

After the call with Aira I took a nap and wake up around 9:00PM. We went to the bar, the music is so chill and the light were different colors. In another Bar, we could hear people cheering and some are dancing. There's a fire dancing as well. The waiter came to us with food and lady's drink and beer.

"Let's watch Fire Dancing later okay?" Nate says.

"Hmmm I think I know what you wanted to watch or to looked at to be specific." Meg said as she narrowed her eyes at Nate.

"What do you mean sis?" I asked.

"Stop it Meg, Monica might believe you." Nate replied.

"Don't be shy Nate. Monica's grown up, she already gets it. You know Monica Nate here looks an angel but actually she's mani---", I laughed as Nate covered Meg's mouth and pulled her towards the crowd.

"We're just leaving for a while Monica, enjoy we'll be right back." Nate shouted as they walk away from me.

"They're like kids, I'm glad that Nate is here, since she came I've seen different side of my sister. The one who can joke around, goofy, and has this chill aura. Not like before she's just focused on her cases.

I'm staring at the sea right now while enjoying my drink and the ambiance. When suddenly a guy sits beside me. "Excuse me?" I looked at him with no emotion. He looks cute though and has dimples. He's wearing a black polo. And his hair is a bit long.

"Hi, I'm Jay, are you alone?"

"Before you arrived I'm alone. I'm enjoying my alone time then suddenly you ruined it." I speak while looking at the sea. But suddenly what Aira said earlier came to my mind. Maybe I've been alone for some time that's why my emotions are playing with me. So okay Monica, flirt mode activates. "Oh, sorry so rude of me, anyway I'm with my sister but she's watching the Fire Dance right now. How about you are you alone?"

"I understand darling no need to say sorry." There he goes again showing his dimples. "I'm with my friends, we decided to go on our own so that we can enjoy ourselves first." He emphasizes the word enjoy ourselves. He's staring at my lips right now and then he bites his lower lip like an invitation for me to kiss him. Well, no, you do the move not me.

He put his arm around me and move his face closer, he took the glass I was holding and place it on the table. I felt something but I know it's just lust and nothing else. I just let this stranger kiss me to get my mind off of Nate.

Nate I dare you to kiss me (the voice echoed in my head)

I put my hand behind his neck to pull him closer. When everything was heating up, I came to my senses and accidentally pushed him. "I'm sorry, I'm really sorry. I can't do this. Please leave."

"What?! What happened, don't you like it?" Jay answered me in a frustrating tone.

"No nothing. Just please leave, please." Jay didn't ask any more question and just left me.

Nate POV

We are now sitting by the bonfire, looking at the beautiful sea and the full moon.

"You're really a tease, you know that?"

"Come on Nate, it's just a joke, you're getting old and getting sensitive. Monica for sure know it's a joke. Come on, don't you love me anymore?" Meg answered acting cute.

"I'm just afraid she will think differently about me and she might get uncomfortable. And yes I love you, you know that." I said softly to Meg.

"Really you love me? You love me more than Pat?"

"What? Where did that come from? And don't mention people's name who's not there."

"Just kidding. But Nate, how are you?" This kind of question and Meg's tone. It's not just a simple question, she's referring to me moving on from Pat.

"Right now I can say I'm okay since we don't see each other, but from time to time I wished we can meet again. I miss her Meg. I really do." My voice starts to crack, while forcing myself to smile. I can see how concerned Meg is. You can see it her eyes.

"Do you want us to drink?" Meg ask gently.

"Can we? Isn't it a waste of night, we can just enjoy here and watch the people dancing and playing with fire.

"We can enjoy while drinking right? Come on Nate you need to let it out"

"Thank you Meg, I love you!" We go back to the bar we first went but we no longer see Monica. Meg says she receive a message from Monica that she wanted to walk on the beach alone. We just let her and we just decided to order hard liquors when we bump into someone.

"Hey Nate! Long time no see! How are you?" A woman who I didn't recognized at first greeted me.

"Vanessa? Van?! Hey how are you?! Wait Brian? What's this are you two together?"

"Yes! It's been a long time since we've been okay, and in fact we're getting married! Look!" Van answered while showing me their engagement ring.

"Wow! That's great! From high school lovers to forever. I'm so happy for you!"

"I know right! We didn't expect it too, it just happened. Wait, hang on who is she?" They looked at Meg.

"I'm sorry forgot my manners. This is Megan Bautista she is my---"

"OMG your girlfriend? She's pretty! Hello Megan." They wave and smile at Megan. By the way I heard Pat is coming back with her partner. Please promise me you will come at my wedding."

"Su-sure! I'll attend don't worry." Brian and Vanessa bid their goodbye. I can't forget what they said about Pat, it's shocking that she's coming back after so many years. And it made me feel even worse to know that she's taken. Meg held my hand and smiled at me trying to lighten the mood.

"Can we just drink in our room, Meg?" I'm trying not to cry, but I really can't help it.

"Let's go to the room." Meg answered quickly.

While Meg and I were walking up to the room I saw a vase of White Rose, that makes me miss her more. That person who I wanted to be with in the present and future is unfortunately belongs to my past. I took one stem of white rose and brought it with me.

I noticed that I'm the only one who's drinking and Meg just stared at me.

"Why are you not drinking?" I asked her.

"How can I comfort and take care of you if we're both drunk?"

My tears fell without me noticing it. The weight in my heart gets heavier and heavier. I've been running from feeling this pain ever since she left me. It just feels pathetic to cry over someone who has never been yours and yet suffered for almost 12 years for not having this person.

"I don't want to feel this pain again Meg. I don't want to feel this anymore. I wanted to be free. I'm tired of crying." The tears didn't stop pouring from my eyes. I wanted to beg for mercy. I wanted to remove all the pain in my heart but I guess the one above chose not to hear my prayers.

"Just cry until you feel relieved, I'll be right here Nate. You always have me."