
Before Moonlight

Story talks about a girl named Lucia on how she survives and handles her life after a sudden tragedy accrued. Will she break from her constant pattern and see things differently? (This will be the final remake of Lucia's story. I'll be sure to edit my errors and mistakes as more chapters release. I apologize for the very late response to my lack of updating content.) Contact me anytime for questions twitter@Simakida

Silver_Legacy · ファンタジー
4 Chs

New Family

She is now 12. She didn't had a home to go. She finally graduated from her academy. For the past two years she stayed at a new friends house name Shade. In Shades home, he keeps his dead parents sitting by the dinner table sitting across from each other. Shade discovered that Lucia wasn't able to smell a dead body. Lucia was stilled bothered about what happen to her mother. She began explaining to Shade about her being a spirit. Something her mother was. Later that month, the Shogun(leader of Pathway) assign Lucia a task involving collecting the Tenzaria weapon that is held by the Yomozai Family.

Tenzaria weapons are from a acient book called Tenzaria World. Tenzaria is a book with stories of heroic humans using godly weapons to kill the powerful ones that once used the tenzaria weapons. Pathway was born for the exact purpose of protecting these Tenzaria weapons against the public eye. Each weapon capable of doing unique things that enchants the human soul that weilds the weapon when the right conditions are made. Only people who went into the water of Tenzaria prison can hold the weapons. Lucia's father broke the rules, resulting in him and his entire family to serve under Pathway. Once one person swims in the Tenzaria waters. Not only that person but the entire bloodline gets that power. The leader of Pathway request Lucia, now an professional assasin. To get the strongest tenzaria weapon and in exchange, must be sisters with the Yomozai Family. Yomozai and leader of Pathway, Astsin Family were once a collaborative group who worked together to protect the Tenzaria weapons, but a deal went wrong and almost cost the Yomozai family life. They had to move away from the Astsin family, losing their trust. Pathway Leader, Yami Shogun, still offered them to take the strongest Tenzaria weapon with them incase the government one day take it from him.. Due to rumors of the Yomazai Family being targeted, he decided to send Lucia, his strongest Assasin to do this task. Giving her one week. Thus, her travel begins.

Lucia also carried a large case with her. It had her diseased mother inside. She wants to use this opportunity to take her mother to a location that has a field of Damask roses. She had Shade tagged along with her, knowing he would not be left alone dealing with bullies who might come bother him when she's away.

When she came home after killing her father few years back, she had stayed at the house for a few months, spending her whole graduation vacation in the room her mother stayed in until she was has to step away. Her uncle and her new born baby brother had left, nowhere to be seen. She never got to do anything her mother wanted. She was very sad. The room began to have a smell of rotten flesh. Her mother would soon decompose. The Shogun was willing to give her a special coffin to prevent her mother from turning or decomposing. The coffin was specially made by the government, to keep people from turning to continue their investigation on their suspect. The Shogun originally came to Lucia home to request her to prepare for a future mission involving requiring something from a land far from here. If she accept, he happily hand her the coffin. It had special magic made by the Ice Masters, keeping temperature 40f to keep the body fresh. Before Lucia was forced to leave the house as it would soon be burned down to prevent bacteria from spreading, she grabbed her mothers dairy and the coffin. In the dairy, she remembered she had read a page involving her trying to give herself a heart by using Rosa damascena aa ingredients. After some time of understanding the Rosa Damascus, she began to find it more interesting. Lucia saw on her trip flowers that matches the ones in the photo. She plans to visit the town nearby to see if they are what her mother described.

One day passed, Lucia and Shade arrived at the Town called Flower Day. A town focus on growing flowers. Lucia had noticed a lot of military guards walking around town. To prevent suspension she did her best to stay hidden. She confronted a shop owner and ask about the the image in the dairy. The shop owner smiled as he adored the art style before saying those were Rosa damascena flowers. Symbols of Beauty and Love. Lucia thanked the kind man before heading into the direction of the Damascena field he guided her to. Before she left the town, she spotted a few kids who were chained and cuffed by two guards. She suddenly had this feeling of regret if she left without doing something. She reacted quick, both her and Shade knocked out the guards and sprint away along with the children.

The children had names. Larah, John, and Koa. Each one introduced themselves when they got out the village. They were able to flee without having any suspension. When they got to the field, Lucia began to search for an open spot to dig then place her mother under the dirt. She was surrounded by beautiful Damascena roses, and hopefully her mother would rest at ease. Johln asked Lucia why she wasted her time putting her mother in the dirt and not just burned her. Lucia walked away without responding. She refused to speak to someone young who has not yet develope a brain to understand the situation. Johln saw this as insulting him and began shouting.

"I'm speaking to you adult! Just know thay I have more knowledge than you do, better respect me."

Lucia was lost hearing his response. She wondered if he assumed she had little info on the outside world.. She played along and thought of testing him, using him as her second brain while going along with his statement. She request to find a fast transport that would take them to a town that was once called Water of Truth. John grin and accepted her request and took the lead. As they walked, Shade asked how they got in that mess.

John explained, The guards were doing undercover work in search for unfamiliar activities. Due to them running from a science lab, they were considered unfamiliars. Lucia didn't realize that Larah shared the same name as her mother and she was caught off guard when she introduced herself. Lucia decide to not bring up the name, resulting in their friendship bring distant. She was born being a sciencist test dummy. Due to laboratorys being shut down across the world, she was release into the wild. She was five years old when this happen. She was found by a girl who she now calls her sister. The sister introduced her to her family and for three years she was living under a roof. One day the sister left and the parents went to search for her. Due to the child living alone, the government discovered this and planned to take her. She ran away and found a place that kept children safe. She stayed their and goes back to her home once in a while to check if anyone comes back.

John was a kid who was born in a rich family, but due to his eyes being different, they took him to an adoption home. Same place Larah was at.

Koa had bad memory and had no idea if she had a family. She just followed John around who she treated like the leader. One day their hospital caught on fire and they escaped, leaving the city and going into the dangerous open world.

The train..

They hop on the train containers of the train. Avoiding having to pay for a ride. Surrounding them were large boxes, a comfortable spot to hide. No one could hear them. Larah had to use the restroom, unable to keep holding herself back. Lucia tells John to take care of her. She let John in charge of taking Larah to the back of the train containers. Suddenly a long gun shot was heard. The train they were on was under attack. Lucia sneaks on the train to find out. A gang of thiefs were having their way with the female passengers, while some began shooting strangers that question their visit. Lucia dashed in and takes out the criminals. Cart by cart, she gave John and Shade orders to keep the passengers safe. Suddenly she found herself in a tough situation against a bigger man who was behaving non-normal. Her regular attacks were not working. The big man seemed to only have intentions to kill everyone he lay eyes on. Lucia had command John to get all the passengers to the front of the cart while she distracted him. She plans to cut all the train carts. John told her he was only a kid and had no way of getting their trust. He began to get upset at Lucia because she gave him an order that was beyond his control. Lucia kept her eyes on him hoping he payed her attention.

"The more you keep spending time on your insecurity, the less space and time you will have for faith!"

Lucia was persuading John to believe in himself more than doubt. Not telling him to be blinded by the funambulist situation, just to have greater faith than doubt. She had to have full trust in John, and John felt he also needed to trust her back. Lucia was his only role model he could rely on . Giving him courage to speak to the passengers on the train. Telling them how they could die if they choose not to listen. With ease, he act as himself and got people to the front of the train, telling the driver the situation. Shade had stay on his guard protecting everyone incase the big man came through. After a few minutes, John went to proudly announce to Lucia he did it. As he about to open the door to the cart Lucia was in, Lucia was surrounded by blood. It was a massacre scenery. It looked almost like Lucia was the cause. Her head turned towards Kane, giving him a fear never felt before. He detached the train, causing them to separate.. John felt if he didn't do that. He'd die. Shade feared this could happen.

Lucia sight was barely readable. Her mind could of think of blood and its taste. She stab her own head and knocked herself out.

The train stopped an the everyone got out. John, Shade, Larah, and Koa had retreated, knowing they weren't going to be able to explain how they got on the train without a ticket. They were lost. John was looking more of a leader in this situation, taking everyone away from civilians as he didn't want to be questioned on their whereabouts.

Lucia sat quietly in the train cabinet. She torn off a cloth from her uniform to create a scarf to block her scents for blood. She took this time to think about her powers more. She discovered she had some type of power to see things before they happen. She notice she had this same feeling a few times before during school.. Back at Shades home, Lucia did some testing involving reading objects movements. She discovered she could touch an item and get flashes in her head of previous events that took place involving that item.

Back to the train, guards or officers can be heard outside checking the train carts. She quietly exit and escape down the path. She picked up a t-shirt who she remembers John wearing. One thing she learned at school was to smell a object and tell if it was worn by a animal or human. She smelt for any Pheromones on the shirt and it definitely gave some John scent. Her eyes go blue, she was able to see some aura that smelt exactly like John. She followed it in hopes it lead her to him.

She later found them a bunch of knocked out guards. She got close to smell them, gathering more scent of John and it strengthen her mind on his location. Somehow, she knew exactly where he would be located. John was seen with a gun trying to aim at a large human figured beast who had took out Shade and scratched up Larah arm. John felt lost in this moment. He hasn't did anything to prove his parents he was apart of their family. To prove he was special.

"This life is too strong for me.."

He tries to shoot himself but a hand block the pointer of the gun. Lucia stood behind him, holding his head towards herself, hoping he would relax. Just like how she would when her mother held her head.

"You held onto faith as long as you could, and now I'm here.. Rest your mind.. I'll carry the rest of your worries." She stated angrily at her target she planned to kill for hurting her friends.

After that, they were off to the town again. Everyone was beat and depressed. Lucia looked at John, hinting she wanted an explanation.

John was caught by the governments security. They were then cross by a stranger individually with a cat human chained to him like a slave. The Slave had tagged along with them. He goes by Asumu. John then tries to leave the topic, seeing that everyone was over it or wanted to forget it. Lucia was confused on why they felt like that. John was curious how she found him.

"Obviously we would be at the closes town but you found us in a basement even the guards didn't know.."

Lucia explained that she might have powers related to something of an intelligent species. John tried to play it off like he wasn't impressed. She then came up with the term, "Beyond Intelligence". She told John that she aims to understand people beyond her level. She wants perfect insight to all possibilities to less her problems. John was once again inspired by this, however he wanted some type of proof. Lucia didn't decline this offer. While they took breaks, she had each person find any object they had on them and create a necklace out of it. This is Lucia's new way to read the memory of objects.. She gave everyone a mind read using objects they held. This method proved her suspensions.

Finally they arrived at the destination and grabbed the weapon she was aquire to have before returning home. It was a flute. She decided to let Asumu here to have them watch after him. Him being held animal could probably risk the Shogun treating him as one. With that done they headed home. Lucia decide to have her new friends tag along and keep them safe in Shade's home.