
Becoming Grindelwald's Descendant and The Next Dark Lord

In a post-war wizarding world, where the Alliance Party—an organization that once stood for unity between magical beings—has fallen into obscurity, a young wizard named Wentworth emerges with a determination to resurrect its ideals. Wentworth's efforts to revive the Alliance Party are met with skepticism and resistance as old prejudices and grudges run deep within the wizarding community. However, his unwavering determination and ability to inspire hope gradually draw a diverse group of supporters to his cause. With Cedric by his side, Wentworth navigates through political intrigue, magical battles, and personal sacrifices. Ultimately, Wentworth’s journey is a testament to the enduring power of hope, resilience, and the belief that a united front can overcome even the darkest of odds. The Alliance Party’s revival becomes a symbol of progress, reminding all magical beings that their shared future is worth fighting for. This is a translated work with over 480 chapters The chapter will be updated every day on 23:00 GMT+7 You can read future 40 chapters ahead at [p][a][t][r][e][o][n].com/Scaramousse !

Scaramousse · アニメ·コミックス
374 Chs

Chapter 327 "The Answer of A Grindelwald"

In the initial days without his wand, Wentworth found himself outmatched by Nibelungen's might.

However, with each passing encounter, he began to grow at an astonishing pace.

Initially relegated to dodging and seeking opportune moments to strike back, Wentworth soon found himself able to hold his ground against Nibelungen's onslaught.

Before long, he even managed to gain the upper hand, once again asserting his dominance over the mighty creature.

Though unsure if his progress was sufficient, Wentworth took solace in the absence of Grindelwald's ire. As he triumphed over Nibelungen once more, Wentworth couldn't help but collapse onto the creature's back, exhaling a sigh of relief.

"Is it finally over?" he muttered to himself, only to be met with the sudden arrival of Grindelwald.

Without a word, Grindelwald extended a finger towards Wentworth, silencing him instantly with an unseen force that rendered him speechless.

Though his lips felt as though they were bound by an invisible restraint, Wentworth remained composed, recalling the lesson learned from their previous encounter.

With caution, he leaped from Nibelungen's back, maintaining a wary distance as he observed the creature closely.

To his surprise, Nibelungen remained still, showing no sign of aggression as it slowly straightened up.

This time, however, it made no move to charge towards Wentworth, defying his expectations.

Nibelungen fixed its gaze upon Wentworth, its demeanor suggesting a reluctance to yield.

Despite emitting a low rumbling growl, it refrained from unleashing its fiery wrath upon him.

Observing this exchange, Wentworth couldn't help but grin smugly, shooting a triumphant glance at Grindelwald. It was as if he were silently proclaiming, "See, Grandfather? Nibelungen has finally acknowledged my dominance!"

However, Grindelwald remained unfazed by Wentworth's silent declaration. Instead, he directed his attention towards Nibelungen, his tone stern as he issued a command.

"Do it, or I'll do it to you!" Grindelwald's words hung in the air, a veiled threat laced with determination. "Perhaps once he's accustomed to silent casting again, you'll still find yourself beneath his claws. But at least then, you'll have the opportunity to make amends for the injustices you've endured."

Wentworth's expression fell at Grindelwald's words, his hopes of a reprieve dashed. Meanwhile, Nibelungen emitted another resounding dragon roar, as if expressing its own sense of resignation to the situation.

With a heavy heart, Wentworth braced himself as Nibelungen charged towards him once more.

Before long, he found himself pinned beneath the creature's formidable claws yet again.

As August drew to a close and Dumbledore made his return to Nurmengard Castle, the echo of a dragon's roar reverberated throughout the mountains and forests. However, by the time Dumbledore ascended the castle's steps, the once-piercing whistling of the Dragon had been replaced by a subdued, mournful wail.

Following the echoing sound, Dumbledore serendipitously encountered Wentworth emerging from his quarters.

Startled by Dumbledore's presence, Wentworth attempted to speak, only to realize that his mouth remained silenced by a spell.

Observing Wentworth's predicament, Dumbledore reached out as if to dispel the enchantment.

Yet, before he could act, Wentworth took matters into his own hands, subtly wiping his mouth with a hand, breaking the silence spell effortlessly.

Impressed by Wentworth's resourcefulness, Dumbledore smiled warmly. "It seems you've grown considerably over the holiday, Wentworth," he remarked, his eyes twinkling with pride.

Dumbledore's gaze shifted beyond Wentworth, noticing the Dragon sprawled on the floor of the room he had just vacated, panting heavily.

Meanwhile, Wentworth, though adorned with a hint of dust on his attire, appeared remarkably composed. It was evident that he had gained a newfound sense of calmness.

Just then, Grindelwald emerged from his own quarters, casually returning Wentworth's wand before directing a pointed remark towards Dumbledore. "Quite neglectful, aren't you, Professor? Leaving your students unattended for the entirety of the vacation without so much as a check-in?"

Dumbledore's expression registered bewilderment at Grindelwald's accusation, his confusion palpable.

Ignoring Dumbledore's presence, Grindelwald turned his attention to Wentworth, his words dripping with menace. "Albus came to fetch you," he began, each syllable heavy with implication. "Now, give me your answer. What embodies the courage of our Grindelwald family? If your response fails to satisfy me, even Albus won't be able to save you from meeting an untimely demise... whether you leave here alive or not is entirely up to you."

Wentworth remained unperturbed by Grindelwald's ominous tone. Brushing off the dust from his clothing with poise, he mirrored Grindelwald's deliberate speech. "The courage of our Grindelwald family?" he repeated, his voice unwavering. "It is to face adversity with grace and composure."

Grindelwald's reaction was inscrutable, his expression betraying no hint of approval or disapproval. With a casual wave of his hand, he relinquished his hold on the situation. "Albus, take him away," he instructed dismissively. "The sooner you both leave, the sooner I can return to my peaceful existence."

As Dumbledore prepared to interject with a response, Wentworth seized the opportunity to extend an unexpected invitation. "Grandfather, Professor," he interjected, a glint of mischief in his eyes. "Why don't we share a meal together today?"

Grindelwald's brow furrowed in disapproval, ready to decline the offer.

But before he could voice his objection, Wentworth continued persuasively. "I left a message with the kitchen staff yesterday, requesting a special meal. Today, I'll personally prepare a feast for you both. Please, do honor me with your presence."

Caught off guard by Wentworth's unexpected gesture, Grindelwald found himself momentarily speechless, begrudgingly acquiescing to his grandson's request.

Upon hearing Wentworth's invitation, Grindelwald remained silent, allowing Dumbledore to speak first. "It seems we're in for a treat, Gellert," Dumbledore remarked with a smile. "Wentworth has managed to impress even the most discerning students at Hogwarts within the first week of school!"

Grindelwald's response was laced with disdain as he scoffed, "What kind of students have you nurtured at Hogwarts all these years? But then again, why bother explaining? You're just... forget it. I can't be bothered to waste my breath on you; you're beyond hope."

Observing Grindelwald's lack of refusal, Dumbledore exchanged a subtle blink with Wentworth, silently conveying his approval.

Understanding the signal, Wentworth wasted no time in making his way downstairs to Nurmengard Castle.

As Wentworth disappeared from view, Dumbledore's expression turned serious as he addressed Grindelwald. "I received your letter," he began solemnly. "Are you truly set on this course of action?"

Grindelwald remained focused on his task, replying without lifting his gaze. "What? Afraid of wasting the time of the great Dumbledore?"

Dumbledore shook his head, his tone weighted with meaning. "Even if you release Wentworth in the same manner as you did with me, there's no guarantee he'll follow the same path as you."

Grindelwald finally met Dumbledore's gaze, his expression unreadable. "I'm not dictating his choices. I simply want him to experience more of the world," he stated cryptically.


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