

My name is Luke Bronson and I am an hired assassin or hired gun to one of the most prestigious organizations in the world based in Africa. We operate in groups of ten with some of us holding one of the most lucrative positions on the continent of Africa. We were once children stolen and kidnapped from our homes and from different parts of Africa to be sold into modern day slavery, but luckily for us we were saved by an amazing lady with her own gang of rebels who got us out of the mess and made us into strong soldiers that we are today. We got ourselves together to make sure we put an end to slavery and kidnapping which has been going on a rampant since the United Nations has turned their backs on us and are only into what benefits them alone. Many people are sold into slavery, prostitution and killed everyday to have their organs taken and given to some rich person around the world on a black market so that they can live longer. We targeted some positions around the world to make us more legit and enable us to move in broad day light without being noticed by the government or the African Union as we fight crime in our own way of justice. We have a businessman with a very large powerful company of his own, we have a politician amidst us getting us clearance to all areas of the world Incase we land ourselves in trouble sorting out diplomatic issues for us, we have ourselves a capable lawyer who knows what she is doing as she was also someone stolen from her home and from her family, we have ourselves another amidst us a computer expert with his own company and also one of the most devastating hackers on earth, a pilot who could get us in and out of anywhere we want to or wish to and of course the rest of us all soldiers and killers who won’t hesitate to pull the trigger. We all vowed for one thing and one thing only and that is at the cost of our lives we shall take revenge and shake the world, those who destroyed our lives and took everything away from us shall feel our wrath so that more children like us wouldn’t have to go through the same thing we did.

Alao_Blessing · アクション
12 Chs


Our arrival in South Africa was a quiet one and we wanted it that way, things had escalated from whence we came and we didn't want any further interruptions with our investigation down here but to me I like to call it murder and assassination. We were spotted at the airport by one of our old acquaintances who refused to make contact with us in a sense giving us a signal that at present moment, he is with somebody he does not trust and wishes not to bring into the group. We waited for him at our old regular spot I very big pub where most degenerates come to visit when they want to do illegal deals and business in South Africa, it's a hot bed and cesspool for fucking suckers. After a few hours our man arrived begging us to pardon his lateness as he had to find a way to ditch the fucking cunt hanging on to him like a bloody leach refusing to let go until it sucks you dry. It was quite the long fun conversation we had discussing and talking about how we were going to go about getting our man who arrived in the city a long time ago, he said to us we might be a little bit late on that case and scenario. We knew not what to do, he said right now the fucking country is in a melt down with the xenophobic attacks going on lately, South Africa's are becoming like the wild animals they hunt for food in the forest. He sat there talking to us with pure honesty as he said to me I am a South African, and I am not afraid to say this but the truth is the truth and South African have dropped to their lowest of low. There is a lot of problems in this country and majority of it starts with us turning the blind eye to what we need to target first which is the war within us. We have suffered from the apartheid rule for years and decades that now its very easy for them to brainwash us into doing things they want and if you ask me, I still believe the white and the apartheid still control South Africa. He sat there taking a puff of his smoke as he asked for another cigarette, Lenora puts her hand into her pocket and gave him a whole pack as she said to him a kind gesture and gift for you all the way from Cairo Egypt. He asked how she was able to get that over here with Lenora saying to him I have my way and you have yours but as long as we both hit the target and get the job done, all is well. We laughed together as he stretches his hand to take a glass of cold whiskey he said to us all can we go for a friendly walk down the neighborhood, sitting here won't help us at all and one more thing, I have been sitting all day waiting for you, my ass hurts a lot. He gulped down the glass of whiskey sighing saying haaa now that's what you cold a nice old rum. We got up to leave as he puts his hand around Lenora neck, he said to me so the same with Miremba and let's walk out of here like a old couple. Lenora said to him if this was for old time sake with him trying to get with her then she wouldn't have any problems breaking his hands later as he said to us that fucker is here, I think they know about me investigating them and kept that bastard with me to keep an eye on me and give them feedbacks later.

We stepped to the streets as his partner followed us Miremba asked fin we could take care of him, he refused saying killing him will mean giving us away as he Ian so close to exposing their secrets. There is a lorn going on that you understand not he said, I will show you somethings that you are not aware off like this little establishment, it looks like a normal strip to you doesn't it, Lenora answered yes, he said to her well that's one of their fronts for covering up on money laundering and the most important aspect of their job cargo distribution. Miremba said to him what is cargo distribution, he replied there are somethings that you can't find out in a day but thanks to me, you will get to know it, check through the show glass Luke aids that bastard is still with us he said to me as we cross the road to the other side of the streets. I already had my knife close to me Incase he tries to pull anything and we have no other choice than to kill him, least I want right now is another Tripoli scenario happening here against with me looking for a bloody donor in a country with a high percentage of hiv aids patients in alarming numbers. He said toto us, what I am about to discuss with you is a very dangerous and sensitive topic so I expect you to listen attentively because I am only going to say this only once. When you spoke to me six months ago about your investigation and findings and how you were able to pin point and locate them down, I knew it would be a mater of time before you ask for my help. I was also doing some investigations back then looking into the alarming rate of kidnapping, rapes, child prostitution, and most especially women and child traffickings. It all was a big business down here and what caught my attention was about a man who dis virgin his own daughter and constantly having sexual affairs with her with her mother also knowing about this but since the father could have her killed at any point and time, she chose to stay quiet until she finds a way of escaping her horrible reality with her children. I took up the case to see what's exactly was going on knowing that this would lead to so many unfolding cases, my intuition was right and I was glad I took up that case. There has been more than fifty reporting of such acts happening over the area for a long time and reports of fathers raping their own daughters but the law refuses to do anything about it, I couldn't believe it and when I began to dug deep into it I found out something more frustrating, I member of the police team and an high ranking officer too was involved with all of this with a substantial amount of money paid into his pocket to keep quiet. I couldn't believe it so I continue to investigate that was when this piece of shit was brought up to my desk to be my partner and when I investigated him also, I found out that he was also a gang member, a very high one who answers to the top of the food chain. He said to us please let's have a seat out here in front of McDonald's, we can see him walking by later on and check where he Ian going or maybe he will walk up to have a seat with us.

We sat and waited for the fool to arrive as he gave us all the information we needed to know about him, where he lives, his family name, the people he worked with before he was appointed to him as they were all also corrupt and how he rose so quick and fast in the police force without doing anything really that serious which was a bother for him. He said to us in his thick South African accent, I dug deep into this murderfucker and believe me he has zero records to his past partners, like everything doesn't add up to the part where they said he was South African military which I found very funny. You know what else sounds funny to me, I heard that he was posted to Russia for trainings for good two years then came back to South Africa after then and after a year, he rose to the position he is in today. He gave me the car to the apartment he rented out for us as he said, everything you need to know Is in the wc, do not flush the toilet. He kept his emphasis on the do not flush aspect and I knew at that moment he was trying to tell me to flush the toilet. It was our code everything is always in reverse and everything is said to confuse the enemy just Incase they are close by. He said to us the fucker bites the bait, he is coming for us, I and Lenora shall be going home together tonight and I am going to pretend that she is my high school sweetheart who ran away from me because of her ambition to work abroad as a teacher because I have always fed him that lies and you two are her friends who came along with her to visit and know the country. The stupid fool came to our table sitting like he owns the place, like he owned the streets then that's when it all daunted to me that we needed to pay this bastard a visit later in the night. He asked us a couple of questions which we replied in turn burn kept him guessing on his feet most of the time, the man called unto Lenora telling her it was time for them to leave as we also stood up going towards our apartment as it was getting late. Lenora wasn't happy with the settlement with Miremba saying to him well you master your girl have a nice time, we haven't finished our conversation yet and we shall continue from there tomorrow.

I on the other hand had a lot on my mind and damn it was I going to let all that go after I got sweet intel which had me craving for more. We got to the apartment put some music on then went to the bathroom to fetch the fuckers file and other information given to us by the man which Miremba found very resourceful. We turned up the volume of the music then went to the bathroom to have a conversation with Miremba taking a shower, I went straight for the tub to get a nice warm bath to relax my body from the gunshot stress it went through and all other ass whooping. Few minutes later Miremba came out the shower to talk to me as she said remember about the Russians involvement in sex trafficking and sex slavery, we need to get this fool to question him some more, I feel like there are empty holes left to be filled by this bastard. We talked about ways to interrogate him for a while but we also thought it might give our intentions away quick and lead him on to us right away which will be bad for our mission, Miremba picked up the phone to give Lina a call on what she found out. We called Lenora later to ask her how things we're going down with her, she gave us a very horrible and off mind reply saying he took her out on a case instead of her to be working on our mission. We were discussing what we got from Lina and our next move when she told us she would call back as of now, she just found out something interesting that may lead us straight to the bastard we were looking for in Tripoli. I said to her not to wait up for us also, since they are out investigating a case that means he Is also with them giving us enough time to check his house for anything we can find.