
Ghost Chronicles: Jocks and Alpha Males as Victims

Choosing a victim is deceptively easy for most new ghosts out there. Many assume that they should haunt the 'weakest' member of the group/family that wanders into their domain and make the mistake of assessing weakness on the basis of physicality.

However, that is a mistake!

The physical prowess of your potential victims is rather irrelevant. Rather, you should look for those that are week in mental fortitude and methodically break their spirit.

Of course, that is easier said than done, but I will provide a step-by-step guide on how to conquer any 'jocks' or 'alpha males' you may run across. Keep in mind, however, that slight variations may exist from victim to victim.

The Jock

The jock or 'alpha male' is used to being in control and solving problems with their hands. Situations that deprive them of this potential makes them vulnerable and susceptible to mental stress. It is essential that you build upon this stress by consistently placing them in situations that they are powerless in.

Use your abilities to mentally harass them with hallucinations, fleeting glances of yourself, and random sounds here and now. Once you've done this sufficiently, finish them off by engaging in a round of overwhelming violence.

When confronted with violence the 'jock' will appear rejuvenized, but this is merely an illusion to mask the fear and fragility of their mind. They believe that since you can hit them they can somehow hit you.

This misplaced logic is what's spurring them on and giving them false hope, but once they realize that you're abuse is one-sided this hope will give way to despair.

At this point, expect them to either flee or wallow in despair.

If they choose the latter the hard work is done and you may do as you please with them; however if they attempt to flee you only need to either seal the residence completely or cripple them so that they're unable to flee.

Typically within two to five days their mind will break leaving them in a catatonic state that allows you to do whatever you desire.