

My name is Luke Bronson and I am an hired assassin or hired gun to one of the most prestigious organizations in the world based in Africa. We operate in groups of ten with some of us holding one of the most lucrative positions on the continent of Africa. We were once children stolen and kidnapped from our homes and from different parts of Africa to be sold into modern day slavery, but luckily for us we were saved by an amazing lady with her own gang of rebels who got us out of the mess and made us into strong soldiers that we are today. We got ourselves together to make sure we put an end to slavery and kidnapping which has been going on a rampant since the United Nations has turned their backs on us and are only into what benefits them alone. Many people are sold into slavery, prostitution and killed everyday to have their organs taken and given to some rich person around the world on a black market so that they can live longer. We targeted some positions around the world to make us more legit and enable us to move in broad day light without being noticed by the government or the African Union as we fight crime in our own way of justice. We have a businessman with a very large powerful company of his own, we have a politician amidst us getting us clearance to all areas of the world Incase we land ourselves in trouble sorting out diplomatic issues for us, we have ourselves a capable lawyer who knows what she is doing as she was also someone stolen from her home and from her family, we have ourselves another amidst us a computer expert with his own company and also one of the most devastating hackers on earth, a pilot who could get us in and out of anywhere we want to or wish to and of course the rest of us all soldiers and killers who won’t hesitate to pull the trigger. We all vowed for one thing and one thing only and that is at the cost of our lives we shall take revenge and shake the world, those who destroyed our lives and took everything away from us shall feel our wrath so that more children like us wouldn’t have to go through the same thing we did.

Alao_Blessing · アクション
12 Chs

Devils hinds

I decided to ignore the girl by the bar heading directly for the door to slug it out with the fucking fools aiming for my life when a miracle happened, a fight broke out between two local drug dealers who were looking to use the club as an avenue for them to come to a peaceful agreement on who was going to run the tuff. I could careless, my aim was Zuri and Nikolai and with every minute going by they get further away from my reach. The opportunity arose with the giant apes distracted, I was able to sneak myself out using another persons coat and a hat while everyone was rushing out to safety. Few seconds after I got out of the club I heard gunshots, I knew that would keep them busy for a while but a few of them would still be on my tail. The sexy lady came to me later happy to see me she asked for us to run, I told her that I would be fine but she insisted that I come with her since I'm a tourist in their country. I knew this smelt nothing but trouble for her and now I have to keep her safe so I thought about it carefully how to get her safely out of danger.

It took us quite a while to reach the church but we finally made it there with her hanging around me, i was unhappy about the whole scenario. It made life more difficult and killing impossible, I wanted to be free to act as a ghost to make work more efficient for me and make my movements faster, I gave her some money to get herself a taxi and ask for her address promising to meet her later. I stole someone's phone to fail iliev up giving him my present location, I remained hidden till he dropped by to pick me. We got to talking and he said to me not again, you really don't understand what is called solid investigation before attacking you just act out like a blind man as he spoke in his thick russian accent, I said to him let's get out of here first to a safe location then we can talk and one more thing I need weapons. Iliev is one of the best in town when it comes to getting informations on dirty cops, dealers, corrupt politicians and ex convicts, he never fails when you need him the most so for that reason I make sure I never get him involved in any crossfire or any dangerous job. The men of Zuri and Nikolai already reported back to them all what had happened and were given an order to put out a bounty on my head with a juicy price of two hundred thousand dollars to whoever brings back my head to them and one million dollars for anyone who could bring me back alive to them for questioning. I wasn't aware of this as I was still occupied with getting myself sorted with iliev, we got to the warehouse and I knew the only way I could leave this place is if I get out at night like I normally do to avoid any problems to iliev while I'm gone.

We were able to find some dirty secrets about their movements and how they do business with a high rank government official on their payroll, I intend to go after them one after the other. Some names kept popping up like Ruslan Tochiev, Alikhan Muhammad, Nurullah Luguevic and the worst of them all Islam Alumarzaev. All powerful figures controlling the city and no one can do anything about it. Driving around in a car is a lot easygoing but with this job of mine I need a fast bike that can go through tight spots and impossible areas so I said to iliev to borrow me his bike. He insisted not saying that was his favorite and he wouldn't allow me to wreck it for him so he provided me with an alternative just twelve blocks away, an abandoned building he uses to stash away stolen cars and bikes, pick your choice he said as I left with more than enough gears to start a mini gang war shootout.

It was late at night with a bag around my shoulder in the cold dead night full of lowlifes, drug addicts, dealers, gang members and pimps looking over their prostitutes, just by the corner of th fifth block as I intend to take a turn going towards the pedestrian walk I caught a sight of someone following me. I was very careful not to show any sign of interest in his behavior but I kept close to the areas which I can easily see a reflection of what Ian happening either besides me or behind me. There was a russian dude across the road having a phone call speaking in russian he told the guy Jan ya nashel grebanogo niggera, on napravlyayetsya k d'yavol'skim lanyam, vstretimsya pered nim, he never knew I understood russian well which means I found the fucking nigga, he is heading towards devils hinds meet me in front of it. That got me even more enraged that he referred to me with such a degrading word, I pulled up my hoodie acting like the snow was freezing up my face. There is a saying in Africa that goes by act wild fish later and it's the same thing applicable to these bunch of cunts, killing them was going to be fun. I lured him to a dark alley turning left towards the end of the street where no light shone through, hiding behind the waste disposal the fucking animal fell for the bait. He rushed into the corner with a pistol in his hand I snuck behind him holding a knife to husband throat I said to him in russian why are you after me. He refused to talk calling me all vile names he could think off to provoke me I said to him last chance, he then replied speaking english with a very thick russian accent you have got a bounty on your head my friend and if I don't kill you, sooner or later somebody else will get the job done. I threatened him further asking him who put the bounty on my head and he began to laugh saying to me that he is no rat, I said to him for your life I think you should consider being a rat. He said to me you have offended some very bad peoples who want you dead, you can't escape Moscow alive. Since he was a dead end and a time waster I slit his throat without thinking twice then took his gun and other ammunition I found on him dumping his body him the bin.

To find out who is after me and who put out the bounty on my head I needed to put myself at risk and show up in front of the devils hinds just like they agreed but first I need to know where my exits are before I walk myself into a potential trap. I got to the hinds waiting for them to show up or see anyone bite the bait but no one came forward. It was a crowded area with people walking up and down the street and cars moving, the club was buzzing with noises and people lining up outside to make an entry, then I saw a group of men in suits and mafia jackets entering then I knew it's just around the corner. He must be somewhere hiding amidst the people, until a car drove by with the head lights shining directly at him I saw a man pointing a gun towards me. Luckily for me I was able to dodge the first shot as I pulled out my pistol, the environment became a shooting frenzy. They had men everywhere but killing all of them wouldn't answer the questions I have on my mind. The guards at the club were also part of the gang as they aimed their guns at me shooting, I hid behind a car to check for where my exits are first before going up against them. There were men up high in the buildings with snipers waiting for me to pop my head out and they snipe me out immediately, some hid in the corners while some took the charge to confront me head on. He whispered something to them in russian sto tysyach dollarov tomu, kto poymayet yego zhivym, it means a hundred thousand dollars to whoever catches me alive. I had to figure out a way before I end up a sitting duck, then my mindless animal instincts came to me.

The first fool that came close I bend down to look under the car and saw three people on the other side of the car and two people coming from afar. I shot the three on the foot making them fall to the ground and went for a head shot killing all three immediately. The other two opened fire with the rest shooting from afar I was able to figure out their positions. I stepped out opening fire immediately I shot the two in front of me then went forward aiming at the rest of them. The snipers rained down shots on me which was very scary because I couldn't pinpoint their exact position but was able to tell which angle they shot from. I ran towards another car then threw out a smoke screen to blind the snipers and continued forward to take out my other targets. I snuck up behind one who was looking for me then kicked him behind the knee as he fall to his face I shot him behind the head killing him immediately. The next one standing next to him I hit him on the throat with the back of the gun forcing him to drop his gun and hold onto his throat because of the pain, I snapped his neck immediately. The third person tried shooting at me but missed a few times I shit him on his penis then shot him several times in the chest. I was cornered and needed to make a quick escape from that area before the smoke screen clears, I waited for all five members to gather together then threw a grenade in their midst killing all of them instantly.. The guards by the club kept shooting and said to the rest of their men still inside Vytashchite svoi grebanyye zadnitsy, dvigaytes', poluchayte rpg. Hearing him mention the rpg I thought to myself that I am screwed so I had no choice but to use my favorite weapon the shotgun. I said to them back in russian chto ty khochesh' ot menya, on nichego ne otvetil, tol'ko tvoya bespoleznaya zhizn'. sdavaysya seychas mirno ili umri muchitel'noy smert'yu. What a fucking asshole I said to myself I pulled out the assault rifle and started firing heading towards the entrance of the building before I get shot dead by a sniper, I hit four guys and killed them. I came forward again shooting at them the sniper nearly took my head off hitting my neck with a some drop of blood dropping on the car as I fell to the floor, their leader yelled to him ne ubivayte yego, on nuzhen nam zhivym, chtoby poluchit' nagradu v million dollarov. Hearing them talk about the reward money's again made me believe I was being hunted down, their leader said to me little African man, russian is not a place for forest monkeys like you, I was enraged and replied to him tvoya mama lyubit sosat' moy lesnoy chlen. Hearing me insult his mother he lost husband cool and stepped forward as his men followed behind him he said to me why don't you be a nice pet and rollover for me.