
Before The Catastrophe

Everything is so surreal. It was as if I could take all these buildings with both of my palms. The humans walking, and the vehicles driving in the road, look really tiny as if just a mere touch of my toe would destroy them. Yeah, it finally come to an end. I looked up to the bright blue sky... The sky, clear blue sky, filled with the whites of clouds. Now, was full bloody red, with a mark as if the sky itself got slashed, and from that, crimson tear dripping to earth, as if the sky itself bleeds.

Rainy_Yuu · ファンタジー
6 Chs


Morning sun that is practically a blinding flashbang, chirping sounds of a canary bird trying their best to soar into the sky, the grumbling noises of a computer machine that haven't got turned off since yesterday, and the snoring of someon-

Wait a minute, who is snoring?

I reflexively turn around the rotating chair I was sitting on, just to see a girl, sleeping on my bed.

Who is that again? She have blonde-ish hair, with some blackish accent at the end, cascading beautifully down to her thighs. Hmm, who is she? Why is she in my room? All these questions filled my small mind, and without a second thought, I decided to poke her forehead.


There was no response. Despite the physical touch, her nerves didn't react.

A corpse?

I examined her body once again and, fortunately, noticed the movement of breathing. Well, whoever she is, it's none of my business. Time to continue the grind for MMO that I currently was playing almost religiously.

And once more, the game started again, even though the in-game timer already was showing 13 hours straight for this game session.

Oh, how wonderful the weekend is….and by the 14th hour, it seems I had fallen asleep in front of the computer.

Once again, I woke up on a soft bed, now illuminated by the blinding sunlight. Hastily, I closed the window curtains and went back to sleep. There was a sound, the sound of hurried footsteps approaching, but I ignored it and focused on falling back asleep.

"Sleeping again?"

A girly voice. My eyes were too tired to see who it was.

"Wake up."

"I know you can hear me, Rinka."

Rinka? That's...my name. How does she know it?

My parents are on a business trip out of country, and I'm staying alone for now.

Wait a minute, why did I wake up on the bed?

I opened my eyes, and the girl I saw sleeping this morning was now showing an annoyed expression.

Sigh  "When will you fix this awful sleep schedule?"

"Even though I was sleeping next to you yesterday~"

Her expression changed, showing a glance of dissapointed face. But, now a new puzzle piece has emerged and I finally was able to complete the memory.

She is Stella, my fiancee or something, we're engaged. Doing something for more than 12 hours straight making you lose focus and forgetting something, huh?

Wait, where she going?

…She opened the curtain that I've worked really hard to close, well not really that hard but..

"Aaaaaa, It's hurts!"

"Oh come on, you aren't a vampire."

"I already make something for you to eat, just go downstairs if you feeling hungry."

"You know, you don't need to do that, right?"

"I know, but it doesn't hurt anyone."

She smiles, and leave my room.

'I don't understand her at all.' Is what my brain want me to think, even though I know full well why she do that.

I get out of my bed, wash my face, and fix this chaotic bedhair.

Downstairs, I see that Stella was reading something while sitting at the sofa.

Well, it's not my problem and I don't see the reason to disturb her. So, I simply go straight to eat the food she cooked. It was really silence, both of us doesn't make any sounds except the sounds of cutlery and pages flipped. For some reason, this silence really is comforting.

I'm done with the food, and was about to go back to my room.

Don't know what spirit possessing me, but..

"What you reading there, Stella?"


No response, she really was ignoring me.

"Thanks, your cooking is tasty."

"Just use anything you need here, if you can't find it, feel free to ask."

And I go back to my room, was about to hit the bed again, but the magic power leaking from the cubic things brought me back into it, yeah the internet lock me again.

And once again, the game started.

I already playing this for too long that I could do the efficient rotation purely by muscle memory from sound cue alone, thus allowing my thought to wander way too far.

Why did such cute girl became my fiancee again?

Ah right, it was by pure chance, or is it? I need to look deeper into the past folder data.