
Behind The Screen!

Warning: This is a yandere romance novel. Kanzaki is your average everyday guy. He has just finished college for a degree he didn't even care for but luckily by the grace of God he was able to get a job that he liked much more than the one he got a degree for. He became a V-Tuber! Kanzaki was quickly becoming a streaming sensation at an astonishing rate but there was always one person that commented strange things about loving Kanzaki. Where will this lead? Read to find out!

Unmasked63 · 現実
114 Chs


Crasher had been a viewer of Rose13 since the beginning. He was the male version of Selena but without the power making him unable to find his love in real life. The whole reason he began streaming in the first place was just to get to know her better. He had been gaining followers on his account for over a year to be able to get to meet her and this event was finally his chance.

Crasher nearly jumped out of his chair in excitement when he heard that he would be on the same team as Rose13. He was told that it normally would have been a random draw but his manager knew how much he liked her so he pulled some strings for him to end up on the team.

Needless to say Crasher sent that manager a decent amount of money before he had begun planning his course of action when meeting Rose13. Originally he had planned to be calm, cool, and collected since he didn't want to come off too strong off the start but when he met Kanzaki that all changed.

He thought that Kanzaki was inferior and shouldn't be allowed to join because he saw how small Kanzaki was. Crasher thought that since he had to go through such a struggle and for so long to get to meet her that Kanzaki would also have to do the same. Even though he thought these things he didn't say anything until he thought he heard Rose13 supporting him but was actually talking to Kanzaki this caused him to go off on Kanzaki due to his misunderstanding placing him in this situation.

Now that he was already in an unfavorable situation due to Kanzaki he couldn't hold his anger back. This was something he had been trying to do for over a year and now that he finally got it the entire thing crashed and burned due to a new streamer.

"GAHHH!" Crasher said punching a hole in his wall. His knuckle started bleeding due to the fact once his hand went through the wall he hit a pipe but he could care less about that as he pull his arm out and then called someone on his phone.

"Do you have any information on this Mask person?" Crasher asked the person on the other end of the phone. It was clear he knew them quite well since he even had their name saved on his phone.


"I don't know a ton but I will look into it as fast as possible. That man has been spending too much time with our queen lately. We need to show him that she is not his to have forever." Todd said on the other end of the line before hanging up.

Crasher smiled when he heard this knowing that Todd and the other 2 in his group would get the job done and figure out everything there is to know about Kanzaki as soon as possible. Until Todd called again Crasher sat on his couch waiting as he watched old streams by Rose13 loving every single moment he heard her voice.


'That was an experience.' Kanzaki thought to himself as he stood up from his chair. It was clear that Crasher did not like him in the slightest but he didn't really understand why. After thinking about it for a moment Kanzaki decided to just try and become friends with him tomorrow.

In his mind, it was better to be friends with him since they would be competing together in this event. He didn't want the first game he lost to be during an important event for Witch. This was the perfect opportunity for him to expand his viewership and have more money before his mom questions him any further.

Speaking of the devil he had a text message from her waiting on his phone the second that he turned it on. However, it wasn't something sweet like good morning or I love you but instead something else.

[Mom: I will be visiting you soon. Be prepared to show me everything you have planned to turn your life around otherwise I will be forcing you to go somewhere else.]

This message made Kanzaki frown deeply. It would be one thing if she was just telling him about another job and recommending it to him just in case what he was doing didn't work out but with this message, it was clear she wasn't asking him but instead telling him that he needed to find another way to work that included his degree.

In addition to that, it seemed like she was going to be even going to his apartment soon. How was he going to explain that he lived on the top floor of this apartment? There were many things he needed to plan but one thing he knew for certain was that he wasn't going to change his job any time soon, he enjoyed streaming too much to do something that he didn't enjoy.

He quickly replied to the text saying that he wouldn't be at his house until after the Witch event was over. Of course, he didn't tell her it was for a streaming event but just said it was work-related. Luckily she bought this and texted something back a lot nicer than what she had sent before.

[Mom: That's good I will see you after your new job trip then. At least you're finally doing something with that degree.]

After that text, he didn't message her back since he was done thinking about that situation. Instead, he went out of his apartment to go search for a new gym that he might choose to work out in from now on.

Kanzaki didn't go very far from his house but he actually ended up in an area that he knew quite well from his research. The gym that he had arrived at was a couple buildings down from the apartment his ex-girlfriend used to live at.


Witch: 72,335 Followers

Tweeter: 69,698 Followers

Authors Note: It took me a little longer than I thought but here you go homies! See you all tomorrow!