
Becoming Grindelwald's Descendant and The Next Dark Lord

In a post-war wizarding world, where the Alliance Party—an organization that once stood for unity between magical beings—has fallen into obscurity, a young wizard named Wentworth emerges with a determination to resurrect its ideals. Wentworth's efforts to revive the Alliance Party are met with skepticism and resistance as old prejudices and grudges run deep within the wizarding community. However, his unwavering determination and ability to inspire hope gradually draw a diverse group of supporters to his cause. With Cedric by his side, Wentworth navigates through political intrigue, magical battles, and personal sacrifices. Ultimately, Wentworth’s journey is a testament to the enduring power of hope, resilience, and the belief that a united front can overcome even the darkest of odds. The Alliance Party’s revival becomes a symbol of progress, reminding all magical beings that their shared future is worth fighting for. This is a translated work with over 480 chapters The chapter will be updated every day on 23:00 GMT+7 You can read future 40 chapters ahead at [p][a][t][r][e][o][n].com/Scaramousse !

Scaramousse · アニメ·コミックス
374 Chs

Chapter 222 "Draco's Own Vault"

Upon Narcissa's standing, she initially cast Lucius a cold glare.

Only after giving Lucius an irritated look did she advance, positioning herself in front of Lucius and then leaning in towards Draco.

"Draco, is there something you can't tell your parents?" Narcissa inquired.

Draco was moved almost to tears.

Indeed, his mother, with her great maternal love, understood him the best!

Without hesitation, Draco nodded in acknowledgment.

Observing this, Lucius seemed poised to interject and offer his own comments, yet he reconsidered, recalling Narcissa's previous cold demeanor.

Consequently, he held back.

Narcissa nodded slowly to signify her understanding.

Just as Draco sighed in relief, Narcissa posed another unexpected question, "Draco, have you joined an organization that requires you to hide your identity?"

Draco hesitated momentarily, then nodded swiftly. Narcissa persisted with her inquiries, "Are the wizards in that organization very powerful?"

Upon hearing Narcissa's question, Draco recollected the night in the Room of Requirement, envisioning the effortless and quiet spellcasting of the other party.

Unable to resist, he nodded repeatedly.

Observing Draco's reaction, Narcissa fell silent for a moment before posing another question, "Is this organization very powerful?"

In response, Draco looked at Narcissa and Lucius, reflecting on the exhaustive efforts his parents had invested in obtaining answers.

Meanwhile, he had simply sent a message and effortlessly acquired the truth. Recognizing the formidable power of the Secret Hallows, Draco nodded in agreement.

Witnessing this, Narcissa rose from her seat and turned to glance at Lucius, and they exchanged a subtle understanding.

Subsequently, Narcissa gently stroked the top of Draco's head and whispered in a gentle tone, "Okay, I know, our lovely Draco has finally grown up! Remember, you must not tell anyone who you are. In the future, even if your father and I want to know something, if you feel you can't say it, you mustn't. Do you understand?"

Observing Narcissa's earnest expression, Draco nodded solemnly.

In conclusion, Narcissa stated, "Okay, Draco, I still have something to discuss with your father. You can return to your room now. Remember, if you want to know anything in the future, you can come and ask us directly. Don't eavesdrop on our conversations at the door like you did this time. Both your father and I had our wands ready! We don't want to harm you on accident..."

After Narcissa warned him, she signaled that Draco could leave.

Escorting Draco out of the study and watching him depart, Narcissa turned back to Lucius and addressed him, "Are you out of your mind?! Do you want to go that far and harm our only son?"

Startled by Narcissa's accusation, Lucius was about to defend himself, but she didn't afford him the opportunity. She continued, "Can't you see it yet? Clearly, Draco has joined the Alliance! Who knows if the Alliance cast any spells on Draco to prevent its own information from leaking? We must be cautious in the future!"

In response to Narcissa's revelation, Lucius responded incredulously, "Is it possible that Draco really joined the Alliance?"

Narcissa shot Lucius a disapproving glance and retorted, "Then enlighten me, Lucius. Which organization, other than the Alliance, requires its members to conceal their identities, possesses significant power, and boasts formidable members?"

Confronted with Narcissa's rhetorical question, Lucius reflected for a moment and ultimately shook his head in resignation, acquiescing to Narcissa's assessment.

Observing his response, Narcissa placed a consoling hand on Lucius's shoulder and spoke earnestly, "In the future, treat your son better. Remember that he carries your blood and name, the Malfoy's. The prospects for the Malfoy family's resurgence may very well rest on Draco's hand. You better start treating him like a human being."

Lucius' expression grows weary, contemplating the conversation they just had...

Draco reflected on the recent events in his room, idly toying with his identity card, the Jack of Heart.

Recollections of the conversation with his mother lingered in his mind.

"It's apparent that even my mother is aware of the Secret Hallows! Well, considering the organization's immense influence, it must have a long-standing history. My mother graduated from Hogwarts, and she likely encountered whispers about the Secret Hallows—probably not an exaggeration!"

"However, my mother mustn't have been able to join the Secret Hallows directly. Hence her hesitancy to mention its name outright. The same goes for my father!"

As Draco continued to manipulate his identity card, he contemplated the exclusive nature of an organization that neither Narcissa nor Lucius qualified to join.

Yet, Draco found himself a member effortlessly, prompting an inward chuckle.

His elation persisted for a while, but a sudden realization struck Draco—he had no one to share this joyous revelation with.

A pang of regret crept into his thoughts.

When Draco descended the stairs early in the morning, joining his parents at the dining table for breakfast, he noticed that both his parents were already seated and awaiting him.

After exchanging greetings, Draco was about to take his seat to begin the meal when he heard his father clear his throat. Lucius spoke, with a formal tone as if trying to convey an announcement, "Draco, you're growing up, and I've decided to open a new vault for you at Gringotts. I'll be depositing the first Galleon under your name. Additionally, I'll allocate a few family store shares to you. Your share of the profits from these stores will also be deposited into your vault."

Draco struggled to contain his excitement, barely resisting the urge to jump in joy.

Observing Draco's animated demeanor, Lucius shot him a stern glare and issued a warning, "Draco, I'm entrusting you with this money to learn how to use it wisely and make connections. It's not for frivolous spending on indulgences. Do you understand?"

Upon hearing Lucius' words, Draco was momentarily surprised and asked, "Connections? As in making friends?"

Lucius affirmed with a nod, fixing Draco with an intense gaze as he explained, "Yes, make friends. Your grandfather once said: that the best investment is to invest in wizards. With the backing of family wealth, I hope that you can gain more influence among your friends. Do you understand?"

As Draco grasped the implications of Lucius' words, he realized that his father's sudden generosity was aimed at positioning him as the financier for the Secret Hallows.

Although Draco wasn't certain if the Secret Hallows lacked funds, he knew he certainly did.

With that realization, Draco nodded decisively without hesitation. "Yes, Father!"

Observing Draco's understanding, Lucius expressed his satisfaction, stating, "Very well, I believe you've grasped my intentions. Incidentally, Gringotts has opened a new branch in Hogsmeade Village. While not as extensive as the Diagon Alley branch, it does offer rental vault services."

Lucius announced, "Once the Ministry of Magic lifts the blockade on Hogsmeade Village, I'll arrange to rent a vault for you there. It will make it more convenient for you to manage your finances in the future."

Upon hearing Lucius' statement, Draco grew in anticipation of the upcoming school term.

He can't wait to brag about it on Ron's face!


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