
Being A Manderly Was Not What I Was Expecting (ASOIAF)

When a dead man was expecting to go to heaven, he suddenly finds himself in the world of ice and fire. And only with some minimal help from the one who sent him there. But at least he knows the world and has his memories. Lets follow him on his adventure. All of it from the world to most of the characters belong to George R.R. Martin. Only the OCs and the differences belong to me. Have a good reading.

Iemayr_3815 · テレビ
7 Chs

Oh Heaven!

Hello this is my first time writing something or more like attempting it. But I think it will go alright. I hope that you guys can comment on the thing that needs to changed. All of it from the world to most of the characters belong to George R.R. Martin. Only the OCs and the differences belong to me. Have a good reading. With all that, lets get to the chapter.


When I woke up today, the last thing I was expecting was to be dead. At least that is what I assume to be the case. Yeah a weird thing to think when you are probably dead. But I was not expecting the afterlife to be like this. And by like this I mean floating in the darkness without my body. At first I panicked. Then I realized I was not able to do anything. Just like that I started to think. Because that is the only thing that I could do.

Just when I started to get comfortable with my condition after what felt like months. Or is it more? I am not entirely sure. But then I suddenly felt a suction force pulling my unexisting body somewhere... or my soul. I am not sure which is which.

Then I suddeny stopped in front of a big ass door. "NEXT" somebody said. It was a majestic voice. Like unearthly majestic. But I was still confused. And unable to speak without my body. The doors opened and I was sucked inside. It was heaven? 'Oh god I am going to heaven. Yes! YES!!! Take that bitches.' Inside was the most beautiful scenery that I would probably ever see.

Whole world was beneath me and the majestic person yet I was able to see every other creature from here. It was so weird. Ah speaking of the majesric person he was holding a big spinning wheel. Then with all his power he spinned it. What in the heaven was going on here? He? Was not speaking to me. And I was getting impatient. Yet I can't even talk. What the fuck?

Finally the wheel stopped spinning and I was able to see what it was. Or at least what it wrote on it. The first thing i read the the stopping point of the wheel. It was saying 'unnatural health'.

"What a waste of the spinning wheel..." He turned towards me. I felt my very being crawling at his gaze. I felt like an ant in front of him. Yet uncaring of it he kept talking. "Listen puny human, the thing it does is it will make you unnaturally healthy and immune to all kinds of diseases or ilnesses. And in case of an injure you will heal faster. Now for the other wheel wait right there."

He turned his back to me and went back to the spinning wheel. But the things that wrote on it was different to what it was moments ago. I was so confused. What was going on here? 'What was this dude even talking about. What are those spinning wheels. And most importantly where were the angels, man?' If I could speak I would be having some words with him yet without my body I was just floating. Not able to do anything.

While those thoughts were running through my head he spoke again. "At least a world compatible with your powers." I thing he was amused by my situation. Dude just let me in to the heaven. "Planetos, Westeros, North and a son of a noble house. Be thankful for my luck puny human. You could be a mere peasant as well. At least you are going to be a noble."

'No no no. Let me in dude. I want to go to the heaven. Please! PLEASE!..' Then I started to slowly getting pulled to somewhere. Then I heard the majestic being say one last time. "When is this punishment going to end?... This is so boring... NEXT!" And then I knew no more.