
Before The Catastrophe

Everything is so surreal. It was as if I could take all these buildings with both of my palms. The humans walking, and the vehicles driving in the road, look really tiny as if just a mere touch of my toe would destroy them. Yeah, it finally come to an end. I looked up to the bright blue sky... The sky, clear blue sky, filled with the whites of clouds. Now, was full bloody red, with a mark as if the sky itself got slashed, and from that, crimson tear dripping to earth, as if the sky itself bleeds.

Rainy_Yuu · ファンタジー
6 Chs

Having Fun is Good, Indeed

The first week was fully focused on stamina training, and preparing our body.

Second week was…surprisingly we now trying to learn how to ride horse, using bows and ranged weaponry for artistic value.

Third week was, close-quarter combat, knife, swords, spears, fencing and martial arts. Also focusing on the artistic value for some reason.

Like, the instructor really was trying their best to make us believe that these training…no.

They really believed that we was training these kind of things to go into tournament or something.

This months, was kind of packed compared to the other ones. Both for me, and surprisingly for her.

She kinda was happy? Is it because she secretly likes to go training her muscles?

But…her builds wasn't that bulky. Her skin still soft like cotton candy even after all those training.

Yeah, not my problems.

But, this also marks the end of February.

1 more months till it comes…

"Hey, Rinka!"


ah, I was still astonished by her soft skins.

"My bad."


"Well..it's fine to get more of it..But more importantly, what are you thinking right now?"


After answering that, the sounds of happy screams mixed with thrilled and scared scream was heard.

I just realized for the fact that we are riding the roller coaster at this very moment.

How silly of me.

But, she seemed to yet knew about that piece of information. Just how long do you want to leave her

in the dark, Kaku?

Mhmm, the rides is as fun as I remembered them, and she also enjoyed it even though her face was practically saying the opposite of enjoyment.

"You know, most of the time, I really don't know what you're seeing, what you're thinking."

"Aren't that good then?"

Slurps. woah, this drink kinda taste good.

Should get the name of the drink to nice drinks folder, brb.

"Cause, if you know everything about something, then it won't be interesting anymore."

"Well, for me that is."

"I don't think I'll even consider to date you if you were someone with bland and easy to read personality."

"See? I don't know whether you intent those remarks as insult or praise."

"But, bland and easy to read huh?"

"I was like that before, and you ignored me, so I changed my approaches."

"That's that, and this is this."

"I don't change anything, 'cause you don't seem to really mind it whether I show the shut-in self or

actual human being front that I use as a mask."

"Does this mean, if I was indeed asked for it, you'll change?"

"I'll try at very least, but the chance is kind of abyssmal might as well don't do it."

"Aww, no fun."

Lately, these kind of conversation kind of repeating itself, waiting for new piece information or something to share to make it fresh.

Or..she was orchestrating everything so I could drop my guard.

I..really hate myself. C'mon, why did you think everything and everyone IS your enemy?

Stop arguing with me, me.


"Do you…nevermind."


"Anyway, you free tomorrow?"

"I never planned anything, anytime. Just call me and I'll be there."

"Well..true that."

"Speaking of plans, I have something really cringy trying to come out of my mouth."

"What is it?"

She said that with such curious face, cute.

"You are the best thing I have never planned."

"Is that all?"

Haha, now she changed her expression to that of straight face, devoid of anything but


"Yeah, can't think of anything else but you."


Alright, that's enough for now.

"Could you stop?"

The sounds of friendly laughter of both of them fills the air, forced laughter that is…or is it?

Now, you just trolling yourself, me.

"So..what do you wanna do?"

"You need me for something could means 2 things, a date, or your Father won't allow you to go

unless you could drag me, which practically a date anyway."



"Where do you want to go this time?"

She brought a book, filled with bookmarks in almost each pages. Well, the book itself was kinda thin, but it was impressive nevertheless.


She opened the book with two hands, while pointing the side like a kid trying her best to impress

their parents.


"Travelling plans, huh? Why tho?"

"Lately, I've binge-watching for travel review niche, and I find it interesting!"

"But…father won't let me…well more like he won't give me sufficient money to survive if I go alone."

"When I proposed the idea of getting close-friends nor my exclusive housemaid to accompany me-"

"Let me guess, he refused and then putting something along the lines of "drag Rinka with you, I'll let

you." Isn't it?"

"What are you, an esper?"

"His action was kinda predictable if it was about our relationship, he really want to push this…"

"can't deny that."


I was expecting her to use the excuse for traveling, to distract herself while also experiencing things before the catastrophe hit the Earth.

Just how long do you plan to leave her in the dark, Kaku?

"Let me check my plans book first-"

"You don't even have one!"

"You already got your answer, congratulations!"

Ah, she is pouting…it is what it is.

"So? Everything ready yet?"

Stella was still busy with her problem, well not really a problem.

"ticket, clothes, money and cards. Yup, everything is there."

I tried to pick-up her backpack, but wasn't expecting this.

I think it was around 2-3 kilograms.

"You know, we don't need to brought that many thing when we can just bought it on the way."

As I tried to take out a bit of them-

"As they say, prepare an umbrella before rains raining down~"

"Alright sure, you do you."

"Where is the first destination?"

"What about Indonesia?"

"Indone..ah that? I mean sure, why not.. but why?"

"I don't know, I just want to try everything."

"Let's go then, the airport won't wait us even if we paid them more unless we brought a private ones."

"What about getting a private one, then?"

"It'll be a hassle, but more flexibility and we need to find someone to be the pilot and-"


She shut my mouth with both of her hands.

"Nope, stop right there."

"Let's contact father to help us set things up for our trip!"

And here we are, at a Great Forest Park, somewhere in Bandung, Indonesia.

As it's name stated, it really is a big big forest, that got touched by humans to be at very least good enough for tourism. It was full with big…really tall pine trees for some part of it, making it good area to lay hammock to rest while breathing these really fresh air.

The park was so quite big, it really is.

Looking from the information stored in the internet, it's have a whopping 528,393 Hectares.

Stella decided to spend every bit of her time doing something and only resting for food and drinks, but honestly? There isn't much to do other than enjoying the forests itself.

There are domesticated animals, within a quite remarkably big cages that tourist could feed with the vegetables bought from local merchant.

A playground for kids, some Flying Fox, a zip-lining attractions and some historical sites.

Speaking of historical sites, there is this really big one.

Two, actually.

Goa Jepang, and Goa Belanda…Japan Cave and Dutch Cave if we're going with direct translations I suppose?

We entered the one with Japan name first, simply because our location was quite nearby with it.

I said we, what I meant was a tour group led by a local tour guide. Not too bad honestly, it's better than blindly going inside of it, 'cause it's fricking dark.

The deeper you go, the more dark it get, as if the tunnel suck all the light there is.

And what is more funny? Local merchants selling flashlights exactly at the entrance.

How convenient!

Well, sadly with how technologies advanced, the flash from our mobile phone is quite good enough to navigate and see things inside. Good try and concepts though.

"Do any of you have a prior knowledge about the history of this caverns, tunnel system?"

The tour guide speak louder, to make sure everyone heard him.

"I…will take that as a no, I suppose."

He started explaining it, bit by bit, and it was surprisingly good.

So..let me just simplify it.

During World War II, Japanese invades Indonesia, found some tunnel system almost done, get them military of theirs working on it, and use it to store everything necessary in time of wars.

That's it, nothing more, nothing less.

But there's a catch, the Japanese military forced Indonesian local to dig it, expanding it further.

We could see some rocks, more rocks, and even more rocks.

Even the path we walk almost feels like a rock simply because how much people have gone here, changing the lands.

Bats sleeping soundly, but yeah other than that, it was just a cave.

"They said, that everything in Indonesia will always have spirits. Yes, Ghost!"

"But, over the 1 year I've done this gig, honestly there haven't occurred any supernatural occurrence~"



What if…I try to actually expose whether they are real or not?

What if…

A hand touched my back.

Really cold, as if they aren't alive.

"Rinka! C'mon, they already got further!"

"Oh? I'm coming."

Let's see…let me try something fun.

"If you're here, show yourself."

I kept repeating these words along the way, raising the volume each time, until Stella heard it.

God, that was embarassing.

"Who you're talking to?"

"Tried to call the so-called ghost."

"What the heck is wrong with you?"

"I don't find this cave interesting, so might as well do something fun~"



"If you really are trying to do that, what about using local language? I think it was called Sundanese or


Hooo? That never was occurred in my line of thinking.

Let me just translate it real quick and hopes they understood it, haha-ha.

I hate myself, just do it brother.

'Lamun maneh aya didieu, kaluar?'

How to spell it again?

"Lymun mane aia deedee… what the heck is eu?"

"Lymun mane aia deedee u. kayluar!"

Suddenly, as if reality itself got flipped, my vision turned up.


Then, I could see myself…or rather my own body.

It becoming darker and darker, to the point of pure darkness.

"Jang naon maneh neangan arurang?"

What the heck?

It's freezing all of the sudden, and after a bit, another voice echoes in my head.

"Why have you search for us?"

They could speak english? What?

"We transferred a bit of our power, to let you communicate with us."

And…I bet you could read what I am thinking, right?

"Simply, because that souls of yours doesn't have any means to speak."

Souls? Wait….I can't see myself.

"I ask you again, Why have you look for us?"

…You definitely already know what my reason is.

"That is true, The Punishment day will soon hammered it way to Earth."

`wait what?`

`yeah what the heck are they thinking when you answered that way, me?`

`I don't know either, let's just get along either way.`


Yes, and for that, I need you to lend more of your power.

A laughter, echoing infinitely.

"You? A mere Invader of this Land that I protected? Wanting to use my power?"


Did I look like an invader to you? There is a reason I come all the way here.


Even more longer, louder laughter, echoing, keep bouncing at the sides of my ears.

"Now I remember!"

"You're that person descendant!"


"BUT, your body…no, your souls won't be able to handle my full power."

A darkness sphere, inserted into my body…or my soul to be exact.

"Now, go."

Once again, the reality flipped itself.

…I'm alive…and I'm back.

But, I still could see my own body, just standing there as if freezing in space itself.


Ah, I could hear a voice, human voice to be exact.

And now, I could hear everything, from the dripping water, bat flying, to flashlight switching.

"Hey, Rinka?"

"It's not good to joke like that in a place like this, don't you think?"


Stella stopped moving, and turned around, just to see my body that didn't move any inches.

She tried to take my hands and…she failed, as if my body glued in the space.

"Hey…It's not funny to joke like this…"


"Are you still here?"

Terrified, she started running towards the tour guide.

I can't move, I can't follow her, or that's what I'm thinking.

The moment I let my brain to stop thinking, and voila, I could move now.

Woah, I could phase through everything, like that one ghost movie, 'Casper'!

Hehe, I'm blue badabideba.

Oi, stop joking around and think how to get out of this situation.

I mean, what could we do here? There's nothing, exactly.


Just follow the stream flow, we will definitely reach the sea.

I could move around, but it's seems the distance was limited by some unknown barrier, my head hurts just by going too far.

After some calculation, it was 5 meters from my body…yeah let's just wait and see how they handle this.


"Pertama kali saya nemu kejadian kaya gini."

He seemed surprised to see the state of my body.

"Umm, I'm sorry but, could any of you help me move this person to safety?"

He raised his voice, and a man with big bulk raising his hand.

It really is funny watching this unfolds in a cave.

"Alright! Thank you!"

"In 1, 2…3!"

They succesfully carry me up.

But, they also failed.


"What the heck is he? How the heck he feel way more heavy than 40kg dumbells?"

Once again, the tour guide raised his voice, to get more help.

He also running around, looking for someone or something.

After around 6 minutes…or so, I'm bored watching it so I started counting time.

They finally get my body outside, where they surround me like something funny or historical. They

even took a picture of me, how embarassing.


"Hey…It's really is not funny you know."

"You're wasting your energy, young lady."

The tour guide came back, with someone that wears something really…eccentric?

I don't know, it seemed to me that he was copying an Arabians outfit from those middle-east movie.

Then, he spell something with a bottle of water in hands.


The water, he fucking spouts the whole bottle into me.

Suddenly, I feel some sort of power sucking me, the soul, back into the body.

I opened my eyes.

Damn, this is really awkward.

First thing I saw was, Stella's happy-surprised face.

She is crying. I wasn't expecting her to be this emotional. Whatever…

I embraced her.

"So…what is happening to you?"

The tour guide apporaches us.

"Umm…the old man surely know, right?"

He turned around and..

"Abah, jadi kumaha?"

"Usir, Jauhkeun."

And he looked at me again.

"Umm…yeah, that old man refuse to answer."

"But, could you tell us what you did to get into that situation? To make sure nothing of it got repeated, because damn that was really heavy."

"Lymun mane aia deedee u. kayluar!"

"Umm, could you repeat that?"

"It was Sundanese translation of, 'If you're here, get out!'"

"Ah, Lamun maneh aya didieu, kaluar. Got it."

"But, that was quite a dedication to spell whatever stupidity of language we have here. I mean, it

should be hard for non-sundanese people, even my friend on the other provinces can't understand it."

"Never do it again, anywhere."

Suddenly, he looks really serious, the playful tone of friendly tour guide is now long gone.

"I hate to say this, but you really should go really far from here, as our local old man want you to begone."

"Yeah, I already got what I need here, don't worry about that."

"But, you know what? Despite your age, you speak english quiet fluently."

I handed him my business card.

"If you need anything, just contact those numbers and addresses and I'll do everything I could for you."

"Take it as a thanks for handling the situation so brilliantly."


I take Stella, no, I drag her, forcefully.

"Remember to contact me~"

We waves our hands, as a signal of parting away.

"Hey, if you kept crying, the driver would definitely be disturbed."


"Umm, sir, can you get us to City of Bandung, and…let's see… 'Mason Pine Hotel'"

"Mason Pine? That was quite far."

"Don't worry, we will pay you handsomely."

"…Alright, but we will stop by some convenience stores as I want some snacks."

"As long as we reach the destination, it's fine by me."

The taxi we called, now started moving, away from the area of that spirits

"It's seemed to me that both of you have a rough day."

"Just take a rest, I'll drive smoothly."

So…yeah, she still sticking to my hand like a glue.

"Hey…can you stop that…"

"It's really tiring…as if…I could fade away…anyt-"

I…could see a river, and someone waving their hands to me.


"Just kidding."

"Finally, you could let go of my hands, the tired part is not a lie though."

Her expression didn't change, it still full of fear and anxiety.

"I'm here, and all that's matter, remember?"

"It's scary."

"I know."

"It was really dark there too."

"I know."

"Why…why are you staring into nothingness back then at the cave?"

"I can't answer that, as every inch of my vision now locked onto you."

"I hate this side of you, the one that will always take everything unseriously."

"But, I am serious about this."

"So, all you need is a good rest, without overthinking anything, and hopes the dream won't produce

more of this."

Yeah, didn't expect this joke would go this way, but it is what it is.

The supposedly fun traveling trips, now could potentially be a trauma for her…Ah, I hate extra work like this.

But…really? Spirits? My common sense can't swallow such nonsense, but, I already experienced it.