
Before him, There was I

In a Land called Pangea there’s a variety of powers roaming about but the most cunning and dangerous are those of the humans, only rivaled by demons and dragons…but dragons are usually peaceful except for the ones whose reversed scale has been trifled with… Kaleb is caught in between a war that he had no idea was coming for him, one that was unknowingly caused with him at the center, even the ones hunting him doesn’t know this, either way he’s been saved by young girl who has told him is a long lost comrade of his prepared to join him in his long awaited voyage and arduous journey that’s filled with unknown hindrances and betrayals searching to impede this tragic adventure. But what is that to a Cultivator, a Being before it ALL!! Well find out here and now in the Land of Humans!!

Dark_Sovereign · ファンタジー
6 Chs

The Calling Part II

A few minutes after the dust began to settle Leora's body began to heal as if by magic while she grunts in pain. She glances at Kaleb and can see that he's in terrible condition and all she can think about is how she failed in protecting her sisters child. Her only mission in life, but her mission is not over.

She starts to get up once she's healed enough and makes her way over while putting her sword away. "It's alright Kaleb this isn't how it's supposed to end, We'll go somewhere safe" Leora says quietly as the ring on her finger lights up swapping the sword for cloth she quickly started wrapping around her attaching Kaleb at her back.

— — ——

Meanwhile Kaleb opens his eyes, or what he assumed to be his eyes. He couldn't see his Aunt Leora's home around him nor his bed he was supposed to be heading to. He actually can't remember much except the story he was hearing about Balean and Koras.

He began looking around but he can't see anything it's was like staring into nothing but darkness. Weirdly Kaleb wasn't panicking or scared as he can feel his fingers and the rest of his body but he can't move or feel the ground on which he could be standing.

As he was beginning to feel worried suddenly a bright light started filling his vision.

"IT IS TIME FOR YOU TO REMEMBER YOUR OATH!! YOU WILL REMEMBER!!" A Majestic voice that sounded neither male, female, menacing nor kind resounded everywhere it seemed. Kaleb felt his insides start to turn as he struggled out a few words. "WHO ARE YOU?!" he said weakly as his skin began to peel from the intense pressure the entity was giving off.

"I AM LOYAL AND I AM ETERNAL SUCH AS YOU ARE!! NOW PREPARE YOURSELF FOR THE PAIN THAT YOU HAVE YET TO REMEMBER!!" Says the Entity as the pressure Kaleb has been experiencing started to increase exponentially.


Leora just finished healing enough to run and tying Kaleb to her back as she began making her way out the house. As she was close to the door she noticed the cloth she managed to cut but as she can see the shadows lingering she decided to leave it as she didn't feel strong enough to protect both and and Kaleb should another threat come along. So she rushed out the door and began heading to the nearest city, oblivious to any changes occurring in her nephews body.

— — ——

Kaleb mind is barely hanging on after the first thousand years of knowledge had been forced into his mind which consisted of nothing much except being cradled by darkness while not being able to move much like before the voice appeared while he felt as if his skin was being peeled off during the entire process.

"THIS IS ONLY THE BEGINNING" Says the Entity that started all of his pain. Kaleb can only stare blankly as he is having trouble even collecting his thoughts meanwhile a few strands of his hair began turning white.

The pressure increased once again but this time what came with it was more knowledge it was nothing but excruciating pain as his flesh was literally ripped off of his bones with no resistance and Kaleb felt all of it and screamed loudly and hoarsely using whatever strength he could muster and yet the only thought on his mind was how he was still alive and how surreal this all was. He thought where could his aunt be and why is nobody here except for this mystery person he can't even see.

The pressure steadily increased as did the thickness of darkness around him much like a sun to the night trying to balance each other, except the light was still much brighter and stronger.

The entity then laughed as Kalebs bones then were crushed along with whatever was left inside to pure nothingness that's when Kaleb no longer felt anything as he didn't know but all that was left was his Soul and consciousness whilst he floated there all he could think about was how he was glad it was finally over, that was until he realized he was still surround by the darkness and could still see the Light, but the pressure it was giving off was no longer as intense even though it still felt almost as powerful and it has actually starting to give off a since of familiarity Kaleb can't yet put his finger on…. that is if he had any fingers left.

"I have used more power than I thought I would so I can't give you everything that was promised but I will do what I can" The entity said whilst this time sounding a lot more understandable and kind with a feminine tone.

"Who are you?!" Kaleb managed to say but couldn't hide his shocked tone as he didn't understand how he can speak and no longer sounded hoarse.

"Don't worry I already told you my name is Loyal and all the pain is over with all that's left is rebuilding" said Loyal with a somewhat happy tone as if she's excited. "Rebuilding?" Kaleb asked. "You of course Silly Master!! I've already used my strength to destroy that unsightly vessel which tried to hide you from me!" Said Loyal while starting to laugh crazily. "Wait! You mean you killed me?! What about my Aunt ?!" Said Kaleb as the darkness around him started to increase and he became slightly upset as even he noticed his tone sounded darker than usual.

Loyal realized the human vessel must've made her master softer if he's asking about the well being of someone else….so she'll have to decide on a different approach it seems.