
Behind the gun

The string of screams covered the room followed by howls of plea. A gun shot was heard. I opened my eyes widely trying to understand what was happening around me. I felt my hands been tied up from behind, I couldn't move a single inch. The man beside me was shot dead and the blood splattered on my face. "You awake, sweetheart" a girl probably around her 20's smirked looking directly into my eyes. I remember drinking in the club but how did I end up here, in the hands of most powerful female mafia, Lisa. ....... Lisa is a mafia who is trying so hard to find the traitor who sold the gang's information. She learns the traitor have a brother named Win and tries to use him as an bait to capture him but she doesn't know win is just a depressed soul with lots of pain in the inside and she unknowingly opens up the scars again. In the process of finding a traitor she fell in love with the traitors brother. [Don't read if you feel uncomfortable] Mentions blood and self harm.

Adalyn04 · 若者
10 Chs

Chapter 3: Traitor


I saw her lying on the dirty floor, eyes closed and breathing heavily. Her hands were gripping firmly on the side of her stomach covering her wounds in an attempt to reduce the blood flow. Her lips were busted and bleeding, Wounds and bruises decorated her face and thin body. My heart stopped for a second.

I ran towards her as I kneeled beside her, taking her hands in my palms. "Lisa..." she breathed out giving me a painful smile. "is there anybody here, we need help" I yelled as I tried to ask for help. This is the first time that I hate myself, I hate myself for not bringing my guards here, I hate myself cause I couldn't help her. I hate that I could do nothing. My vision got blurred as my eyes were covered with tears.

"Ivy, promise me you'll hold on, I'll get someone to help as soon as possible" I stuttered as I tried to get up but her hand tightened around my wrist, and she shook her head. A slow cryptic smile formed on her lips.

"Ivy, please..." I pleaded.

"Zee" she said, her voice was hoarse and dry, and her eyes showed so much pain and disappointment. She gulped as her lips trembled when she said the next sentence. "It was him" she coughed some blood out which splattered on my face and body, but I fuckin didn't care about that.

"Sorry Liz, sorry for not believing you" her tears met her skin as she apologized, I shook my head chanting the word 'it's not your fault' repeatedly. I was sobbing and weeping. She smiled one last time, It was broken and the smile screamed hurt. She closed her eyes as she gave up. I screamed punching the floor harshly as my hands starts to bleed.

"Zee, You bastard, I'll fuckin kill you with my own hands"

This scene keeps repeating in my head. Ivy was more than a consigliere, she was my best friend, a friend who stayed by my side from the beginning. Her death had a huge impact on me and this gang.

I reached for a cigarette in the drawer and lighted it, white smoke spewed from my lips. I kept staring at the smoke drifting through the air. The phone rang making me come out of my thoughts. I placed it on my ears and hummed.

"Ms.Lisa,our-our w-weapons, cops s-seized it" I threw away the phone which soon met with the walls and broke into pieces. I threw away all the things that were on my desk in anger. Everything is messed up really bad.

"That arms are worth millions" I gritted my teeth. Only if that guy stayed loyal, things won't be turning this bad. The hate that I had for that guy reached beyond his limit. I have to make him pay for the sins he did.

I started walking towards his room, my guards following me. Right now he is the only way, I have to make him spill the truth. The screams and howls are heard as I walked past the rooms. People were tortured for the information or shot to death when we find them no use. That's common here.

I dashed into the room as I saw him sleeping there legs tied up with chains. I motioned my guard to make him sit. He went near him as he gripped his hair, pulling it to make him sit. He yelped in pain as he was sat. The tears are formed in the corner of his eyes. I know this guy did nothing wrong but I don't have any other choice. I need to catch that fucker. I have no intention of hurting this guy or killing him. Once he says the truth, I'll let him go.

I stared into his eyes as I walked toward him. "This is your final chance, say the truth. I promise I'll let you go.." my voice was clear and steady. He stared back, an unknown expression lingering in his eyes.

"I don't know" his eyes looked like he was telling the truth, but a person with severe trust issues, Nah, I can't believe him. I turned my gaze toward my bodyguards and nodded, they understood what I was saying and started to get information in their own way. They stomped on his stomach multiple times and it will definitely leave a scar there. He started crying out in pain. He couldn't fight back, he clearly have no idea about fighting back, interesting...

"Let me go, you fuckers, I really don't know about him" he yelled with tears unable to bear the pain. I raised my palms as they stopped their moments. "You don't know about him?" he nodded painfully, his hands holding his stomach. "is it so? didn't your brother come to find you the day before yesterday." he gulped "but-" I cut him off "I shot him, the wound was quite big. There's no way he can escape without help, It must be you who helped him escape" I say as I placed my foot on his chest. I pressed my weight on my foot to crush his chest. He used both of his hands to push my foot off but it didn't work. I pressed even harder making him scream in pain.

"but that's the fuckin truth, I didn't help him" he yelled again, He's getting on my nerves as he keeps on saying the same thing. I took off my foot but I took my gun from my back pocket and I placed it on his forehead.

I breathed heavily as I tried to control my anger, I controlling myself from pulling the trigger and killing him right then and there. "why? kill me? If that is what you want" he said. This guy is really interesting. For a moment he speak like a terrified child and the next moment he screams at me straight at my face like he doesn't care about his life at all. This guy is making me a little too curious about him. I smirked as I pulled the trigger pointing towards the wall. He flinched a little and tried to hide it.

"let's go" I said as I walked out of the room with my guards following behind my back.