
The Fortress [2]

The ground was scorched by the fire while a strong smell of burned meat filled the place, smoke began to leave the whole place, as well as the arm of the Orc that attacked Alex, but the burn disappeared in a couple of seconds without a trace of any damage.

"Mmm ... it is interesting to see the enemy heal so fast, but it is something that I can also do ~ nya" Alex showed a defensive position with his spear by pointing the tip of his spear towards the Orc as he begins to let out a little of his aura.

*Snorting* The Orc showed contempt in his gaze at the moment he felt Alex's aura, he quickly let his aura out as well to show that he is more powerful.

A powerful pressure was released from the Orc which caused the bogoblins to kneel by reflex while the other Orcs only looked at what happened in order to fight without interest in comparing their auras.

The aura of the Orc was filled with a thirst for power and dominate the others, thus showing the nature of the Orc, but this didn't affect Alex at all, although his aura was overcome, that did not matter to Alex since he release his aura to be able to feel his surroundings better, apart from that Alex has experienced in feeling a real pressure from a real dominant being.

That time his body was completely dominated only by a piece of aura released by the damn bastard, but here, he only feels annoyance... annoyance to make him remember something he didn't want to remember, something he wanted to forget but he can't because it's his objective to be able to leave this prison and recover his treasure.

Alex's annoyance became rage in an instant, but even so, Alex didn't let himself be consumed by his anger, he simply held his spear harder.

"It is supposed to be just a stretch and a quality test for my spear... but now I have a strong desire to exterminate all you and I will not hesitate to fulfill it ~nya"

The bogoblins tried to back off when they felt the change in the environment, their instincts shouted to run away and soon discovered the why.

Alex's calm aura underwent a drastic change when it swallowed the Orc's aura completely and circled the entire fort.

The Orcs that were only observed before tensed to feel the dramatic change in Alex.

By the time the Orc felt the drastic change, he already had Alex with his spear buried in his chest in the area of ​​one of his two hearts.

Alex quickly separated from the Orc with a powerful kick in the face when he saw that the Orc was not dying to have his heart pierced.

But the moment he moved away from the Orc, another came and attacked him with an ax when he was in the air. Alex hit the ground with his spear to give himself another impulse and escape again, but the Orc moved surprisingly fast and managed to make a deep wound in his shoulder.

But as soon as the wound was done, a red fire began to leave Alex's wound, burning any harmful bacteria or organism while the mana heals the wound with the help of Alice, the little mana spirit.

The orcs looked surprised at how Alex healed quickly since they always won their fights for being strong or for being able to regenerate themselves and now their opponent also has these advantages except that they are more in number.

Although it is a surprise, they know well how to kill someone with these aspects thanks to their past experiences.

[Cut it and smash it until its regeneration cannot keep up with the damage]

The five Orcs released their mana by using the only magic they know for their neutral element, [Reinforcement].

Alex stayed alert while he waited for his wound to close while he watched the movements of the orcs. Alex's wound closed quickly as he directed his entire mana towards his wound and when it finally closed, Alex went into stealth at a time when the Orcs were distracted by guiding their mana to activate their magic.

Alex moved around the place as he moved his mana toward the top of his spear to activate the spear's first ability. But while Alex moved through the shadows, the Orcs began to look for him as they had barely noticed that Alex had disappeared when they stopped feeling his aura from one moment to another.

But Alex soon left to start with a surprise attack, he appeared behind one of the Orcs, who was the smallest in stature, Alex's appearance was surprising and overwhelming since Alex's whole aura gathered around the Orc, which caused him to suffocate a little and be stunned by surprise, but although it was only half a second that lasted his stun, it was more than enough for Alex to carry out his attack.

Alex's spear pierced the body of the orc diagonally from the neck to the side of the orc's chest, which caused his head along with his left arm to be separated from his body.

The cut was completely clean thanks to the [Sharpness] ability, the orc's organs dispersed on the ground shortly after his body hit the ground, it was a grotesque sight, but nothing new for Alex, but there was something that surprised him.

<Two hearts!> There were two hearts between the Orc's organs, one divided in two while the other was whole even making a few palpitations.

Alex quickly moved away from that place while a doubt in his mind was cleared, he now understood why the Orc did not die when his heart was shattered and that was that there was another who kept him alive.

<I guess it's part of a mutation since the other orcs didn't have more than one heart> Alex remembered the moment he split an orc in two and only saw a blue heart.

<Then the second heart is at the level of the stomach on the opposite side of the other> Alex deduced the location of the second heart, although it was a strange place to have another heart, but he didn't think about it again.

While Alex had deep thoughts about his discovery, he continually dodged the attacks of the other orcs, by diverting their attacks with his spear or by doing feints to deceive them.

Although Alex could only defend himself as the continuous pressure of four Orcs made the counterattack complicated, although their large bodies didn't allow them to attack more than two orcs at the same time, before they collide with each other for their bulky bodies.

But while Alex was dodging the attacks, he active the second skill of the spear, the mana gathered in the section of the spear that looks like axes, Alex made a horizontal sweep with his spear, an orc tried to block the attack with his mace of iron when he put his weapon in the path of the attack, thinking that he could stop the attack, but when his weapon and Alex's were struck, it was the Orc that ended up being almost divided in two by Alex's powerful attack.

The Orc could possibly stop Alex's attack at the cost of a crack in his weapon, but as Alex used the spear's ability, the power behind the attack increased dramatically.

Without giving Alex time to finish off the Orc, another Orc got in the way with a large shield with which he prevented Alex from advancing while another Orc arrived to attack Alex with his great hammer.

The orc came with a powerful jump while with his hammer, he tries to crush Alex, but such a barbaric attack was easily avoided by Alex as he moved to one side, but Alex's instincts shouted danger and without hesitation, he moved further away with a powerful leap.

*PUM!* As soon as the hammer hit the ground, a hazelnut crystal embedded in the side of the hammer began to glow shortly after a lot of skewers come out of the ground like an expansive wave with the orc in the center.

His attack did not discriminate, as several normal orcs and bogoblins died from the attack when they were punctured by more than one stone skewer and almost killed the injured Orc, but thanks to the Orc with shield, the attack did not affect them.

<Interesting way to use the cores> Alex appreciated the weapon, but failed to understand how they managed to use a magical ability, but quickly erased this thought from his mind when he touched the ground and threw himself towards the Orc with the hammer.

Every time Alex moved around the place, he eliminated any monster that was close to him, only when he stealthily, he didn't and now that he moves directly to the hammer orc, he is killing everything that gets in the way.

Alex killed the poor bogoblins or normal orcs with his claws or with movements of his spear, this made him just begin to accumulate experience, mutation points, status points and mastery points with his spear.

The fort had become a surprise gift for Alex, although he had not noticed since he completely ignore the notifications of the system and this is so since Alex is making a conquest in enemy territory, which makes the chances of getting SP and MP increase.

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AlexzYcreators' thoughts