
Before Light

In barren lands roamed by Demons of dark, beings of light The Starbreakers fight back and try to save the people from the Demons' grasp.

JumboWong · SF
25 Chs

Before Light - chapter 20


" Woh?!Really??"

" Cool〜!"

The young women chatted at the cafeteria excitedly.

" NIce, Ayano~NIce~"

One of the girls sighed dreamily

" Going to space, With the Captain Akastuki?!

I envy you, girl〜〜!!"

" You sure want to go, right, Ayano?"

The girls kept on asking, pestering the one shy girl sitting among them.

" Of... Of course !! I'll go, but..."

" But ??"

The girls all asked, watching Ayano as she looked down, at her own reflection in the coffee.

" You got space sick ?"

One of them asked.

" Afraid of zero gravity ?"

" New armor's too flashy ?"

" Well.... What Is it ???"

The girls looked at the undecided one they call Ayano.

" It's...about Lima...."

Ayano whispered with a sigh.

" Oh!Right !"

" Your younger sister...?"

Ayano nodded uneasily while her friends fell into deep thought with her.

" I.. I don't feel right, to leave her behind again..."

Ayano went on

" But.... I don't know... But this opportunity, to save the World...."

" It's alright, Ayano!"

Her colleagues assured her, patting Ayano in the head intimately

" We'll be there by Lima's side !"

" Yeah!We'll take good care of her, We promise !!"

" Thank you...guys..."

Ayano was moved to tears.

Her group of colleague Moe smiled back

" Yeah ! Besides, what could go wrong ??"

" We are Solar Industries after all ! We are the best out there ! We still have Captain Seito with us....."


 What could go wrong ?







" Lima...?!"

The light in the luxurious Golden halls, all gathered in one small girl's hand, in the light saber in her hands.

Lima held it up to the level of her eyes, pointing its tip at the rows and rows of Saber holding Golden StarBreakers, who stood their ground with intimidating stances.

Suddenly, breaking the intense sient standoff, Lo, a woof ! a Bark !

And from Lima's backpack leapt out Elsa the wolf cub ! Barking and protecting Yuri with Lima by its side.

" Where Yuri goes, I follow."

Lima said with sincere determination.

Ayano was heartbroken and desperate.

The sister she had longed and worried for all the nights in space, now had her saber pointed at her.

She can't lose Lima again, not anymore—— Never.

Ayano used her StarBreaking visor to calculate a path to zoom in, snatch Lima out, and strike Yuri down.

For the Herunis Carna... For Lima !!!!

" I know we have to fight, Yuri !"

Ayano cried out

" But, at least... Don't Take Lima Away from Me !!"


Lima shouted back angrily at her sister's words

" Yuri... She was my only friend, when all my world has collapsed.... She was My Only Light ! ! ! !

And I have chosen to stay with Yuri, To Follow Yuri whether she goes !!!!!

Don't you Take Yuri Away From Me!!!"

" LIMA ————! ! ! ! ! !"

And with a sound breaking dash of golden force, Ayano was now behind Lima and Yuri, standing in an attacking stance behind Yuri's back.

Yuri's backpack shook.

Her egg, her child, shook for help.

Yuri's eyes widened and her pupils changed size, into cold Rage.

And the whole golden corridor exploded with ice, breaking the Ark from inside, piercing out numerous blue stacks that went on piercing and breaking the golden ark and its linking airships.

Ayano crawled back up to her feet, and saw, in the midst and cold fog, stood Yuri with her StarBreaking armor fully ablaze, stardust in immense burst, and her six energy grappling hooks humming and floating by her side like sentient missiles ready to strike at any given moment.

" Leave Lima..." Yuri hissed menacingly

" And my Child Alone ! ! ! ! ! ! ! "

And Yuri pulled her bow string of energy full length, with a long ice arrow, and fired lo devastating strike at the GOlden StarBreakers and Ayano.

The lobby wall exploded, and strong wind howled and moaned as it gushed in from the large orifice, snatching the sofa and luxurious furniture out to the skies.

The golden Star Breakers, also called Solar Breakers for their Sunlike appearances and golden armor, stood their ground firmly, unfazed by any blow.

Lima found it hard to stand firm, and Yuri came to her, hugging her up and called out Elsa the wolf cub, which Yuri infused her cold icy powers into the canine, and with high energy from a Starbreaker, Elsa the wolf turned large and Beeg, into a StarBreaking armored clad Large Wolf of calibre and ferocity !!!

A Great Wolf of white did a huge glass wall shaking roar it gave of triumph !

" Elsa, take us out of here."

Yuri whispered and The great canine Elsa let Yuri and Lima sit on its back and it pounced away with a air breaking force at it's prancing feet, crashing forth through rolls and rolls of guarding Solar Breakers.

They leapt out of the Golden Ark, but not so fully escaped ! For wherever they ran, the golden Ark reforged itself and surrounded Yuri in more and more walls of glass, trapping them in this labyrinth of Gold !

Finally, Elsa pranced down a path, where a wide long flight of stairs led to a high platform, where a red Torii stood.

Yuri hesitated, seeing beyind the red Torii a field, a wide glass platform but a lone figure of sun like blaze standing at the far end, as if waiting for their arrival.

It was, Lord Akatsuki the Golden's cabin field.

" Go." Yuri eventually whispered to Elsa and decided to go forth.

Lima looked on in determination, no turning back anymore.

And passed the red Torii they went, to the wide glass platform, and there at the end of that platform, emerged a golden Temple.

And before that Temple, stood, He Who Comes From the Sunlight,

The opening of day,

The one sheer Awesomeness.

Yuri and Lima leapt down Elsa and walked forth towards the King Of Gold, standing before his golden Shrine.

Akastuki, The Golden Lord, greeted them with but silence.

Yuri was prepared for a fight.

" No need."

Spake the Golden Akastuki, in their common tongue at last, his voice deep and resonating with the low vibrations of high atmomsphered of great silent space

" I am here to show you what I see, What I feel, and What I think. No need of arms, Child of the Herunis Carna."

Yuri put away her weapons and came to the Lord of Sun, who pointed down at the earth below.

Yuri looked down, seeing a blue planet below.

It was home. Naturally. Lovingly.

" We are Protectors of the Light."

Akastuki spake

" The light just like yours, The Light of Life and what comes from its roots—— Memories.

Memories of our own,

Memories of our ancestors,

Memories of Life,

Memories of the First Light.

They are all from Earth."

" That's why... You need to come back ?"

Yuri asked.

But To Yuri's surprise, Akastuki shook his head

" Nay. That is why, We can't Go back."

" Why ?"

Yuri asked.

" There are signs of Destiny everywhere, all the time. We just can't see it coming, but Lo."

Akastuki pointed at the Stars

" Stars move according to their own order, The Divine Order.

They hit each other randomly,

form which came Earth,

And as natural as Earth became, Earth will fall,

And AfterEarth takes its place.

Life finds a way.

And you, Yuri, you and the people of Light are the new way. Not us."

Akastuki walked back from the edge and to the temple

" We belong to the Old Earth, my child. This New World, is yours, and Demons' also. Live, and respect other Life without discrimination.

You are the Earth's next form."

" We... And Demons."

Yuri repeated as Akastuki nodded.

" Can you hear, "

Akastuki asked

" The cries of the Demon ?"

" Yes."

Yuri answered

" It is sad, of Longing. Of Feeling, of Sorrow."

" That's Because Demons, are Life, in their Nano Form. The Computer had succeeded in generating Souls of Humanity, and thus it kept the feelings of those that are corrupted and suffering still in Demonic form. The Demons are Life as well, but They remember the world that once was, and their Sorrow won't let them accept light.

The people of light too, will not accept them.

It is your responsibility, Child of Herunis Carna,

To lead Life to the right path and secure this world.

Follow not our mistakes, child."

Yuri nodded sincerely with a bow of gratitude

" I will try, all I could."

Lord Akastuki nodded back slowly

" Destiny has brought you to Earth to protect it's new residents. And as a former Protector, I see it wise to not intervene the coming Path of Fate.


Protect your world with my blessings."

And Akastuki drew out his saber of gold and with a quick slash of his blade to the heavens below, he opened a light path for Yuri and Lima to go, down back to AfterEarth, to save Children of Light and Demons together.

" Does this mean... You are giving up your home and leave it to us ?"

Yuri asked.

" Home it was."

Akastuki replied

" But we lost our chance.

The chance is yours now, Don't Lose It."

Yuri nodded and thanked the Lord, taking Lima with her towards the path of Light.

" WAIT ! ! !"

Lima looked back.

" Wait...Lima!!"

Ayano raced forth as fast as she could, throwing her helm and Trident away, and slided onto her knees to Lima, hugging her beloved sister tightly one last time while Lima hugged her back, both in tears.

" Lima.... Don't go.... Please..."

Ayano begged

" I have finally found you, and now..... I am sorry, I won't lose her temper again and will not Lie.....Who knows when we will meet again ?! Stay... Please..!!!"

" I am sorry...Sis...."

Lima replied, comforting her sister

" But... I think I belong here,

With my friends, my new Home... And Yuri.

I can't leave them behind.

I am sorry."

Ayano wept, and finally, after even Akastuki Tono came to comfort her, Ayano finally let go

" Goodbye, Lima."

" Goodbye, sis."

" Will we still watch the same Sun rise together ?"

" As Always."

And with a leap, Yuri, Lima and Elsa exited through the long path of Light, passing thousands of golden Torii gates along the way, until they passed the last one, Golden Torii gate.



Days after.

" I know this place."

Yuri patted Elsa to slow down, after running for half a day.

Lima looked forth.

It's a town, a town behind dilapidated walls, shrouded by Dark Nano winds.

" We've been here before, Lima."

Yuri said, lowering her voice

" It's where there were Wolf Demons, and where I met.... Varium. This is the same place."

" Shall we leave ??"

Lima asked in a whisper.

" No."

Yuri replied

" There's someone I have to meet."

" Who ??"

" Death, the Arch Demon. It has been following us quietly among the dark clouds for some time now.

It seeks my audience."

Lima couldn't understand.

But Yuri, she could hear them,

The Demons, especially the Arch Demon serpent, Death.

They are wailing,

Crying for help,

Seeking their Memories.

And Yuri went in the Town of dark, where Demons and corrupted people were already gathered, crying in incomprehensible shouts.

Lima was spooked, and hid behind Yuri.

" What are they saying ?"

Lima asked.

" They want their World back."

Yuri replied calmly, stern, but sad at them monstrosities, seeing them as the people they were

" But they can't, because the World moves on and on, and it's never meant to turn back.

It's never meant to go back..."

And Lo, Yuri and Lima felt the ground shake, the skies shudder, and from above, Archdemon Death descended from the dark skies and slithered down to the town, in front of Yuri's presence, casting shadow all over the whole wide village radius.

Demonic Souls coming together in uncountable numbers, that are deeply struck by grief, turns into Archdemons.

Like Archdemon Death comes not from one individual, but many.

A gathering of woeful souls corrupted by Nano scourge, but kept alive through Nano feelings.

They were in pain, but their sadness will never cease, and so their melancholy is eternal, and all the depraved souls yearn for one thing only.


Eternal Slumber.

" The Sky Lord fed you lies." Spake a voice familiar to Yuri, walking out from under the Arch Demon serpent's shadow.

And lo, it was Varium ! The one large corrupted handed Dark Unerva ! Walking out of the smog, to taunt and mock with deep malice

" Caesar Skyman owed us ! Our past !!

And here you speak of not going back to where we belong !! You are like Caesar Skyman !"

Varium accused with hate.

Archdemon Death moaned in agreement.

" Is the past really that important, to you ?"

Yuri called out in question

" To go back to a fallen world, a doomed fate ?"

The Demons hesitated.

And Yuri showed the Demons, her Child, the egg she bore , the birth of a new Age. A being that hasn't existed before, and now created.

This child is the proof of a new Future, New possibilities,

New Future.

Varium tried to argue, but fell silent, for this egg, that shone lights unlike those of Starbreakers, but of a New glow, New Future, never before seen possibilities.



Archdemon Death gave a terrifying moan piercing the hearts as the Archdemon swirled up to the skies quickly.

" What is it ?!"

Lima cried, and both Yuri and Varium sensed the coming,

Of StarBreaker Airship !!!

Firing missiles to destroy the town !

Of helpless Demons !!

But the Demons, they are living beings ! With memories too !!

Yuri have to save the Demons.

They are after all, part of this Home Too !

And as Varium zoomed to fight the Airship, Yuri accompanied her !

" Fuck off, you Caesar Skyman kissbutt ! I'll extinguish these Starbreakers myself !!"

Varium taunted Yuri mockingly.

But Yuri didn't mind her and went up to stop the coming Airship, to see the it's Chelavita !!

It's Reina, her new airship !

And out of the launching platform stood Seito and Momo ! And another pink armored creepy StarBreaker standing at the back !

" YURI ! !"

Reina cried out with joy on her ship, seeing Yuri in the town square, but then saw on the screen, Yuri's standing next to Varium Demon !

Reina was confused at this combination that came forth against her.

But Seito, as rash as ever, crashed down from the Chelavita and started slaying Demons.

Varium fought the Lightning Starbreaker first, but Seito with Momo on his back as glider support overpowered Varium with quick trading blows !

Yuri had to join the fight to stop them, pushing Seito and Momo back.

" Yuri !!?? You fight for the Demons now ?!?!?!"

Seito and Momo were shocked.

" Seito, Momo ! Let me explain !!" Yuri quickly cried to her old friends aloud

" Everyone must know, that what the Skylord saids about bringing people's light soul to a Land of Light, were Lies !! Those are lies to use us Starbreakers, to take the Light of the people to fuel his Grand mission ! To use it Skyworld as a weapon to fly away and Destroy This Home !

We StarBreakers are the ones that helped him gather all the Light, and I know the Skylord shuts down those who doubt his missions,

I have been shut down many times, But not now.

Not ever !

Because I Have my Own Faith now !!!"

And through Seito's visor and many surveilance cameras all over the Chelavita airship, Caesar Skyman watched in anger.

The Skylord's plots now exposed to all !!!

But before Seito and Momo could react, Varium jumped up again and punched Seito off his guard.

Seito was angered, and all went to Chaotic battle against Demons and Starbreakers that Yuri couldn't stop !!!

Caesar Skyman looked from afar through his million screens, sneering at all this, though his face sweaty.

" Father ?"

Caesar Skylord turned around quickly, taken by surprise

" Yes, my sweet Sora ?"

Caesar Skyman asked his Princess Sora, who looked saddened and worried.

" Father, have you seen Rio ? and My friends ?

I promised to show him my garden.... But, Rio... and the other children were gone. Where could they be ?"

Sora Sky Princess was baffled and worried.

" Sora."

Caesar Skyman knelt down to the small princess' level and patted her head

" Do you not love father anymore ?"

" Of course I love you, Father !"

Princess Sora said aloud, without hesitation.

" Then don't mention That Boy and the chldren ever again, you heard me."

Caesar Skyman ordered, and his daughter could but succumb and walk away sadly as Caesar Skyman continue his schemings.

While Sora Hime walked back to her room, a weak child stood at the middle of the corridor.

" Oh...are you alright?"

Princess Sora asked the weak boy.

" Princess..."

Spake this weak son

" I need your help."

" What help ?"

Sora Hime asked.

" To sleep ! ! ! !"

The weak boy, Turned out to be Finnir !! He stayed behind the troops of Neo secretly and waited for Sora to walk alone, and now with a hard knock on the back of Sora Sky Princess' head, the Princess entered a bugged phase, for Lo,Sora was not a living organism, but a automatum Prototype StarBreaking armor, computing the world through her wired techno brain !

And Lo, Sora Hime's networks were disconnected and Finnir secretly dragged the unconscious Princess away into the shadows.



Seito and Momo combined are formidable, with quick speed and responses of flight and tremendous force of lightnings, which posed Varium and Yuri no match !!

Seito with whirling slashes cut down all the buildings and Yuri was hindered in the debris !

But then !! Lima riding on Elsa charged out from behind and fought Seito too !!! And with a great bite and heave, Momo was thrown off Seito's back !!

" NO ! ! ! ! !"

Seito cried, seeing the young Starbreaker in face of peril,due to his carelessness, he raged, awakening his raw strength which He summoned a Lightning Vajra able to strike down all the Demons in the village parimeter !!!

But Lo !! Archdemon Death !!

Crushing down from above, fought Seito with such demonic fervor ! The ancient powers of Nano Demonry and davastating sorrow of undying trapped corrupted souls, all erupting out of Archdemon Death.

It's the reckoning of Seito. And he, in the most vital moment, dropped his Lightning Vajra !!

And Demon powers prevailed that day, and both Seito and Momo were defeated.

Archdemon Death gave out a roar of Corruption and despair, but didn't continue it's wrath on Seito and Momo, leaving the hurt Starbeakers as it turned away, swirling in the dark skies towards a certain direction.

" Follow me, Child of the Herunis Carna."

Spake Archdemon Death to Yuri alone through the voices of the tormented souls trapped within it's demonic hide

" The Memory of your path, I shall bequeath thee. The Memory of Despairity.

Come, if you are determined, to rebuild the Future."

Yuri, surprised by the Archdemn's attitude, Stood up to follow Archdemon Death, but stopped.

For Someone was calling her from behind.

" YURI ! ! ! !"

" ... Reina姉....."

Leina looked down from her ship

" Yuri....!! Where Are You Going To ?!?!?!"

Reina cried out.

" To Where I came from ! ! !"

Yuri shouted back

" To Where it was all meant to be !! And save all of you !

We don't need to live under the lies of Sky Lord anymore ! And We don't need to wallow in the past in despair no longer as well !

We must Move on !

Together !!

People of the past,

People of the present,

Together, we must build our Future !!!!"

Reina was in tears, for she agreed wholheartedly to what Yuri said, yet her hands gripped tightly onto the trigger of firing StarBreaking photon missiles to finish Yuri and Archdemon Death with one airship strike. For those trembling hands are not of Reina's control, but Caesar Skyman's manipulations through his crown that takes control over all those he revived with the light soul of jellyfish. He could control the world, the undead people with light blood and soul, but not Yuri.

Yuri has something else in her that which Caesar coveted for his one plan and only.

" Good...."

Caesar Skyman crooned, with his Celestes Helm glowing in manipulation onto Reina's mind to pull the trigger and end them all

" Kill them Demons ! ! ! Bring Yuri Back To Me !!"

But no.

Reina let go of the trigger, and smiled to Yuri, with tears of joy.

Her love, Her Memories, had broke the Celestes Helm's mind controls.

She was but a Solar industry colleague and had close relations to Castiel Bradson before Solar industry's fall. And When Caesar Skyman brought all perished back through light essence, Bradson had seeked to bring back those that were dear back with their memories.

Reina, and also Firren were Bradson's first two successful recipients to regain past memories which Bradson kept in secret from Caesar for he knew Caesar SKyman has unpure intentions after the loss of someone he dears turning Skyman into a cruel faithless tyrant.

For Bradson's plans from the begining, finnaly paid off in the right moment.

" Go, Yuri, and don't turn back !"

Reina shouted proudly

" .... The Future you bring.... We will all look upon with great interest——————"

TUM TUM TUM TUM TUM ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Gun shots echoed throughout the barren ravaged villages.

Lima and Elsa the wolf gasped.

Seito uttered a vehement cry of shock !!

Momo looked up from the ground she fell, her mind too stunned to react.

Yuri turned around and saw, with her eyes so wide,

Reina's chest burst open with shining blood and flesh, the shining blood splattered onto the Airship windows, and such a devastating wound, shot through by sharp scattering bullets from behind her.

And it was, Captain Valentine, in his pink creeping StarBreaking armor, who shot Reina captain from behind, with his StarBreaking Harquebus.

" If you won't do it."

Spake this Captain Valentine, lo, mind controlled by Caesar Skyman from afar !! Saying every sentence the Skylord speaks

" I Will."

And Captain Valentine pressed the trigger and let out all the StarBreaking photon missiles flying down towards Yuri and Varium and Archdemon Death !!

At this moment, Elsa White Wolf gave out a chilling howl, and became a Demon, black it's fur became in such a flashing change, and from its fur, the Great Canine summoned the powers coming from the shard,

the shard of The Shield of Vitas ! ! Emitting an etherial Shield of Demonic and Starbreaking force both together ! ! !

From which Vitas hid within the wolf cub to stay behind and save Yuri in the utmost time of need, and the StarBreaking photon missiles all were blocked and parried, crashing and exploding in places whatsoever,causing damage to barren lands instead.

As the smog and debris faded,

Yuri, Varium, and Archdemon Death had escaped.

Seito, with Momo carrying him on his back, flew back to save Reina, but saw that it was too late.

" Reina...no....!!!!"

Seito stammered, as Momo wept by the motionless captain's side davastated, and Seito looked up.

To see Captain Valentine, standing behind them, his expression dark, his eyes wide and in terror and disbelief, as if he wasn't the culprit at all.

" YOU ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !"

And Seito was about to punch this handsome dumbstruck man to pulp,

But before Seito's fists touched the terrified captain, Captain Valentine quickly, to save his own skin, sprayed Perfumes of slumber at Seito and Momo, letting both StarBreakers fall instantly into deep slumber.

Now, the Chelavita belonged to Captain Valentine, but in fact it was Caesar Skyman controlling him like a puppet from afar in Skyworld.

And from behind the controlled Captain Valentine, The Starchilds, Neo and his trusted chldren in newly armor, followed Captain Valentine for their own plans to save their other friends while secretly obeying the Skylord. but one child among the Starchilds led by Neo had a different intention, For Rio is determined to do anything Caesar Skylord saids with deep loyalty,

Only to win his beloved Princess Sora back.

Who was secretly kidnapped by Finnir Wolf Star, According to Wolf Star Stratagems ! ! ! ! !

And the Chelavita set off once more, foward to track down Yuri and her Herunis Carna.

[........To be continued]

" Girls !! Listen up."

Yuno came back and walked into the old dorm that belonged to Yuri.

Yuka looked up from her weapon construction wrack and Yun too looked up from her bent hugged knees, sitting in the corner with much melancholy.

" I have found Yuri."

Yun jolted up, tears coming right out of her eyes again

( Is Yuri alright ?? Is her baby safe ??)

" Well that took you some time."

Yuka sighed, standing up and came to Yuno

" Where is she now ?"

Yuno looked at the others, frowning sternly

" She is near, her Herunis Carna."

Yun and Yuka were pleased.

" Good !!"

Yuka laughed

" Now let's go and help her ! Save this Earth, and save all Earths ! !"

( When shall we start ? Now ?)

Yun agreed.

" Well..... About that...."

Yuno's voice turned grave.

" What ?"

Yuka asked.

" ..... Yuri had teamed up with the Demons. And she is corrupted. She won't be using Herunis Carna to save the World,

She is going to destroy it."

Yuka dropped her tools, in sheer shock

" Yuri..... Corrupted.....?!?!"

" That is so."

Yuno nodded

" Her Demon spawn had turned her Demonic——"

( That's impossible ! !)

Yun shouted at Yuno, angrily, staring deep into Yuno's thin eyes.

Yuno turned away quickly.

( Yuri's child is not a Demonic spawn....! Nor will it turn Yuri demonic ! Yuno, are you sure what you saw is true ?!)

" Yeah. You might need to let me fix those Sky pods of yours."

Yuka agreed

" It's really strange hearing from you say when Yuri escaped that you didn't know where she headed to...."

" That time was because I was using my Sky pods to block a damn sea of Light beams ! !"

Yuno snarled angrily, and coughed to regain calmness

" My Sky pods are fine. And if you don't believe me, see this."

And Yuno showed Yuka and Yun the screen captured from her Sky pods, of Yuri and Dark Unerva Varium !! Talking and helping each other fight Seito and Momo !!

Yuka rashly believed and felt betrayed by Yuri.

" I'm gonna Punch Her ! ! ! Let's go Girls ! ! ! ! "

And Yuka suited up her StarBreaking armor in no time and sped away.

( Wait !)

Yun cried for another look but Yuno had turned off her Sky pod screen and hid it to herself.

" Times running short, Yun."

Yuno spake harshly

" If you keep on hesitating and moping around,

You'll lose, like how you lost your child. Understand ?"

At this, Yun could but succumb and followed Yuno and Yuka timidly.