about this?

I dont know but I just feel that I should not panick..

Well there's no use in panicking either...


A pain struck my brain because of incoming memories of this bodies have..

And tada I fainted..

So what the actual fuck..

When I wake up I read the memories of the previous owner of this body have..

And I am actually a vampire or yet I am the very very first of our kind..

You see I am a son of a witch..

Well my father is a heretic or known as a sorcerer.

Well I know they called him a world class sorcerer or whatnot..

Well my mother is a powerful witch..

Also a world class one..

A one of a kind witch which can harness the power from fate and the world..

This world is more strange than I thought..

Well there's a country of werewolves,wicthes, sorcerers,magicians,lykans,humans,lightwings well they look like angels in my previous world but they called lightwings here,demons, and many more..

Well it's a dangerous world..

This world is much bigger than my previous one..

I think it's a thousand times bigger bacause there is so many country out there and the sea also was..

I was supposed to be not born you know or this previous body was..

But because of how powerful my parents are they know..

They can't easily conceive a child in their whole lifeime..

Now that they got bless and I was conceive which gonna break balance or what they say the balance of everything..

The yin and yang or what not something like that..

Well the world punished me when I was born..

The people taking care of balance or what they called guardians wanted to kill me..

Because me living and my merely presence in this world affecting the balance..

So in order to save me..

My mother and father fight their way through all of them..

Speaking of..

they are both very powerful to fight the whole supernatural society..

Many died that times..and in order to stop the the killings..

The leaders of whole supernatural society and non supernatural society created the meeting of leaders of each group called The world gathering it includes my father and mother although they dont had a group..

Yes that's how strong ther are..

Really op right?

That's because world class is a class that only 5 people in this world reach...well not me because Im already in a world class since I was born..

They discuss and finnally they came into conclusion...

My father and mother although unwilling needed to join because this is the only chance to bring back the peace in the world and the world to let us live in peace.

The 5 world class people join together to cast a spell..

It's a spell that needed a lot of mana and mastery because it harnesses the power of world and laws of time,contract,scale,destruction,and life.

The spell called judgement..

A spell that should be impossible to cast was cast by 5 people..

It is a spell that gonna punish you for all the sins that you had done and gonna do in the future..

The spell has two segment first the bad karma and punishes you after that is the good karma which it rewards you..

Which my parents reluctantly accepted because it can give me something too even though it can endanger me.

And depending on the scale of bad karma and good karma it gonna judge you from that...

Yeah well good shit..

The previous owner of this body died from the spell guess he had a very bad karma to be actually killed by the spell huh..

and well I came into this body after the judgement of bad karma so the spell didn't work on me.. so im lucky, very lucky indeed... And after that the spell judge me for all the good karma I accumulated in my past life in previous world...

So it rewards me..

And that ladies and gentlemen creates me..

What they called me a again..

Yeah the progenitor of the new race

Well enough of that thoughts..

Gonna get out of this coffin..

I wanna see what the outside looks like..

Well this is my first book..

First writing a novel so bear with me..

and also I welcome all the critic and whatnot so don't be shy..

and btw english is not my language so..

Tell me if their is a mistake or anything..or something wrong with something else..

JV_sitecreators' thoughts