
Before him, There was I

In a Land called Pangea there’s a variety of powers roaming about but the most cunning and dangerous are those of the humans, only rivaled by demons and dragons…but dragons are usually peaceful except for the ones whose reversed scale has been trifled with… Kaleb is caught in between a war that he had no idea was coming for him, one that was unknowingly caused with him at the center, even the ones hunting him doesn’t know this, either way he’s been saved by young girl who has told him is a long lost comrade of his prepared to join him in his long awaited voyage and arduous journey that’s filled with unknown hindrances and betrayals searching to impede this tragic adventure. But what is that to a Cultivator, a Being before it ALL!! Well find out here and now in the Land of Humans!!

Dark_Sovereign · ファンタジー
6 Chs

Rebuilding Part I

"Calm down Master! You were already dead, I actually saved you so you should be thanking me, as for your aunt well, she's still out there" she says as she began to show herself when the light fades, Kaleb fails to finds any words as he forgot the anger he felt a second ago as he takes in her image.

She's standing just under 5ft wearing a Solid black, white laced dress with goth like boots. Her looks are unlike anything he'd ever seen as her skin is pale just like moonlight with is perfectly matched with her silver eyes and bright white hair which flows to her legs and seems as if it's an inverse of space with black stars flowing between her hair and outfit somehow going right over her skin constantly.

"Now this part might feel different but before we start take a good look at yourself and remember how you feel." Said Loyal quickly as if time seemed to be running short. Kaleb looks and he can only be shocked once again, he's heard of the inner anatomy of humans from his aunt and own parents but what he is seeing right now is entirely different.

Everyone is supposed to have a soul of course and a mana pool from birth and when they reach golden core realm their supposed to have a core in their Dantian which is condensed power. What he's seeing is a large pulsing sphere of red which he's assuming to be his Soul and below that where his mana pool should be it's also completely tainted red and is even slightly bubbling as if it's lava, then what's most shocking is that he is barely in the 10th stage of body refining but he can a core there as if it's sun lighting the area but it's still unlike what he's heard or prepared himself for.

His core was unlike any other it was a Beautifully bright Red with spots of darkness flowing throughout it constantly and sparks of golden and blue light constantly going off as the whole core was pulsing with power. "What is this?!" Said Kaleb as he still can't believe this was inside of himself.

— — ——

As Leora starting slowing down her speed she began to calm down a bit as she's picking up on some changes to her nephews body.

She had already noticed he stopped bleeding before she wrapped him up and even though there was no pulse, she knew her sisters son wouldn't die this easily as she looks at him over her shoulder she can see that strands of hair around his head had turned completely white and he's even breathing now, albeit slowly yet he hasn't healed at all, as she assumed he would like her so she can't afford to stop anytime soon.

"I'm glad they we were right you must be who our parents said you would be Kaleb!" said Leora as she picked up her pace again.

— — ——

Loyal Began infusing her power into Kaleb's being allowing her to rebuild him a new a better vessel, one more suited to reclaim his powers and better withstand the martial dao. To Kaleb all of this felt similar to taking a warm bath as he allowed Loyal to take care of everything.

She started weaving new mana channels and circuits infusing her own mana and Kalebs from his mana pool into them crafting very complex designs Kaleb didn't even try to comprehend. Then next she started using the pure darkness around to gather around his soul which started taking shape into his new vessel as she forged his new blood vessels then she took a special liquid which seemed to come from thin air and poured it into his soul and darkness which made Kaleb feel a type of freedom like that seemed all to familiar which started to make since when Loyal told him was that it was his blood, blood from a God.

She then started speaking lowly in an incomprehensible language in which Kaleb felt the changed in his body start to come together to forge something new. Once it was all over he felt completely different than before as if he was reborn, as he stood there and inspected himself he noticed that he's already in the Golden core stage now and that his skin is now just as pale as the girl's before him and that he's giving off a pressure that feels like his own but rivals that of his Aunts that he remembers was always so kind to him especially whenever they went hunting together but with his memories still slowly returning it feels as if it could all be a dream to him.

"Master, I'm finally done these changes are the best I can do for you with what I had, I hope your satisfied with this one's unsightly efforts." Said Loyal as she Kneeled down 'Even though it was the smallest amount of gods blood with his soul he almost feels as he did in his prime and I even trembled subconsciously' thought Loyal as she remembered why she chose her name.

"Loyal….I understand now and it's more than enough but… what I this dark red screen in front of me that resembles our power ?" Asked #?%^

"That is a system Master, You said you created it because It might be needed which it was because there was too much power between the two of us I had to use to reawaken you as your human vessel was on the verge of death" Said Loyal with a respectful tone.

"Death…Something that's always alluded me even now it seems" #?%^ said in a solemn tone.

"Status Screen" said #?%^


[Name] : Kaleb/#?%^

[Race] : Dark Human

[Bone Age] : 17

[Health] : 1000/1000

[Strength] : ??

[Intelligence] : ??

[Stamina] : ??

[Agility] : ??

[Level] : 1 (Exp 0/15,000)

[Souls] : 0/10

[Stage] : Golden Core Realm Lvl. 1

[Secret Arts] : Dark Shroud, Life Drain, Thunder Arts, Flash Step

[Bloodline] : God's Blood (Passive) Lvl. 1, Darkness Lvl. 1

[Skills] : Inspect Lvl. 1, Return Lvl. 1, Soul Capture Lvl. 1, Dark Descent Lvl. ?


"It doesn't seem like I'll be here much longer" Kaleb said in a dark tone even deeper than before. "I know Master which is why just as you intended I shall be with you for hopefully your entire journey until you fully recover and make sure you don't cause harm to yourself before then while you learn to control your powers again" said Loyal quickly as she stares at her masters figure wishing it could remain as such forever. The Scenery around them started to slowly brighten as Kaleb began to hear the sound of his Aunt breathing heavily as she runs and his memories of who he is begin to fade as he returns back to his body that's tied to her back while the last things he sees is the red screen closing as Loyal flies into it apparently coming along.