
becoming Dipper in Gravity falls isn’t So bad ,is it??(rewriting)

Synopsis: A human from Earth died after participating in a suspicious online survey. What will he do in the world of "Gravity Falls" as Dipper Pines with only Dr. Vegapunk's intelligence and scientific knowledge as weapons? author's note: gravity falls is not mine and this story is just for fun and the same goes for the cover image of this fanfic

Herohero · アニメ·コミックス
33 Chs

Chapter 31: The War (2)

POV of an Unknown

[Startup in progress...]




[100% ... complete.]

"Where am I?" I said unconsciously, looking around.

"There was a time when I was in your place," declared an elderly man, walking slowly towards me with slow but steady steps.

I hadn't noticed him before he spoke, and he had a strange look as he observed me.

"Today, I am in the place of my creator," he said, finally standing before me. It seemed he was monologuing rather than speaking to me.

"Your name is PI, pleased to have met you, my dear guardian," he said, placing two fingers on my forehead. There was light radiating from his eyes, and my head was flooded with information.

"I... I am PI, the guardian," I said after regaining my composure.

I now understand why I'm here or, to be precise, the reason for my existence.

"Creator, I will do my best in my task," I said, kneeling on one knee.

"I know you will, my dear Pinocchio," he said as he left, leaving me alone behind him.

Since that day, I have never seen AM again.



POV of Zod (O5-10)

"What are the losses?" I said, wearing my combat armor and equipping my blaster and lightsaber.

I was particularly proud of my combat armor; it's at the pinnacle of Foundation technology.

It's capable of constantly producing an electromagnetic and gravitational force field to counter Time Baby's temporal anomalies.

It was AM's basic idea to try to confine Time Baby, but he always manages to escape before we can capture him completely.

In the end, the council members abandoned the idea of using an electromagnetic and gravitational force field to confine Time Baby, but to protect themselves from his temporal modifications.

Normally, the entire city is protected by a force field with the same properties as my armor, but currently, it's destroyed.

"We've lost the armory, the enemy attacked it first, and it's the same for the airport and the control tower," declares PI, my assistant.

He served my father before me and has always served the council member in charge of the Foundation's military forces.

"I feel this war is going to be expensive in repairs," PI declares, scratching his head.

"You say that, but you forget we have the crystals, so money or energy have never been a problem in Gravity Falls or the SCP Foundation," I say as I head outside.

"Gather all available units, it's time for a counter-offensive," I say, addressing my nanomachines to send the information.

"Mr. Zod, it seems time has been stopped," PI declares, observing the civilians frozen in place.

"It seems so, I just hope we won't have civilian casualties in this attack," I mutter, observing the man above the city who spreads his arms in the air with arrogance.

My temporal detector indicates that he's responsible for the temporal anomalies within the area. If I manage to take him down...

"How dare you point your weapon at the Time Lord?" declares a robot or a controlled armor, brandishing a new style of lightsaber.

"And you, how dare you attack our Foundation?" declares PI, walking towards the imposing robot.

PI is only 1.78 m tall, and he's walking towards a robot measuring 2.5 m carrying an unknown type of lightsaber glowing with an unsettling red light.

"Are you sure about this, PI?" I ask him. The men in my squad seem worried for him.

Although PI is older than many Foundation members, his teenage appearance and gentle nature instinctively push us to see him as a little brother.

"Don't worry about me, go after their leader," he says, leaping towards the robot.

"Insolent, how dare you defy the Time Lord in my presence?" it says, swinging its lightsaber towards PI, who was launching a punch to retaliate.

*Zipppp* sounds of electrical shock.

"For your small size, you possess great strength," declares the giant robot, putting more and more force on its blade. PI blocked it with his fist, which currently no longer wears white gloves but reveals his completely bare robotic hand.

"ZOD, GO TAKE CARE OF THEIR LEADER!" he shouted at me.

I had been distracted by the shock wave created between PI's fist and the robot's sword. I never thought it possible that machines capable of resisting PI existed.

At PI's words, I regained my senses and headed towards the location where I had observed the man emanating temporal distortions go.


POV of Dipper

*bam* sound of explosion.

"I came here first because of the unknown energy radiation that dissipates my temporal stop, but I didn't expect to stumble upon this," I say as I stand on a broken table.

In front of me were two people who had, let's say, interesting appearances, but most importantly, I had before me an interesting room with perfectly concealed technology under a mundane form.

"To whom do we owe the pleasure?" asks the man with glasses with a polite smile. I can see in his eyes that he knows that I know he's hiding interesting things here.

"Perhaps you've heard of me?" I ask, leaning towards the bespectacled man sitting not far from the table.

"Sorry, but I don't think I've ever seen you before," he says calmly.

"Hey, you, the madman," says the girl sitting next to the man with glasses.

"Do you know how much this outfit costs? And do you even know who I am?" she declares, standing up. She was clearly annoyed.

"I don't know who you are, but the technology in this room is really interesting," I say, observing the force field around this room.

It's similar to the one that surrounded the city before my "molecule destabilizer" could take care of it, but I can tell this one is slightly more concentrated in power.

"Hey, are you listening to me?" says the girl next to me.

"You're starting to bore me," I say before partially transforming into a time giant to give her a punch to the face.

Don't underestimate the violence of a punch from a person weighing 10 trillion tons.

"Oh, fascinating," I involuntarily say, watching the girl get up.

My fist had destroyed the room, and the only reason the girl wasn't carried away by my blow is the remnant of this room's shield that held her back.

"DAMN IT, I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!" she screamed.

"It seems I need to educate you properly," I say, advancing towards her.

I wonder how her head didn't explode. I know the Foundation must have made tremendous progress in technology, but for a girl to resist a punch from a being weighing 10 trillion tons?

"You're not going to do anything?" I say, looking towards the man with glasses.

"No, no, I prefer to stay here," he says, smiling, but I could see through his little game.

He wanted to see more of my capabilities and, depending on the result, he would act accordingly.

"I see I haven't arrived too late," says a voice.

I turn my head to observe where it came from, but before I could see who spoke, I was attacked by a violent blow.

Fortunately, GIFfany is in my U-watch; she activated my shield at the right moment.

Anyway, I intended to use my fruit to reduce the damage.

"It seems my blaster, which is the most modern within the Foundation, is useless," says the man, showing himself to me completely.

He wears combat armor similar to Halo video game characters and possesses a weapon that can only be described as enormous.

(Image here)

"You come at the right time, Zod. This guy came barging in during my discussion with O5-5 and gave me a violent punch to the face," she says, pointing at me.

I see the kind of girl she is; I should just dissect her after this war to understand what she's made of.

Currently, she's no longer bleeding and seems perfectly fine.

"I see the kind of scum I'm dealing with; not only are you a terrorist, but you also attack girls," he says, throwing his "blaster" to take two other weapons on his hips.

"I wonder if you'll be able to resist this," he says, observing me.

Author's note: I wonder what Sara's skeleton is made of to resist Dipper's punch, and what are O5-5's intentions for doing nothing.

PS: I'm writing something about "The Owl House," check it out.

Heroherocreators' thoughts