
Behind the Mask (マスクの後ろ)

xinn_ · ファンタジー
7 Chs

Chapter 2

"It seems that you did more than required. As expected of you, Yeou. You have three days to rest and come back for another mission." The old man said, giving the hidden message only the ANBU captain understood as 'Return home and change. Come back and I shall give you your next mission which will be an A rank with indefinite time of accomplishment.'

The said ANBU merely nodded and vanished before everyone's eyes. Kakashi sighed. His superior always did that as a way to leave or escape. Which ever the situation was. No one spoke for a while until Kurenai finally broke the silence.

"My apologies Hokage-sama but who was that?" she asked and the old man chuckled.

"That was Yeou, ANBU captain of squad zero. He has been captain for the last two years and has never failed in his assignments since entering ANBU. Despite his form, he is intelligent, a genius far beyond that of even Kakashi and Uchiha Itachi combined. " Kakashi acknowledged it with a simple nod.

"He is calm, collected, and highly perceptive. During difficult events, he is still capable of maintaining his composure, assesses the situation, and devises appropriate plans of action. His ability to formulate escape routes on the spot when cornered puts Nara's to shame. His strength can be compared to that of seven to ten S-rank captains of all five countries put together. But most importantly, his loyalty to his village and subordinates surpass all charts as he would and has never left anyone behind. When returning from missions, his team would have little to no physical injuries if he could prevent it." The listeners except Kakashi were stunned. He already knew all this.