

Lunch time was as crazy as ever. We were all outside eating today.

Robert like always was all up in my face again. "Oh yes it is." He stated looking proud.

"Totally lost, you weren't even paying attention to the fight. How would you have won? "I tried telling him as another girl passed by, as he tried to take a peak. What a loser!

"Hey boys!" Amelia yelled at us from across the parking lot.

"Watch your food," Kyle whispered to all of us.

"What's up?" I asked her, since they wouldn't.

She looked at Amanda then. "Your friends in the office. Says you might be able to help find her brother."

A new kid, huh? Interesting, and she's already met him. Nice! A new group member!

"Okay, thanks." She yelled running toward the school with her bag in hand. Guess she wasn't planning on coming back then.

"What's up with her," Kyle asked. Seeming like the always clueless one in the group. He was too focused on his phone to bother looking upwards.

"So fly, what's the latest tea," Robert asked, as she sat down. He ended up laying his head on her lap. Guess the truck hoods would need some washing after today.

"Fly? Don't you mean the latest news, and not tea?" Amelia said sounding confused.

"You get the point don't you?" Kyle teased her. She really didn't understand.

"I'm off," I stated grabbing my bag and heading into the school. "Bye."

"Yeah, bye too." Kyle said getting up and walking with me back to the school. It was a quiet walk to the door before we separated. He ended up going around back behind the school while I went into it. I ended up taking a bit longer then needed in finding the library however to make sure that I wasn't seen going into it.

A new girl had joined our school as well, and even though she didn't like sticking out she seemed like she would fit into our group. Her name was Sarah. I had been able to find her one day, by chance.

The guys had done something stupid and I needed to escape before I got into their terrible plan. The room I had gone into was the library. It being my first time in a library I had looked around only to find her sitting in a chair off in the back. She didn't catch me which was a good thing. I didn't want to have to explain why I was there without mentioning the guys.

Ever since then at lunch time I would find some time to come here and see her secretly. I didn't mind just watching her sit and read for some reason, however today wasn't like that.

"Really, you do? He comes here?" The girls voice from that corner sounded like someone I had known for a while, someone who had red hair and a nasty habit of getting mood swings. Rebecca!

When I looked around the bookshelf and saw them sitting together I felt somewhat happy that someone had noticed her, though I felt bad that it wasn't me.

"Yeah, he seems to come here at lunch and look at the books on the self. He never can make up his mind about which book though. He has this conflicted face on when he leaves." Sarah was talking to Rebecca. I was starting to think she didn't like talking to people, and yet here she was talking with no issues at all.

"Do you know what he looks like, or his name?" Rebecca kept pushing her for more. Wasn't she weirded out around her?

"I don't know his name but I do know kind of what he looks like, and I tend to see him in the halls a lot." Hang on a second was she talking about a guy?

"Oh, tell me more and I'll hook you guys up!" Rebecca was being loud in the library now, from excitement.

"He is a lot taller than me, and I'm sure he's younger. I know he hangs out with the guys with big trucks and cars a lot outside. I see him every morning, in the hallways going to class, and even going home." Who was she talking about?

"Sounds like you've been watching him a lot." Rebecca stated.

"I mean, he kind of fell in the library, and he looked so out of place. I wanted to laugh but instead I ended up watching him the entire time." Sarah rambled on about this person like it was someone she really knew, she seemed so fond of this person.

"Hang on a second, you said he hangs out with big trucks and cars, he's younger then you but taller and you see him every day." Rebecca had come up with something. "I remember Amelia saying something like this with me earlier. What was it she said."

"Don't sweat it, if it's too hard to think about, I bet it'll come to you at a later date."

"That's it! Amelia was saying something about how Jeff used to always leave early from lunch, even though he doesn't go straight to classes, and he constantly is looking for someone."

"Really? Do you think the person I'm seeing is him then?" Sarah asked.

"Maybe. You know, I'll make it so you guys can meet up, hang on." There was silence before my phone went off. In the library, getting many heads turned toward me. I opened the phone and the first thing I heard was, "get over here loser or I'll kick your butt." Before the phone went dead.

I stepped out from the bookcase, and caught both girls attentions.

"Hi," was the only thing I said before being hugged.