
Behind closed curtains:A scandelous mafia secret love affair

Camilla Romano the daughter and heiress to the Romano family who is a famous actress is a woman admiredby many. She has her own secrets with the biggest being her secret Affair with Luciano De vinci anotorious billionare and also knows as the richest man in the country,he is feared and respected by many,his reputation being he doesn't keep women. Unknown to them Luciano has a woman and a woman who he treats like a queen. In front of the world they are nothing but two strangers. BEHIND CLOSED CURTAINS they become lovers Their affair however is threatened when Camilla's father announces that she is getting married. Luciano will not sit by and watch the woman he loves get away. Camilla learns secret about Luciano that threaten to break her love for him Will this secret affair stand. ~~~~ ''My daughter and heiress Camilla Romano will be getting married soon''Papa announces and instantly my gaze moves towards Luciano silently begging him with my eyes not to react as there are too many people out here

Empressking · ファンタジー
7 Chs

Chapter 2 :Lovers


 The time for the auction starts and prizeless items are brought out for the audience to see and for people to bid on the ones which catches their attention.

 Camilla's eyes roam the hall hoping to catch a glimpse of Luciano and a part of her dreaded to see him with another woman.

 Looking towards the upper level she can feel eyes on her and without being told she already knows it is Luciano's.

 ''Ladies and gentlemen,a piano used by the-'' The man incharge of the auction says and soon a piano is brought out and he starts talking about a famous pianist who used to own the piano.

 Soon cards raise and people express their interest in buying the item while Camilla sits there her gaze uninterested.

 The items continue coming out and none catches her attention till a jewelry set is put forward.

 The necklace has a blood coloured ruby the shape of Love and little diamonds sorround it giving it a more elegant and sophisticated look.

 The earrings being simple with just the shape of love and being circled by little diamonds.

 Camilla instantly sits up with her hand tugging at joshua's an excited expression on her face.

 ''You want that''Joshua ask and she nods her head.

 The other females in the room also express their desires to have the necklace and the males being all from wealthy families turn it into competition.

''This is known as the forever chain''The bidder says gesturing to the necklace''An emperor got it for his queen to express how much he loves her and how they will be together forever'' The man continues''And truly it has been said that any man who gets this for his woman they get to live together forever'' The man finishes and hoots fill the room.

 ''The bidding starts at 1million''The man says and joshua raises his card.

 ''Three million''He says.

 Another man in the back of the room raises his hand''Three point five''

 ''Four million''Another says.

 ''Six million''Joshua says adamant on getting the jewelry set and at his words nobody says anything and some people even gasp astonished.

 ''Six million going''The man starts saying a grin on his face when another man runs towards him and whispers something in his ear.

 ''I am ttruly sorry gentlemen but this has been sold to someone for Twenty million''The man says and gasps fill the room as they look around wondering who brought it.

 Camilla pouts her hands folded across her chest as she looks at the jewelry set.

 Soon different prized jewelry start being displayed and she again shows no interest in any until an anklet catches her attention.

 The beauty of the anklet makes her raise her board and soon the room starts bidding.

 ''200,000''A man says at the back and Camilla smirks.

 ''700,000'' she says and the room quietens as no body bids higher than her again.

 The man in the shadow looks at his woman a proud and arrogant look on his face as he nods his head.

 He gestures for the person close to him who instantly stands ready to be ordered.

 ''Get me the other pieces of that anklet''He says to which the man nods and runs off to do as instructed.

 ''You didn't bid for that one why''His brother sebastian asks besides him and he smirks resting his body on the chair.

 ''I cannot bid against my woman brother, Wouldn't want my little tigeress to bite me'' He says and Sebastian nods his head.

 The auction soon comes to an end and Camilla sighs happy it has.

 The anklet she brought has already been wrapped and kept to be given to her.

 ''Let's go''She tells Joshua who stands up and wraps his arms around her waist and they walk out together greeting and smilling at people they pass.

 ''This was so fucking boring''Joshua says and Camilla agrees with him.

 They continue walking and some people look at them while whispering of how good they look together and how sure they are that they will be getting married.

 They enter the car and Camilla puts the anklet in her bag a smile on her lips but the other down at not getting the desired jewelry.

 Her phone pings and she raises the device to see that it's a call from her father.

 ''Hello who is this''Camilla asks and a deep laughter from the other side makes her smile.

 ''I don't talk to strangers,My papa warned ne not to''Camilla says to which the man chuckles already used to his daughters antics.

 ''Is your father now a stranger''Camilla's father asks and Camilla laughs.

 ''No papa,good evening''Camilla says.

 ''Evening how was it''He asks referring to the auction and Camilla instantly pouts.

 ''Didn't go well somebody got the jewelry set I wanted''She says in a spoilt voice and her father creases his brows''Why didn't you bid higher''He asks.

 ''Somebody already did papa''She says to which her father sighs promising to get her a similar set.

 They talk for sometime before Camilla turns to Joshua besides her.

 ''Drop me here I have something to do''She says and joshua looks at her unsure.

 Camilla glares at him and he tells the driver to stop,turning she places a kiss on his cheeks before steppimg out of the car.

 The car zooms past and she brings out her phone to order for a cab when a ferrari stops in front of her,rolling down his glass she sees Luciano's face who is looking straight ahead.

 ''Get in''He says and she enters the car and he leans down putting her seatbealt for her,she looks at the man sensing that he is angry at her.

 She doesn't say anything and sits in the car but after sometime stretches her hand and interwines their hand and the man turns to look at her a deep look in his eyes.

The tension between these two

Lemme go find my own secret mann

Empresskingcreators' thoughts