
Free will isn't real.

2009, Unknow location.

" Are we going to replace January ? asks September.

" Do we really want someone to replace him ? January knew a lot of secrets, his replacement would have to know them to. " add April.

While the rest talks, Sammael remember the death of January.


" You put failsafe in our minds, in all of us. I wasn't sure until the last meeting of the Deorum, but I had suspicions, that night when we attacked the Strix together, you point your gun in my direction, my instinctual reaction should have been to be on the defensive but nothing. I didn't even had a thought to defend myself from you, after that I began to have suspicions but I had no proof only doubts. " says January.

" And, what did you do ? " asks curiously Sammael.

" I had to be sure, but I had to wait an opportunity, no one know where to find you, you are a ghost but there is one moment where I knew you would be. " answer January.

" The meetings of the Deorum de Terra, I suppose you tried to attack me or hurt me and you realize you couldn't. " interrupt Sam.

" I tried to poison you, with a mixture prepared by a powerful witch. But my body just locked itself and stop answering to me, it wasn't until I renounced to the idea that my body was freed. " says January with anger, his body tensing in preparation.

" So you discovered I put failsafes in you and the other members, what are you going to do with this information ? " asks calmy Sammael.

" My first idea was to warn the others, returned them against you but you also put a failsafe for this, I couldn't talk about it, I couldn't write about, so I reach the only possible conclusion, I have to kill you. " respond January taking out a stake from his jacket.

" I trained my mind to resist your compulsion, I am free and I have the weapon to kill you. While you are different from the others you still are a original and this stake is made of white oak. " says January before using his vampire diurne speed to rush to Sammael.

" God hold the cards. " says Sam. The phrase force January to stop. 

" How ! I have control over my mind your failsafes shouldn't work. " exclaim January stuck in his position and paralyzed.

" You remind me of someone, his name was Leif, like you he failed and his rebellion was punished. Like you he always underestimated the others. " says Sammael losing himself in memories.

" But unlike you, he had the escuse of being young. How disappointing you are, but I have to admit you surprised me a little, I thought November will be the one to discover the security measures I have taken. " add Sammael.

Plunging his hand in January's chest he grap his heart.

" The white oak wouldn't have kill me. Goodbye Paul. " says Sammael just before ripping the heart of January. Observing the corpse he let out a sigh. 

" The Strix is becoming annoying, maybe it's time to teach them a lesson. " think out loud Sam. 

Flashback end.

December is brought back to reality by August.

" There is Slater, he's a knowledgeable person and his purpose is to learn as much as he can. He's an interesting candidate. " propose August.

" He's too young, he isn't even 200 years old. " says May.

" We were younger when we start this organization. " add October.

" He worked for us a few times and he did a good work but we don't know him enough to make him join our circle. " says July.

" We wait and keep an eye on him, we'll take the decision at a later date. " finish December.

2009, Washington. 

Sammael works on his device is interrupted by an alert on his computer, reading the news Sam is surprised to learn the death of Grayson Gilbert, he also learn that Grayson's daughter survived. He gave his word he'll let her live her life but now she's older and it won't be long before Klaus find her. While he experimented on her it didn't change the fact that she's still a doppelganger and like all the other doppelgangers she will always attract danger. 

She is his most successful experiment on the gene. As a little girl she could use pyrokinesi and telekinesis at a high level but a strong emotional stimulation was needed, fear being the one letting her use her capacities to their fullest but making her lacking any control on her power. 

Who know what she can do now as a young woman think Sammael, his interest growing each passing minutes. 

4 months later. 

" Tell me in details what happened in Mystic Falls. " asks Sammael. 

" The brothers Salvatore came back, Stefan is dating Elena Gilbert, Damon, I don't know what he is planning but he had 2 or 3 altercations with the Bennett witch. " report Slater. 

" You did an excellent work Slater, but I send you to discreetly observe Elena Gilbert so what did you found. " interrupt Sam. 

" I discovered that there was a series of accidents surrounding her, fire starting without reasons, objects being projected in the air and more. But nothing official, her father made sure to never let these incidents became public. " answer Slater. 

Slater finish his report on Elena and what happened in Mystic Falls.

3 weeks later. 

" The vampires trapped are free. They kidnapped Stefan, what should I do ? " asks Slater. 

" Don't interfere in any way, keep your distance and observe. " answer Sammael before hanging up. 

" Finaly alone. The head of your coven would be better, but the Gemini's know how to protect themselves. I hope you have the information I'm looking for. " says Sammael, to the Gemini's witch he captured. 

" I won't tell anything. I am loyal to my coven, I won't betray them. " respond the captif trying to break free from the constraints. 

" Don't be stupid, one way or another I will get the information but if I have to extract it from your head you'll suffer, spare yourself the pain and give me what I want. " Sammael threatens the witch. 

" We heard of you Sammael Mikaelson, you are maybe more disciplined and discret than your siblings but you are just like them if not worst. " provokes the witch. 

" So you want to do this the hard way. Very well. " answer Sam. 

Using his telepathy he enter the mind of his prisoner and watch her memories, he encounter a small resistance but with his mastery of telepathy he broke them easily. 

" Here. Yes this is it. " says Sammael watching a particular memory, in the memory he watch the Gemini's coven head revealed a secret to his most trusted witches and warlocks. 

A group of siphonner transformed in vampire have been send to a prison world. A perfect reproduction of the world but void of peoples and stuck on the same day forever. 

A century ago he heard rumors about a coven that produced siphonners, in his 1000 years of existence he never met someone like him, a siphonner. So he tried to find these siphonners but he never did, it was like they just dissappear from the face of the earth. The only clue was the Gemini's coven but even with the help of his concacts he couldn't find them. 

It wasn't until may 1994 that he manage to find them, a young man massacre a part of his family, Malakai Parker the killer was never catched. This sordid story unfolded in Portland, after that, it was only a matter of time before he find the Gemini's location. 

" I have to thank you, this information escape my grasp for a long time but today you gave me the answer to my questions. The least I can do is offer you a beautiful death." says Sammael, he manipulate the mind of his prisoner to make her see her happiest dream. He snap his finger, her neck broke instantly and with a wave of his hand the prisoner's body start to disintegrate. 

Leaving the dark room, Sammael think about the productive interrogation he conducted. He only need 2 thing to enter the prison world containing the heretics, the ascendent corresponding to the prison world and the blood of a Bennett witch. 

In the past he obtained Bennett's blood but he used all of it, fortunately he know exactly where he can find more of it. 

2 hours later.

" I am sorry to bother you again sir, but the situation... Somehow degenerated and end with the girl Elena, fighting a vampire. During the altercation she consciously used her power, she throw the vampire against a tree impaling him in the process, I think she used telekinesis. In all the previous cases she never used her powers consciously, I don't know how but this time it was different. " says Slater on the phone.

" Interesting, very interesting. " answer Sammael while he take notes in his notebook.

" What I'm suppose to do now ? It was a simple mission of observation, it's why I accepted it. " asks Slater.

" Nothing have changed, your mission stay the same. Don't involve yourself and you'll don't have any problems. " respond Sam, after a few minutes Sammael end the call. 

2 months later, Unknown location. 

" The project entered phase 2, learning to use CRISPR will accelerate the advancement of the project. Does anyone have something important to say? " asks December. 

" Mars infrastructures are almost ready to welcome 10 persons, do we send someone of our chosing ? " asks June. 

" And to do what ? For now mars is only important for the possible scientific discoveries, your obsession for money won't be useful up there. " explain August. 

" For now. " says quietly June. 

" I side with August. " add April. 

" Where is Slater ? I know we voted to not replace January seat but did we agree to make him disappear ? " asks March changing the subject. 

" I entrusted him with a mission. " respond December. 

" Oh, why ? " interrupt November. 

" I am merely satisfying my curiosity. " answer December without telling more. 

The session continues for an hour before ending. Sammael observed the others during the whole meeting and noticed that no one seem suspicious about January death. 

2010, Mystic Falls. 

Sammael look at his place of birth, it changed so much that he can't even remember where was his family's hut. 

He received a call a couple of weeks ago, Elijah said to him that he finally found a way to approach Niklaus. 

Elijah also explain that Katherine was here and trap in the tomb where the vampires was imprisoned. 

At the tomb, under the Fell's church. 

Sammael move the rock blocking the entrance of the tomb. 

" You manage to get trapped in the place you were supposed to be trapped the last century. It is almost poetic. " says Sammael. Coming out of the dark Katherine appear looking in a bad state. Sammael take out a blood bag and throw it to Katherine, she grab it, tore it open and drink the blood, she start to regain color and her strength. 

" Could you stop enjoying the poetic aspect and help me. " asks Katherine. 

" Why should I ? You're in there by your own design, you should get out by yourself. " answer Sammael with his eyebrows raise. 

" I am compelled to stay here, but you can cancel it. " says Katherine. 

" You are smart you'll be fine, a word of advice, if an original is daggered their compulsion is broken. Good luck Katerina. " respond Sammael before getting out of the tomb and leaving the forest. 

He have a last stop to make, Slater disappeared a month ago, maybe there is clues in his appartement, and he have to start his investigation somewhere.