

My name is Luke Bronson and I am an hired assassin or hired gun to one of the most prestigious organizations in the world based in Africa. We operate in groups of ten with some of us holding one of the most lucrative positions on the continent of Africa. We were once children stolen and kidnapped from our homes and from different parts of Africa to be sold into modern day slavery, but luckily for us we were saved by an amazing lady with her own gang of rebels who got us out of the mess and made us into strong soldiers that we are today. We got ourselves together to make sure we put an end to slavery and kidnapping which has been going on a rampant since the United Nations has turned their backs on us and are only into what benefits them alone. Many people are sold into slavery, prostitution and killed everyday to have their organs taken and given to some rich person around the world on a black market so that they can live longer. We targeted some positions around the world to make us more legit and enable us to move in broad day light without being noticed by the government or the African Union as we fight crime in our own way of justice. We have a businessman with a very large powerful company of his own, we have a politician amidst us getting us clearance to all areas of the world Incase we land ourselves in trouble sorting out diplomatic issues for us, we have ourselves a capable lawyer who knows what she is doing as she was also someone stolen from her home and from her family, we have ourselves another amidst us a computer expert with his own company and also one of the most devastating hackers on earth, a pilot who could get us in and out of anywhere we want to or wish to and of course the rest of us all soldiers and killers who won’t hesitate to pull the trigger. We all vowed for one thing and one thing only and that is at the cost of our lives we shall take revenge and shake the world, those who destroyed our lives and took everything away from us shall feel our wrath so that more children like us wouldn’t have to go through the same thing we did.

Alao_Blessing · アクション
12 Chs

Midnight Murder

Before I snuck the bug into their car to listen to everything they were saying, every ounce of me knew those sons of bitches were up to no good. It was clearly obvious and wouldn't take a bloody magician or a fortune teller or some kind of spiritual medium expert to see that these bunch of fuckers were up to no good. Everything about them didn't smell right, they were always on the constant lookout, always fucking paranoid acting like someone would pull up on them any minute soon and pull the trigger on them and I wished that was what happened instead of them coming into the house having me do the job. Miremba saw them leave the car as the crept to the door trying to break in, we staged the fucking bed with some pillows so they would actually think we were both inside. Curiosity kills the fucking cat they say, and with me leaving Miremba's panties on the floor I knew the first prick would follow him right away coming for what's next. I stood behind the door in the bathroom looking out from the little space between the door and the hinges holding it to the wood on the wall, it was very dark and you would need to switch the lights on to see me in it. He walked slowly towards the panties smelling it he knew it was fresh and she just took it off, he walked forward giving the other two instructions to carry on with searching the house and looking for what ever they can find to incriminate us. Miremba waited patiently also staying in the dark just feet's away from the bedroom door, looking at what they were doing just Incase she might need to pull the trigger once they find something they shouldn't. The other guy came into the bathroom hoping to find something else, I made sure I teased him very well leaving her nightie gown on the floor then if that entices him driving his loins and hormones crazy, he might find the big price which is her bra then a bullet to the fucking head to mark the end of the fucking story. It was a matter of when or who will shoot first, three cops, three fucking police officers creeping into a civilians house in the middle of the night without a reason to or a warrant, that's more than suspicious for me. I knew Miremba would also be thinking the fucking same, without a good well investigated case leading to a persons involvement in any sort of crime, the law is not permitted to come into your house and hold you ransom unless they have something dirty to cover up and do not wish for you to know about it or spill the beans to the public. Many people have been killed in this sort of way or manner then they find some bullshit evidence then plant it around the scene calling it a suicide or opened the fire on an officer first before they went into self defense. One of ours was killed that way when we were still trainees and we all know too well never to let that happen again.

I had everything planned in my head, make myself look the bad guy and keep Miremba out of it, look for the weakest link around the three then keep him alive for questioning so that we may get whatever we want. Miremba kept her focus on the other two looking for the weak link, I have to shoot their leader in front of them both so that we can see who is the cowardly one amidst the remaining two. Their walked into the bathroom switched on the light as I fucking predicted, holding his loaded gun with a silencer and black gloves on, I knew at that moment they already planned to kill us a long time ago. He knelt to pick the bra from the floor turning around to look at what was around him, he saw my reflection in the mirror which I wanted to happen so he can call the other two throwing them in a state of mind of fear, disabling their sense of thinking throwing them into a violent mood immediately. He tried to shout to alert the remaining but couldn't complete his words as he ate a bullet to the head from me. His blood was everywhere leading to the remaining two pulling up their guns immediately, Miremba saw the weak one and fired on the other killing him immediately. He tried running out the door but Miremba shot him in the leg as she walked slowly to him with caution, I went to him telling him not to think about it, before you pull that trigger you are already dead or she is going to kill you. I said to him look we can strike a deal, all we just want is information and you can go as a free man as long as you keep your mouth shut. We knew that was never going to happen and immediately he gets to leave he would radio in Zuri immediately to get the rest of the goon here to finish the job so it was our way of making the hostage think that we are the captive. He refused to talk at first but after Miremba made him feel at home then he began to spill the beans as I asked him about what Washington America has to do with all what they got going on. I know the fucking Americans and fucking Russians can never be friends, my friend from the FBI even said to me once I am a fucking American right I mean just look at me but I will never sleep in the same bed with a Russian. He laughed at us after hearing what I said looking at us both he said you know for twin wise guys you both are really dumb and stupid. I felt insulted by his words but i still needed him alive so I let him get away with all what he said afterwards. That's the difference with working with Miremba, she is a lot more calm and violent compared to Lenora and be she could get her information smoothly without the use of violence unlike Lenora.

I had to stay calm and cool looking at the fool talk until he said to us you think the US government will know of this and still send aid to South Africa every time, look all around you, most of what we could point to in this country are built by either American celebrities or charity organizations, the fucking government is getting fat on the backs of the people and the Washington you talk about is a name not a state. Miremba took a piece of cloth to tie up the bleeding area making him feel a little more comfortable and giving him some water to drink and some pain killers, but there is something I also fear about Miremba too and that is why would you feed a pig you are going to kill for diner anyway, then the answer came to me just to fatten it up. She was cold hearted also and brutal and her ways are more scary than the straight forward approach Lenora uses to get rid of her problems just that hers are just unbearable and gruesome. I made it my motto never to cross any of these women knowing that they both have strong feelings for me, I kept myself away from them both focusing on the job and keeping all strings unattached.

After a while he calmed down and said to us Iric Washington, big time drug lord, illegal business tycoon owning one of the biggest casinos in Las Vegas Nevada America, he is also into one lucrative business that is ever growing and getting large day in, day out and that's child pornography and prostitution. Think about it, if you have this two markets in your hands, you are on top of the world. What happened next that night reminded me never ever to fuck with Miremba or her emotions, she went into the kitchen to make him something nice and a steak next to it putting some gravy on the sides which made him more happy, he ate and talked like we were old acquaintances. We wanted to know everything, where he got his suppliers from, how they got away with it in America and get girls to work for them. Where was their headquarters and location and he said to us slow down a bit, I only work for Zuri who is the head of the table of distribution, if you want to know all that then go find him. I'm just a simple pick up guy and drop that's all and if you wish to know where I work it's down here in South Africa, just club to club drops that's all. I haven't moved up in ranks to get to see all what you want or meet with them, it's not a one night deal and if this mission tonight had been successful, then I might have used that a leverage to break into the main house and not a street dog anymore.

Miremba called me to a corner and said to me we take out the trash tonight and burn the car by some bushes far away from here, I said to her why we not threaten him, make him work for us and get some more information out of him. I have his fucking wallet here, his name, address, family information all here, we can use this as leverage and force him into obedience. Miremba had insights and almost times never wrong as she said to me looking at this guy, if we don't kill him now, we might end up regretting it. I had no choice but to agree with her with the guy getting scared and worried we said to him we were just thinking of what to do with the dead bodies as he promised to sort that out if we let him go in peace now. I wasn't ok yet with all his answers as something kept pushing me and pushing me till I found the perfect question to ask the fool. I said to him with all this all in the light of the day and so many security services, organizations, neighborhoods watch going on, there is no way they can have that running just in a city and advertising it freely without them getting caught immediately. He said to me you think about this all too much, there is a saying that if you want to catch a thief then you have got to think, act and behave like a thief. You both must be some sort of secret organizations aren't you, maybe working with the United Nations or African Union, which one are you both, Miremba said to him neither. He continued talking as he said to us internet has made life easy for us all now, get a smart guy to develop a dark web for you and use sites just like Facebook for example to get your customers to join in after your payment and one thing also the IP address is untraceable. Of course Facebook is just for advertisement you know since you can reach a lot of people faster like this and it's one of the fastest revenues to progress and expand your business. It's just absolutely amazing, foolish folks will click on anything this days even if it's a horse fucking a girl or a dog fucking a girl, as long as it brings in viewerships, boom there you have it you millions of rands. We needed to know where to find them and their name of page on the Facebook so we tried our luck and he said to us still I know nothing of such as I am just a simple street dog, you need to be higher in the ranks to know such things. Get one of Zuri's close bodyguards, we might all pretend to be law abiding citizens in the day working as police officers but at night, we are the most dangerous gangsters in all of South Africa.